How do we solve the leaf problem?
How do we solve the leaf problem?
They're slowly killing themselves, we shouldn't worry about them
We need a final solution.
I just lubed up with some Maple Syrup and shoved poutine up my ass
If you kill us, we win
Can't Cuck the Cuckdeau
poison the maple syrup
Bring back Harper. That'd do the trick. I still believe in the leafs and they can brought back.
That one in blue looks so smug
I'm still proud to be a Canadian but I really am worried about the future of our country if Trudeau keeps this shit up.
President Trump could simply announce that Canada is now part of the United Sates. That's it.
Who is going to oppose this? Does Canada even have an army?
proxyfag attention whores are pure cancer, like this guy
get me out of here
Rob Ford was apparently planning on running for PM before he passed away
He was greasy as all hell but he did what he said he was going to do and revealed a huge amount of bullshit our taxes were going towards.
>Implying we even want Canada in the first place
We're still not done making one country great again.
If you kill me, I win
Trump must annex Canada. It is a weak sister to our north that is a Trojan Horse now with Refugees streaming in thanks to Trudeau.
Trump can even offer independence to Quebec if need be. But Canada is a fucking joke now, they have the same culture, speak the same language, but we can't let America's Hat become America's Merkel.
>He was greasy as all hell
maritimes or newfoundland?
Make Parliament seats represent population rather than where liberals are. Ex. Quebec (socialist) has 75 seats and 8 million citizens but B.C. (conservative) has 28 seats with 4.5 million citizens.
Reverse attacks on our rights especially free speech, erase Trudeau Seniors bilingualism bills, Elect more Harpers, Defund/remove power from Quebec and Ontario, Create fairer gerrymandering.
In short we're fucked.
Does this mean hitler actually won?
Or we can just let the Canucks fend for themselves.
>Trump must annex Canada.
seriously lel
dude chill
Well, you dirty Juden cunt whore, it is your lucky day. I am a 31y.o. white Euro Ubermensch dom, attractive, intelligent and "normal" on the outside but with the heart of stone when it comes to dealing with subhuman Jew twats like you. Not really a Nazi but am excited about this scenario. I have quite a few years of experience humiliating and degrading sub girls and frocing them to do unthinkable things and the scene you propose is a good opportunity to take it to the next level. I do know some German and although I don't have a uniform, I can rig up an outfit somewhat suitable for the scene.
Expect extreme verbal and physical abuse and humiliation. I will force you to wear a star of David and have your wrist marked with a prisoner's number. You will become an object and will have no name - you will respond only to the number given to you.
You will be subjected to humiliating inspections by the camp Commandant. You will be forced to strip naked, and measurements of your worthless body will be taken to prove your racial inferiority. You will denounce your subhuman race and your religion and will have to pledge alligence to the Reich while chanting "Heil Hitler!" You will have Hakenkreuz (swastika) painted on your body and I will force you to worship it. You will eat off of the floor or from a dog dish. You will drink water from the toilet.
>Create fairer gerrymandering
please if your the blonde contact me
[email protected]
niqka killed himself
>B.C. (conservative)
oh yeah, forgot he died
Canada is done for the next 20 years, when I drove by my old high school that was entirely white in suburban Ontario and I see it 1/4 Hijab Ninjas I'm done
I'm moving the fuck out until there's a race war
Toronto actually
A lot of my friends in high school were from Newfoundland and the Maritimes so I've adopted some of the slang
he was also greasy in the literal sense
Annex them and create our own version of Australia by sending all of our retards and degenerates there.
Maybe don't make them look so good relatively.
It's about as conservative as you get outside of Alberta. This election was a weird one compared to their historic voting trends.
lol I wish it was a proxy, I pay $150/month for gigabit Bell fibe cucknet
lol americans
In my college classes 3/4 are nonwhite
all mudslimes and chinks
I should probably go back to the university. you need money to go there so the only non whites are chinks
wat the fuck dude
never forget st. ford
>he was also greasy in the literal sense
at least he gave a shit
did nothing wrong
its CTR shills with proxies
How about you just leaf them alone?
