After all the fucked up shit today, I need a dose of Christian values and memes.
Comfy Christian General
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I've gone from careless atheist to full blown Christian over the past 48 hours. Been reading the Bible nonstop and feel like I've done something right. There's something to all of this. God is real.
everyone should read revelation!
thank you baguette. This music is heavenly
Literally this for me. I have a bible I never looked out that I been browsing. It's actually interesting stuff
Lewis is comfy.
Read the parts about the foreskin. See if you want to worship a god that is that obsessed with the tips of penises. Next go read what happens after Noah lands the ark. Then think about the 12 year old girl that this psycho dick skin hater knocked up, just so he could have his baby murdered.
good luck with that.
Do Protestant cucks actually believe everyone in Christianity got it wrong for 1500 years until an English king wanted to divorce his wife, and then create his own religion to justify it?
How many Christian voters did Hillary lose after it was confirmed that the DNC leadership are all satanists?
Most Christians are already Republican but are there any Christians left in the DNC after this?
bless you!
i'm so glad i'm not the only one. please tell me there are others who have found the Lord in the past few days, or this election. I've found that there are things far beyond our comprehension going on. And that evil does exist.
Pic related.
Protestantism is different in every country
God Bless. I have a feeling a lot of people are doing the same thing.
We are warned about evil practices
Jeremiah 7:
30 For the children of Judah have done evil in My sight,” says the Lord. “They have set their abominations in the house which is called by My name, to pollute it. 31 And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into My heart.
32 “Therefore behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when it will no more be called Tophet, or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; for they will bury in Tophet until there is no room. 33 The corpses of this people will be food for the birds of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth. And no one will frighten them away. 34 Then I will cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. For the land shall be desolate.
Fuck I just watched this and I have (( tears )) right now, fuck
I have no idea actually, I feel it might be hard for normies to even believe it.
Yes, waiting to be awoken.
is anyone here part of the WOKE branch of Christianity e.g. Fallen Angels, Book of Enoch, Genetic Engineering, Aliens are Demons, Nephilim Hybrid Race
Welcome to the revival
i will start to going to church
You just brought tears to my eyes. Praise God.
I am unsure about the book of Enoch but the rest yes.
Is it ethical to cut down very bad people? Think the end of Taxi Driver.
I am afraid for these meme posters. Please help dissuade them.
I think ultimately imprisonment and conversion is the Godly ideal.
There is a lot of pagan symbolism in this image
God speed. Don't get discouraged.
Here is all
same, literally in the past 2 days
Amazing. How does it feel?
Our faith isn't determined by the outcome of the election. If Hillary wins, Sup Forums will abandon their paganism the ones that don't turn back to atheism and nihilism will need guidance.
Yeah. Christian values.
Like nonviolence.
"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.”
( Mat 26.52 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )
I'm still trying to process everything. I'm afraid of the true evil in the world, but I feel comforted by
I know God has ultimate dominion, but I it's a new
feeling. I would like to learn more about Jesus
I'd hope so to but these people are above the law and completely removed from God from what I can tell, real messed up and dangerous people. If someone doesn't stop them with force they won't stop hurting people.
True. We have a lot of work ahead of us either way in our mission. We must not be slack but be diligent against any kind of evil.
White privilege?
Do any of you have any thoughts or experiences with this mans work?
It is God who has sent you, fear not and trust in Him and He will deliver you.
>Christian values must fit my thirst for violence
You can go in Iraq or in a favelas in you want to live in a violent shit hole instead of a peaceful christian country.
That is all
Might I recommend some Based Bach organ works? He composed this music in the service of God after inventing even temperment.
Turn it all the way up and let the bass rock the house. It can be pretty profound.
Learn to read you ESL retard.
I have gone from meh..maybe.. to full blown God believer in the last week. Especially the last 48 hours. going to church on Sunday for the first time since I was a kid.
Also as a first step ask Christ into your heart and forgive others and ask for forgiveness in prayer. Stay in prayer always.
Religion divides and distracts. It needs to be abolished as it's harmful to the mind.
Sage for not politics.
Thank you
Blatant lie.
Checked, God Bless
>thinks Anglicanism is Protestantism.
Jesus, I know our education system is bad, but you don't have to broadcast it to everyone.
sexy. The organ is the next best thing to tanks and spaceships.
Stupid lie some libtard would post on facebook
I'm enjoying this, thank u
John 3:16
Gee whiz you aren't very bright
desu I consider all non catholic abrahamics to be protestants
bump for this
my cousin got to play the organ at St. Peter's Basilica :3
She was scared shitless how to just play it right in the first place, and a helpful cardinal came along to work the stops at the right time to give everything best effect.
