A Militia Gets Battle Ready for a ‘Gun-Grabbing’ Clinton Presidency

>The Georgia Security Force is one of scores of extremist militias nationwide that have rallied around the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, heartened by his harsh attacks on immigrants, Muslims and Syrian refugees. But no single issue motivates militiamen more than guns — and the enduring belief that Hillary Clinton, despite her insistence that she is not anti-gun, is plotting to take them away.

>“We thought it was bad under eight years of Obama, but the gun-grabbing is going to get a whole lot worse if Hillary gets elected,” said Chris Hill, 42, a blond-bearded paralegal who goes by the code name Blood Agent and commands the militia. He wore combat fatigues and packed a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson pistol on his hip.

>They long for an America they believe has been stolen from them by liberals, immigrants and “the P.C. crowd.” Their America is one where Christianity is taught in schools, abortion is illegal and immigrants hail from Europe, not faraway Muslim lands.

Why are gun nuts so crazy?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well that picture sure looks like somebody already grabbed his gun.

Not much longer

Most sheriffs would not allow it.
The military would stand down.
Republicans in congress would impeach.
SCOTUS would intervene.

their america sounds pretty cool but i think we should have mandatory abortions for niggers

>Blood Agent
I met him on xbox once

*pew pew*

Holy fuck why do americans pride themselves on firearms, and you wonder why they are so high in gun violence. Not only that, they'd rather resort to violence than rehabilitation when it comes to punsihment. What a shame.

>Blood Agent
>.40 caliber
*unsheathes katana
*teleports behinds you
Nothing personal, kid.

>and you wonder why they are so high in gun violence

we dont wonder we know why we have so much gun violence the FBI publishes it every year. #1 reason for gun deaths is suicide #2 is niggers shooting each other.

Second Amendment is for shooting and killing people who try to infringe on our God given rights. I don't know why people get so shocked by militias the government should be fucking scared. If they try to take guns we will fucking kill them.

>Why are gun nuts so crazy?
Why are liberals so afraid of guns, yet only want "muh oppressive police" to have guns?

stopped reading

Kek. Nice one, Hans.

Rehab doesn't work


Or do you want Breivik out in a few years?

These guys are retards buuuut...
They're not wrong.
>HRC will introduce an assault weapon ban.
And they have the right to have a militia.

I see nothing wrong here,
other than carrying .40s&w caliber

I love their threads saying you can't take on the government with your guns, ignoring that .50 caliber are legal in most states.

Also hilarious they think they'll overthrow the government, then whine when the protesters in North Dakota are arrested right away while it took almost two months for those in Oregon to be arrested.

>Most sheriffs would not allow it.
>The military would stand down.
>implying it will be a gun grab and not a death by a thousand cuts over eight years

>Republicans in congress would impeach.
>taking a stand about anything

>SCOTUS would intervene.
Which SCOTUS? The one with a liberal majority thanks to Hillary appointing the next three judges? Yeah I'm sure they'll have our backs....

Good luck guys, you might have heard of such a thing as a "tank", "airplane" or even a "missile" though.
I strongly advise you not to worry about it.

Oh and don't forget to pack enough snacks.

>it took almost two months for those in Oregon to be arrested
And they were just acquitted!

>the enduring belief that Hillary Clinton, despite her insistence that she is not anti-gun, is plotting to take them away.
Every action that she's ever done concerning guns points towards her desire to abolish the second amendment and strip citizens of any and all firearms.

The words out of her mouth don't matter. She has a public policy that changes to whatever it needs to be to get votes, and a private policy towards bringing about her dystopian state. The media helps reinforce her by supporting her public policies but overlooking her actual actions towards her private policies.

>this will be the new media false flag right before the election

mandatory badges for jews in the entertainment industry would be a good idea too.

Threadly reminder that insurrections cost the government lots of money. And allied countries don't like it when western governments kill their own people

She said the supreme court was wrong on guns, referencing the Heller decision in which the court upheld that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right.

>defending classical American values

I hate the intellectual elite

Don't let (((them))) know how many guns you have.

>Their America is one where Christianity is taught in schools, abortion is illegal and immigrants hail from Europe

A few years ago, maybe less, I would have been numale horrified by this. Now it seems like absolute PARADISE. This election has totally u n c u c k e d me.

