redpilled white femanon here, how do we fix white males?
Redpilled white femanon here, how do we fix white males?
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What exactly needs fixing?
Let me guess, the fact that you're annoying, overly opinionated, and fat, and are upset because you are alone and saw some dude with an Asian girl today.
Am I close?
>redpilled white femanon
>on Sup Forums
You probably weigh 200 lbs
You fix the economy, the more thriving the middle and lower classes are the more freedom then exists in a country and in a free state men will naturally provide and protect women as nature intended
Don't go to college turn off 95% of the media, and a good part lies with you women folk, tell the truth, you don't want no "nu-male' feminist cucked little bastards. Leave that shit for the matriarchial lesser society's such as the negroids.
>how do we fix white males?
They are being attacked by the globalists with media propaganda, psyops, education, etc...
All we have to do is stop the globalists attacks and they will recover.
Also, same goes with women.
sry babe
u aint ever be as tasty as dis pizza
You fuck me and have my children instead.
They need to learn their lesson. You ever hear of the mouse utopia experiment?
Nothing is introduced during the fall, no starvation, no nothing. We need a starvation event. We need an event in history that scares the liberal nu male back into order, that he becomes unautistic, and the woman likewise steps off her high horse.
>same goes with women
Wrong, women are the overwhelming factor putting globalism in power.
Women need to be stopped to stop globalism, not the other way around
Let's be honest, most whites are pathetic and emasculated.
Even the shit posted here on Sup Forums reeks of jaded beta sperglords (sport of like your post for example) you clearly aren't confident well adjusted adult male. You're a petty little fuck with chip on his shoulder.
So yeah, there is clearly room for improvement and you can start with yourself. Then worry about combatting yellow fevor race traitor cowards and other cancer that is contributing to the death or white society.
>inb4 your only response is to assume I'm female.
I'm a white male with a white wife. I'm doing my part, but you younger faggots need some work.
Spank them
90% of women today
>has jungle fever
>etc. etc. etc.
50%, maybe 75% of men today
>can't do anything for shit
>think supporting and providing the family is "sexist"
>thinks anyone with opposing opinions is a pseudo-intellectual
am I missing anything here
there is nothing we CAN do besides give them as much information as possible. if they're willing to listen, they will convert. if not, let them be virgins.
t. used to be a "tolerant liberal" but slowly got redpilled and had a change of heart a few years ago
Kill the concept of nerds.
Kepler did badass science shit and was an Olympic triathlete.
The Concept of the duality between athleticism and intellectualism was created to destroy the health of western intellectuals.
And end the white male buffoon father meme on sitcoms.
>1 post by this ID
sage all ctr slide threads
as a femanon i admit women have issues and tend to be emotional
but men are at LEAST 50% of the problem
you guys are shut it and socially awkward, you don't take control.
you people worship women...LOL
Stay roasty.
>redpilled white femanon here
Nobody cares but stormfront you larping autistic retard. Take your white knighting back there
>bait is the little death
I don't think it counts if you're 'baiting, you gotta do it with a real girl.
>Even the shit posted here on Sup Forums reeks of jaded beta sperglords
That's just /r9k/ and the_donald. Pic related.
Nope, women are literally 100% of the problem, sorry
Getting rid of female suffrage would instantly fix all of our problems
If you're looking for fault with men, you're a feminist cunt which is about as blue pilled as you can get.
>men are at least 50% of the problem
men are have been raised to think the way they are currently thinking. society is shifting from a clean, conservative society to a dirty, "tolerant" liberal society. if we don't stop the change of society soon we will plummet into centuries of chaos and the downfall of society.
women working, voting, etc. is one of the reasons why society is shifting in this direction. hell i'd argue that our society shifting towards women is 100% the reason why we are in such a bad situation now. once society is restored, men will follow suit. women may not.
many of us are doing our part, but there are equally as many "tolerant" cucks out there thinking the same. meanwhile most women are liberal
i'm glad we have the few of you that are redpilled though.
>How do you fix the race that brought you the ability to even make a post like this.
I wish Sup Forums understood the principle of being an alpha male too, which is simply to talk back and if that doesn't help, strike back.
