This is a pic of the venue after the free Beyonce/ Jay Z concert when Hillary took the stage. This was a FREE concert.
This is a pic of the venue after the free Beyonce/ Jay Z concert when Hillary took the stage. This was a FREE concert
This is Sup Forums, user - we're gonna need sources or dubs
oh wait nevermind she's way ahead in the polls and is going to win by landslide
Is this where jay-z punched the teen for taking his picture? Just seen a thread on it here
LMAO!!! 3 worthless pieces of shit no one cares about anymore
I went to the Trump rally in pensacola on friday and I couldn't even get in cause the outdoor ampitheatre had already filled to capacity. There were probably a thousand people plus in my same exact situation
Rap has been dead for years. Only the most dinduish of dindus still listen to it.
If Hillary was hip with the youth she would have gotten an EDM DJ to play.
Then the place would have filled up.
how could that possibly happen?
Wednesday i mean*
Why would she talk after the concert?
Rap is literally bigger now than it's ever been. It's as Mainstream as mainstream gets.
Funny I saw this pic in a post before the concert even started
Florida seems to consistently be that way. I look forward to the landslide victory there on Tuesday.
Aye. I need a different camera angle
When jay-z was niggering on the nigger stage. Also, nigger.
Maybe in 2006.
The only way rappers can break out into the mainstream is by having their token 40 second rap verse on a pop single.
The Jews keep pushing rap on white youth but it's been in a steady decline in popularity for years.
Holy shit did she literally have to piggyback off of a free concert to draw a large crowd?
Rap is the normiest of normie music now. Its gotten kinda stale as of late desu.
i wonder if you even know what youtube is
>Rap is literally bigger now than it's ever been.
no it isn't
it peaked in 2012 and that is being generous
Check the current Billboard Top 20.
Out of 20 songs, only 2 are rap songs.
Rap is dead, gramps. Stop trying to pretend you know what you're talking about.
Quick Sup Forums: you can drop anything into the center of the room from out of thing air- what is it?
>It's as Mainstream as mainstream gets.
ask your mom who's her favorite Rapper.
answer: probably whoever performed on Good Morning America recently - Pitbull
Are white men the only people in the entire fucking world that don't care when someone makes fun of their race/sex? Whatever happened to sticks and stones?
no, it's time to get in people's faces when they use the word "white"
nice - "hey wait, you don't have to bring race into it"
aggro - "what did you say, racist"
they're not expecting us to defend ourselves, so when we do they won't have the proper defense
plus many of "them" are white themselves, so nail them on the cog. dissonance
Thousands of wasps
kike bitch