This is where I stopped reading too. Fuck these people. I almost hope they steal it from Trump so we can start cutting down the ones who aren't smart enough to leave the country.

Looks perfectly normal to me. Someone goes after my gun, I guarantee one of us is hitting the pavement, probably not breathing too well. It won't be me if I can help it.

Look at the huge piece of shit in the marine cammies in the back ground. He probably thinks he's a fucking boss wearing those, but I bet he's a huge bitch that watches his wife get anally slammed by niggers all weekend. And have some self respect and shave that grimy fucking hair off of your faggot chin.

These guys always make me chuckle. They're probably jump right in and die enmasse after the first engagement with their COD tactics and bad knees and beer bellies.

Militias have existed in this country since forever. Shitting all over them is the same as burning the American flag

Ever heard of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan? The U.S. has a long history of getting BTFO when fighting insurgencies.

Now imagine fighting an insurgency that is literally all around you, possibly living next door to you, while trying to keep the normies happy with things like electricity, the internet, running water, highly available gasoline, and fully stocked grocery stores.

Give the normies a week or two of hardship without even one of those things and the biggest problem wouldn't be the insurgents, it would be the normies rioting in every major city.

Heads, I win. Tails, you lose.

>The Georgia Security Force is one of scores of extremist militias nationwide that have rallied around the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, heartened by his harsh attacks on immigrants, Muslims and Syrian refugees.

Fuck you you faggot lying kikes, trying to paint us as le dumb raciss sister-fucking rednecks again.

>They long for an America they believe has been stolen from them by liberals, immigrants and “the P.C. crowd.” Their America is one where Christianity is taught in schools, abortion is illegal and immigrants hail from Europe, not faraway Muslim lands.

This isn't the argument at all. We just want our guns and freedom of speech.

This article pissed me off more than it should have.


AZ has a long tradition of rounding up a posse when things got too out of control. We should look into creating a posse. I'll see what's on the books as far as laws etc.

Don't worry. They're too "sophisticated" to arm themselves. Civil war breaks out, they're the first to go.

>Ever heard of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan? The U.S. has a long history of getting BTFO when fighting insurgencies.

Last I read we were on the verge of winning Vietnam, we toppled Iraq and our losses were minuscule compared to theirs, Afghanistan was the pretty much the same. The side with more money wins, simple as that.

>Now imagine fighting an insurgency that is literally all around you, possibly living next door to you, while trying to keep the normies happy with things like electricity, the internet, running water, highly available gasoline, and fully stocked grocery stores.

Yea but I bet you dollars to donuts most of those idiots paid for shit with credit cards, have facebook pages or walked around wearing their pseudo military t-shirts to corner markets and wal-marts. They're be found out in a heartbeat and their element of surprise null.

>Give the normies a week or two of hardship without even one of those things and the biggest problem wouldn't be the insurgents, it would be the normies rioting in every major city.

Same can be said about them, how long do you think they'll last living in the forest, war is a young mans game most of those dudes are wannabe soldiers or over the hill ex military with medications they need to take.

Ameribro our founding fathers took this nation from the original inhabitants with guns, rebelled against a tyrannical government and formed their own nation.
They knew that history WOULD REPEAT ITSELF and that one day the people would need to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. History has shown throughout that governments become overly tyrannical and the only thing that stops them is an armed revolution. Whether those arms are sticks, swords or guns the people must be armed.

The only way for a government to protect itself against the possibility of its citizens rebelling is to impose restrictions on what arms are available to them.

Regardless of what arms are left available to them a tyrannical government is always uncomfortable with arms of any kind (site: UK cutlery bans) in the hands of the citizens because it is a symbol of an armed revolution.

Look into your history book and you'll learn really quick why "gun nuts" hold onto them so fervently.

I cuckled

You're a fucking retard, we didn't "win" any of those engagements; they weren't winnable scenarios. We barely accomplished even half the objectives that we even know about.


>he thinks the armed forces would turn on american people

kek,the military does surveys every so often and I'm pretty sure they expect a 70% defect rate if they were given orders to attack american citizens.


Because Americans believe of the individual as an independent actor.

If you committed violence, then it was your choice. It was your responsibility not to do so, to find another way or another means. But no, you didn't, so you must be held accountable for your actions.

Europeans think that if a person goes whacko, its the societies fault. They treat everyone like children who don't know any better rather than as adults fully capable of making the right choice and choosing not to.

