>Johnson gets 5% national
>Libertarians get federal funding and debate time
>Party runs a cohesive ticket
>Backed by an army of crazy ass motherfuckers
>Suck it two party system

The Libertarians might have gotten 5% nationally if they chose someone competent instead of Al Eppo

If the libertarian party ever wants to get anywhere they need to put up a good candidate. Gary Johnson is a fucking joke that has horribly hurt their image.

that's the plan

I won't vote Libertarian again after this last Johnson run. Talk about killing a party.

build roads

Maybe if you stopped having nudists on stage at your conventions people would take you seriously

Libertarianism is an interesting theory, but IRL Libertarians are crackpots.

i was all for voting for gary but then i found out Texas could be a swing state and voted for Trump
did i fuck up libertarian bros?

He may actually pull off 5%, because the media threw some attention at him and Stein and because of his antics

I agree but I think the 5% almost has to come first, this will attract more quality candidates. Any serious candidate won't waste time with a third party. They will pick a major party and try to run on that ticket.

He's a 9% right now, dipshits.
The protest vote Tuesday is gona be funny.

Yeah, this.

2012 was the last time I'll ever vote Libertarian. I'm done lumping myself in with tards and whackjobs.

And so America discovers actual democracy?
(or at least its start, but: Baby steps at a time)

I love COINTELPRO, don't you?

He is NOT at 9%. Maybe a month ago, but now he's at 4-5%.

You did the right thing, senpai. Gary is hopeless and Hillary winning would be a fucking disaster.

If they put Rand on the ticket they'd actually stand a decent chance. If Libertarians want to actually win 1 of 2 things needs to happen.

>Hillary wins
>Is a complete and total disaster (maybe even gets impeached and we get like 2 years of Kaine or something)
>Everyone hates the Democratic party and the party implodes
>Republicucks can't distinguish themselves from the pack when given the perfect moment to shine and send out someone dull like Kasich for 2020
>Libertarians pick someone with a history
>Demo-shits shit the bed and are laid to rest for all eternity
>the 2 party system becomes authoritarian Neo-cons v. Libertarians

Scenario 2

>Trump is elected
>Is a lame duck President either by failures as a statesmen or having his hands tied by Congress and he will be unwilling to use EO's to get shit done
>The ever so hyped "true anti-establishment candidate" is perceived to be a fraud by the masses
>Democrats fail to capitalize and run Michelle or Tim Kaine as opposition
>Trump declines to run in 2020 as the position isn't what he thought it would be or he recognizes that he won't get what he needs
>Libertarians run on a maverick campaign ala Trump 2016 but get more street cred for being actually manned by outsiders

Those are the 2 scenarios where it could happen, but they are both equally unlikely.

>a party whose nominate for VP slot endorsed the corrupt oligarch Hillary

>can't into averages

Have you looked at New Mexico and Alaska, dumbfuck?

The two party system is all the American attention span brain pan can hold.

with the favoribility ratings the way they were this year. if their was an actual independent candidate who wasn't a 420blaze dumbass with zero foreign policy knowledge, it could of been a three way race

Sadly this is true and how we have ended up in this mess.


The leaf is right. It saddens me.

Wait, have I been here since 2007?

Fuck my life.

Reminder the republican party use to be a third party.


The Lib party will have Aleppo droop for the next decade.

The only polls Johnson is more that 1% in are the rigged ones.

You guys are the Randroid Bernouts.