>And end the white male buffoon father meme on sitcoms.
Ya this is definitely the problem with western society and totally not females overwhelmingly supporting globalist agenda points
You sound like one of those feminists who think women aren't signing up for tech education because Lara Crofts tits are too big
honestly we need to save our race soon (14/88) otherwise we will become a minority in our own country. the UK too, as far as I've heard they're already shifting in that direction
reminder: (((60%)))
All ten year olds
t. Sperglord who hasn't looked another human in the eyes in 3 years
can you say I'm wrong?
You know the rules. feet and timestamp or GTFO
>Wrong, women are the overwhelming factor putting globalism in power.
Because they have been brainwashed.
Women overwhelmingly voting for open borders, anti deportation, sanctuary city, benefits for anchor baby supporting Democrats is predominately the reason we're seeing such a steep and sudden demographics change. Whites are a K selected people who will never keep similar birthrates to Mexicans Indians Chinese etc
It all comes back to women and giving them the power to vote
by who, themselves?
Except for pussy is more certain way to be sure it's not a trap.
how many whites do you know that live in white communities and have 100% white families nowadays?
it's unheard of today.
how many blacks do you know that live in previously white communities and have 100% black families nowadays?
Saging this thread even though it'll get 300 replies anyway
Nope, stop making excuse, women have started the trend of more centralized power since the second they were allowed a democratic voice. They literally voted in the systematic brainwashing we have today.
The chicken obviously comes before the egg in this case so stop being a white knight cuckboy. They are allowed respite from these crimes because of pathetic spineless losers such as yourself
Most people have families of their race, mate...
There are tons of communities that are 95%+ white
The reason you see the odd minority in a white neighborhood is because absolutely nobody wants to live in a black majority neighborhood except blacks while everyone with money who wants a safe street to live on will try to live with whites.
ivan you would be shocked how many whites have married kikes here and in us
Your a stupid whore. Post your tits or leave.
thsts still a rarity
>there are tons of communities that are 95% white
what state are you living in? i have rarely heard of mostly white communities in the US, especially in places like FL, NY, and CA.
you have no clue man, down here finding a couple that is completely white is like playing i-spy, you'll find 10x more couples that are racemixed (particularly white-black)
For starters stop sucking niggers dicks.
Hey, lot of butthurt here. Just wanted to send you some positivity.
Michigan has a few towns that don't have minorities.
Thirsty cuck
damn, how's life there?
>"I-i'll just leave my number here... call me... maybe... i don't know..."
I lived in New England and Midwest. Namely Boston and Newport for the most time. My wife is an American. Stop cuckposting. Most people don't mix.
are you baiting?
You know the drill tits timestamp or GTFO
the recent millennial and gen z do, ivan.
Re-normalize and re-instate all boy, and all girl schools governed by their respective genders.
How fat are you though? Are you at least fat but not hideous looking?
And surprisingly they mix even less
>You're a petty little fuck
Actual petty little fuck here, how do I improve the little part?
Cozy as fuck but the kids all retarded nigger worshippers.
Fix more women
This is the solution right here. Nerds think that they have to spend all their time on their work, when in fact they spend 50% of their time working and the other 50% on being fat, gross, cucks, who watch anime and play video games 24/7.
They could spend 40% of their time getting in shape, learning to shoot, doing MMA, and becoming real men, and the remaining 10% on a manly hobby, and still be great at their jobs.
All of my family are STEM people and all the older ones were well adjusted manly men. All the young ones (except for me) are typical nu-male faggots who can't manage not to get divorced over and over again when their bitchy fat wives start fucking niggers on the side.
Let them know it's okay to be men again. Don't let numales get close to us, tell them to man up, stop begging faggots etc. tell them TO GET FRAME. We won't be fixed until they are.
how are you user
Nice quads. How are you?
pretty much /thread
Also OP you should mainly focus on fixing white people.
They want this big conflict between the genders, especially white men& women.
The real way to solve this issue is to give attention to men who have conservative viewpoints, you hold a lot of power.