I would rather be an American and fail as a man then be forever assumed a child according to European standards.

>why are gun nuts so BASED

>.40 S&W

Why do all these militia fags have such shit taste in guns?

Delusions. Read any book on Vietnam and you'll see their officers were desperate to end the war because they didn't have fight to last much longer, you can call it propaganda but I'd take the word of veterans any day of the week. Afghanistan and Iraq is pretty much a copy and paste scenario except we were better prepared and had guidance missiles.

As a matter of fact they would, a large % of our spending during war is for military contractors who could give a shit about glory or collateral damage. They use the national guard to parade around and show force and in the background seal team 6 with whatever PMC's are closest would wipe out any local resistance. Or they'd just bribe whoever to sabotage and give up their locations.



>Implying the American military isn't full of racist, libtard hating, psychopaths.

I have friends in the military. The thing they dread the most is asking to be deployed on American soil against American "combatants"

The military would coup, or at least part of it would.
The oligarchs still got their finger on The Button though. And there's no beating that.

Came here to say this.

Youre alright, hitler.

>Why are liberals so afraid of guns, yet only want "muh oppressive police" to have guns?

The only reason to have more than 5 rounds in a magazine is to kill innocent people.
Only the police should have access to military style weapons with 30 round mags.

c'mon now. either go with the .45 or the 9mm. don't be a faggot.

>only reason to have more than 5 rounds is to kill innocent people
>police should carry 30 round mags

:^) I see what you did there.

General BloodAgent is Chris Hill in case anyone is wondering

>gun crime has nothing to do with niggers, I swear

>Gun nuts

Why are you a literal cuck stooge?

>Georgia Security Force
Wanna bet it's a room full of 35 FBI agents, one old guy with nothing better to do, and 10 ATF agents?

Only people in a militia have a right to guns, if you are not in a militia you can't have a gun the constitution says so!
People in armed militia are terrorists and shouldn't have guns, honestly it's like they think they have a right to fight the government.

>not 10mm

I spend too much time on /k/

>bad under eight years of Obama
wtf is the narrator even talking about? I could walk into any gun store in my state, point at 1 at random, and if i have the money, take it home that day. Why do gun nuts think government will come to our homes and take our weapons? This would never happen.

There is no coin, we both lose.
Another Civil War would be catastrophic, other nations would jump on the bandwagon.

We had that too, in Indonesia.
You know what we did?
"Give up your terrorists or you all die."
It worked pretty damn well.
Alas an empire in shambles after a world war cannot stand to outside pressure so we had to give that up, but militarily our approach to counter insurgencies was waterproof.

And let's be honest: Half the things claimed the US does this level of shit already anyway, no reason not to expand the list to include collective (capital) punishment.

But that's assuming they'd even get close to presenting a problem, and the limited to nonexistent large scale coordination and binding makes this scenario in which they pose a problem extremely unlikely.
The difference between those insurgencies is that there were networks and cooperations in place before it all started, your militias however are little more than glorified shooting / larping clubs.
I sometimes wonder if the overemphasis on weaponry is deliberate in the US, as it distracts from far more important aspects one has to pay attention to when rising up.
After all it is not without reason that the most famous military strategy does not make mention of weaponry, but rather sounds as follows: Divide and conquer.

And you, sir, have nothing but division.

If they were they'd be a hell lot more effective.
Currently you might aswell have dogs and goats pilot those toys.
Besides soldiers are easily manipulated, that's what they're trained for.
They won't even need to know what it is they're shooting.

And afterwards it'll be the same story as the germans: "We didn't know!", "We were just following orders!".
Weak minded fools are equal everywhere.

>35 FBI agents

FBI hostage rescue team never actually rescued a single hostage; they have however helped the bATF burn 74 people to death, and shot one unarmed pregnant woman holding her baby to death.

I do

>so high in gun violence

You're not being facetious, are you? All our 'gun violence' approaches 0% of the population. You statistically can't reach 0% when you have people who own guns, but our actual number of deaths by guns is so low its not a statistical issue ---only an overwrought and emotional one.

And its really asinine to use 'gun violence' for suicides and accidents. When did you last hear a car accident death called a 'car violence? Or a drowning suicide called 'Water Violence?'