How do I do this? How do I bring Christ back into my life?
Atheism divides and distracts. It needs to be abolished as its harmful to the mind.
Watch the video retard.
He was talking about the KJV bible. Guess who created the KJV bible?
The mental gymnastics Protestant cucks go through to justify their "religion" is unbelievable.
Goodnight and stay strong new believers. The first year is like fire but remember God is refining you because he loves you and desires you to be clean and strong in faith. Pray for comfort wisdom and understanding always.
Intently read the Gospels. Pray the Lord's prayer when you wake up, and when you go to sleep.
Remember, Christ is with you always. Be mindful of this, and regard him in all things. He walks with you day by day.
>For we are saved by hope. But hope that is seen, is not hope. For what a man seeth, why doth he hope for?
do an online bible search, understand your mythology better.
Ask in Christ's name Yeshua for these things and instruction. Also ask to be washed in his blood.
>English king wanted to divorce his wife, and then create his own religion to justify it?
>Was talking about the KJV bible
I'm not even a protestant, you both are just fucking retarded.
I've started coming back earlier this year when I randomly entered a church to pray and cried.
This made me very happy to read. Even on strange and chaotic days like today there will still be great people like you.
I think atheism is foolish, but it shouldn't be abolished. People need freedom after all.
Swelling my heart with joy, all praise to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
I had a similar experience about a year ago after overdosing on some /x/ tier redpills. Especially after I became aware of the pervasive Jewish influence on the world, I realized the absolute truth of Christ for the first time. Despite being a cradle Lutheran, I'd never really believed. I'm now studying for the ministry at a non-cucked seminary after fighting, and finally accepting the call. Praise the Lord!
I believe enough have recoiled at finally seeing what's in play that we've been given a period of grace to rethink where we stand.
I'm no saint by a long shot, but it makes me really happy to see so many people giving it a second thought.
Yes you idiot. Who created the king James bible? What religion?
Henvy the 8th left Catholicism so he could divorce his wife. He started the Church of England to justify it. They created the KJV bible to justify their illogical backwards religion.
Stop being so stupid and watch the video I was replying to. We know you're a Protestant cuck. Have fun at your "megachurch" with 1000 sweaty fat people singing songs like a bunch of lunatics.
Protestantism has no traditions or culture. Seeing woman "priests" and "bishops" make me sick. What a perversion of the Christianity. Protestantism led to the immorality of Europe today. There's a reason why the Protestant countries are the "refugee welcome" cucks and are now mainly atheists. Germany, England, and Sweden were some of the first to convert to Protestantism. Look at them today.
In Rome? I been there!
just remember, the Organ is for the glorification of God, not some degenerate millennial ego.
>Being wrong is justified because he was talking about things that happened in at the same time.
>being this retarded.
>being a part of the poorest religion on earth
>80% non-white religion.
>insulting a predominately white religion started in Europe.
Keep up your delusions Cathcuck.
Kek approves.
I like Christianity because y'all got the best bling. Best buildings, best art, best words, best tunes, we was cathedrals n shit.
Shame about all the god parts but you can't have everything.
TFW: A loving and all powerful God watches over you and your family.
Yep, in the Vatican.
But that dude needs to get laid or something. Or at least get a heavybag, some wraps, and some gloves, and go at it until he can't go anymore, and then keep going because he found that he thirsts for it. The eyes of others will never satisfy your need for self-validation.
Like that fucking knight. What's he all about? Holy shit what? Who wouldn't want to be him if they could? You know he prays three times daily.
Gonna try read the bible again. First time I got halfway through Genesis but got really confused by all the superflous info about whos whos son and who owns what land etc.
Do Protescucks really believe that going to Church for an hour on Sundays is religion? You realize you're supposed to hear mass every day right?
it's a yuge book
My suggestion when it comes to big books is skim through the bits that seem irrelevant in order to develop a better overall sense of what's up. Then you can think it over and go back to read parts you think you might have been underrated.
start with new testament first.
words painted on top say in old Castillian:
Mira que te as de morir
Mira que no sabes cuando
Mira que te mira Dios
Mira que te esta mirando
Roughly translated:
Watch for you are to die
Watch for you don’t know when
Watch for God is watching
Watch for He is watching you
I have for sure. I was on the edge of becoming a non believer after being raised Catholic my whole life, but after this, this really set me into a whole new level. I feel as if there is a point now