1)Vote for Trump
2) keep your guns
3) Use the guns you keep
4)Grab the leafs by their pussy
Switch to rogers nigga damn, whats your dl/ul speeds at least?
RIP Rob Ford
Good guy, gave his constituents his personal phone number, drove around picking up trash, played football with disadvantaged kids, straight up, etc
>Called Trudeau a faggot that he'd shove his foot up his ass
With extreme prejudice
Russia, please annex us
>It's about as conservative as you get outside of Alberta.
Southern Ontario is a fucking tory wall
Nuclear war.
Canadians are the strongest race on earth
I know that bitch
You'd make first pick at the holocaust tryouts, man.
>I'd make the holohoax real for you
That's the nickname we give to American women.
940 mbps down
110 mbps up
sub 1ms ping
so did he win or loose?
s a v a g e
No were not
You do realize they have the best infrastructure established, right? Dynamic IPs, unlimited bandwidth, they don't give a fuck, I pay half what you pay for over 300/30mbps, and they don't give a fuck if you put everything through vpn
Also, you realize Bell & Rogers are an effictive oligarchy and are colluding together? Laughing at a rogers user while being a bell user yourself, is like laughing at a slow kid on the playground while you're actually retarded
Build the wall
Canada will pay
Oh I loved Ford. He had his own issues but he always did what he said he'd do and really called out a lot of the politicians and made a bunch of enemies because of it
gona need a longer version of this
>implying walls will stop us
Like the US needs all those liberal electoral votes that will guarantee Democrats win the presidency forever.
I have Rogers and can't shitpost on 3G/LTE because it's banned
Rogers is just fucked in general
I am
Their internet is the only thing I can say alright things about.
Over all we're getting so fucked pricing wise compared to the states, thanks to the government doing what they can to keep US competition out
>day of the rake
Ask them to Leaf us alone.
I have bell home Fibe and Cell
I have the Bell Router and my own 5ghz Router, each have a separate dynamic IP as does cell phone (so 3 Dynamic IP's)
I can literally get hundreds of different IP's a day if I wanted to
>tfw when Leaf shitposters are unstoppable
What leaf problem?
you see, I'm with rogers and I get none of that plus occasional service disruptions
plus their cell network is ass
Oh shi-
Underated post lmao
Look at that cavalry, they can save themselves
America mobilizes its military into ontario and quebec, executing Liberals, degenerates,
SJW's, and shitskins in the streets. Saskatchewan and Albertan forces will push
west to support the offensive. as soon as
the west coats is dealt with, we deport all
savage abbos to Nunavut gulags, and
install a new constitution with Texas tier
freedoms, while retaining the military culture
of the British Empire.
yea I have Bell for internet and TV
They're pretty solid but when the ice storm came around a few years ago, their IT was horrid and probably the worst I ever dealt with
Alaska is canadas clay. Give it back and we go away. Give us minnesota too.
>legalizes heroin
>legalizes non-consensual non-penatrative sex with animals
>first official gay pride month now celebrated
>made anthem gender-neutral
>imported 300 striking africans to fight fire, had to train them what a hose was
>already tripled the debt amount he promised
>already gone on over a dozen vacations
>admired merkel & clinton, meets with soros
>tfw its been just around 10 months
Post yfw you realize he still has over 3 more years to go in power
Nigger didn't change the anthem at least
to be honest even without foreign ownership restrictions (which are better national security-wise) a country this large is fucking expensive to wire. of course there's going to be an oligopoly because of sheer capital costs for market entry
at some point I fully expect the canada summer jobs program to be converted into a russia-style shitposting factory
would sign up in a heartbeat
You're in no position to make demands.
How can you destroy that which wins when it loses?
It took them 7 tech visits to install Fibe lmfao
They kept sending a guy without a truck, then each guy would say he needed a truck, and the next guy of course wouldn't show up with a truck and would reschedule
$150/month, it's quite a bit, but it's unlimited. All the other plans are 250 and they fucking rape you on overages ala Canadian styles. So I figure 150 or even more is what I'd get nailed with on other plans
We have the best singers.
>>tfw its been just around 10 months
a year and a day
Holy shit maybe they do that with everyone then because I had literally the exact same experience with Fibe installation