> A bunch of fat hicks

>Why do gun nuts think government will come to our homes and take our weapons? This would never happen.

Other than all those times when they did just that. But they don't count right?

“The Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment. And I am going to make that case every chance I get.”

Hillary Clinton, NYC, 09/2015

When? When have they come to your door and demanded that you hand them your rifle/handguns? Fucking. When.

The first two are right, the second two are hilariously wrong.

Hillary would appoint straight up communist judges, and the republicans in congress are all globalist cucks.


Then I have my own private milita... there I win





>When? When have they come to your door and demanded that you hand them your rifle/handguns? Fucking. When.


I agree with what these militia in principle but the fact they are almost entirely made up of backwoods hillbillies make it easy for leftists to discredit and smear them. We need a respectable militia movement, made up well to do suburbanites: lawyers, doctors etc. Also it can't have racist undertones, that will instantly poison the well. The USA should emulate Switzerland- firearm ownership and proficiency should be treated as a civic duty (for taxpaying citizenry, not criminals and welfare trash)

We need Marksmanship to return to schools and for the return of Teddy Roosevelt's "well armed and well trained populace".


>slave detected

because we were raped by the British ;_;

we got them back during ww1 and ww2 by collapsing their empire and taking all their technology. kek.

>"Give up your terrorists or you all die."

One is a colonial power lording over a rebelling colony.
The other is a civil war where the government wants people on it's side.

Head - meet ass.

Your post is "teleports behind u" tier.

desu I think this militia force thing is a shitty meme that many Americans buy into.

There's too many people that just buy what the mainstream media says for the State. And even if you've got a National Guard, technically these guys are under State control, and while these might be reservetards, chances are they're a bigger and better force than whatever some county militia can scrounge together. The thought that militias exist as a counter to a renegade state is a pipe dream now.

USA can't emulate Switzerland. Swissland is mostly made up of uncompromised Europreans (ie, not refugee welcoming dipshits, it's a heterogenous state in terms of European ethnicities). Furthermore, it's a republic in the sense where every citizen's vote matters for everything. It's not a representative's republic like the US. Besides, the US has the huge burden of being the World's Policeman, the Swiss just sit on their assholes and say they aren't apart of any conflict.

*Sigh* the typical "we've tried this ten times before and failed but are going to act like arrogant little bitches nonetheless" i've come to expect.
As stated we were in ruinous state, and they were armed with japanese weaponry and quite unified in their hatred of any attempt at further control, in addition to being spurned by a hatred of the Japanese, Dutch and Chinese (our liaisons).

So i'm glad you introduced your head to your ass but i tihnk it's time to take it out now.

too many idiots would pretend to shoot someone with a live round and accidentally do it.

first step is to fix our education system so idiots like that wouldn't be around



>teleports behind you
>you gasp in terror

Don't worry, kid. Not here to kill you.

Just thought I'd tell you, you dropped your hat.
You don't get to fantasize about murdering everybody who doesn't like you and be a mental gymnast and say "but I told myself they want to do it to me! so it's ok!".

Though since the Dutch have proven they can't fight wars, taking your advice on how America would handle it's own civil one...seems a bit daft.

>Hilary wins
>US becomes a failed state within days

>too many idiots would pretend to shoot someone with a live round and accidentally do it.
how does one pretend to shoot someone with a live round? You either pull the trigger with one in the chamber and hit them or you don't.

Quads don't lie

>Their America is one where Christianity is taught in schools, abortion is illegal and immigrants hail from Europe, not faraway Muslim lands.

And just what is wrong with that?

>. 40 S&W

How bout using a NATO cartadge you insufferable twat.


>get mad because your candidate doesn't win
>become terrorists

>lel look bobby pew pew
pulls trigger
>ohshit one was still in there

Fair enough, but I think the commitment of the various state militias to upholding the Constitution is highly dependent on the state- (while I'd trust Texas' state guard to safeguard rights I wouldn't trust California's). The widespread formation of ad-hoc citizens militias would be a valuable addition IMO.
As far as Switzerland obviously we can't emulate them in every aspect, I was just talking about their gun culture specifically.

>Chris Hill, 42, a blond-bearded paralegal

>btw white people are bad

how much you wanna bet "David Zucchino" has jewish ancestry?

Thanks for posting this quads of truth.
Is there any evidence of gun battles with citizens that refused to leave?