WRONG. Men abdicated their positions of power and continue to do this even today. Look around Sup Forums...How many times have we seen some idiots spouting nonsense about how great jobs in the Trades are? Blue collar work is literally the WORST choice a white man can make for a job.
Power comes from the banking industry, mass media, mainstream news, tech, entrepreneurship, etc. Not from fucking plumbers.
So women, niggers, Jews, and coloreds fill the gap white men created.
We have only ourselves to blame for this whole fucking mess. This shit didn't happen overnight. It started in 1913 when a bunch of dumb Christian cuckolds decided to let the Jews control our banks.
gas all numales by luring them into fake hillary rallies
cut shit out like what that disgusting jewess Dunham is posting ("lelelele XD white men need to die)
force em into hard times
teach them that women can and will walk all over you if they think they can, let them know not to take any shit
but i wouldn't know because i'm a dyke
>t. used to be a "tolerant liberal" but slowly got redpilled and had a change of heart a few years ago
in other words your dreams didn't pan out and you didn't become as wealth or successful as your parents told you you would become so now you're projecting?
I honestly don't give a shit about our race anymore...I've slaved away for 10 years to become the Chad I am today. I'm a success by every measure. You fucking weaklings are the problem. I don't feel compelled at all to help you save yourselves.
Until white men wake the fuck up and stop chasing shitty careers (Trades), stop wasting time on stupid fucking hobbies 24/7 (sports, woodworking, metalworking, automotive, video games, anime, etc), and start drastically improving themselves (starting with their SHIT physiques) the white race can get fucked for all I care.
tldr: fuck the white race. You're all a bunch of flabby, gross, beta, white-knighting, women-worshipping, losers. Until that changes bring on the nigger hordes.
>inb4 "Those hobbies are manly and important!"
No they're not Fuckass McShitheel...They're just another useless diversion you use to convince yourself you're not wasting your time; I can buy a table at Ikea for $50. I don't need you to make it for me.
How are you?
...and men gave them the power to do all these things. What's your fucking point? Weak men allowed women to take power they shouldn't have. Fix the men and the women will get backslapped back into place.
feminism was historically known for womens strength, but modern "feminism" is more about hurt feelings and trigger warnings. It used to be about the pill and the right to be a female priest, now it’s about outrage and clickbait.
these modern feminists believe that they are the self-appointed thought police & moral arbiters of society, whose intolerant brand of pseudo-feminism represented by tumblr & the like, seem less interested in gender equality than vilifying people (white men), engaging in machiavellian style witch hunts and advocating for more censorship.
do these modern feminists take advantage of anything that feminism has actually given women the freedom to do? or do they just sit around pointing fingers and drumming up outrage? if they had actually lived when women needed to earn the right to vote, they would still be at home gossiping with their next door neighbor.
modern feminism isn’t creating strong women, it’s creating victims.
That would require men becoming teachers and educational administrators instead of getting useless, low-power, non-influential jobs in the Trades (which as you know) is a huge meme these days.
> redpilled dyke
What is your life? I've only ever met the fat turbo-liberal lesbians who probably are just lonely and unwanted and not actually born with too much test or something
hey guise, FEMANON here, did i mention i was a grill yet? i'm totally ummmmmm "redpilled?" XD anyways im a grill and i want to kno like how 2 fix boys or whatever cuz im pilled and a gurrllllll
kinda correct though
as I say if you browse Sup Forums and consider yourself "alt right", but don't work on physically improving yourself, you're a pathetic hypocrite
>grow up idolizing the romantic lifestyle and how men and women flirt and date
>reach high school
>see white girls twerking, speaking black
>white guys acting black
>they all want to get drunk and have lots of sex
>don't want any of that, reject all social advances
>literally grossed out at how high school kids behave like degenerate college students and it's seen as normal and encouraged
>seperate myself from the rest, let people freely choose that
>it's my fault that the white race is fucked
Nah, that's on you all. Seeing white girls act like sluts and fucking niggers is enough for me. You all chose that. You don't have to chose to racemix. Most of you aren't even worth talking to.
Same old bullshit told to men again and again, how do you expect a generation of nu-males raised on feminism to get up one day and become "real men" they won't.