What's the most legit Sup Forums approved English Bible?
What's the most legit Sup Forums approved English Bible?
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1. A fucking LEAF
2. I've seen that version bashed constantly on here
He's right it is KJV
Douay-Rheims is a good translation of the Vulgata, although the current version isn't the original. The original predates even KJV. You can look up the differences, I don't know them off hand.
KJV is a masterpiece of English literature and perhaps the only thing more influential on modern English than Shakespeare.
Any answer other than these two is wrong.
Oh and I should mention, basically any Catholic will use Douay-Rheims, any potestant will use KJV. For some reason (((protestants))) didn't like using the entire bible and cut out several books.
That good old KJV boy, ignore that King James was allegedly a bundle of sticks.
Everything else is Heresy
New English Translation. (NET)
KJV is outdated and politicised. Anyone using this version is not a Christian.
RSV, Revised Standard Version Catholic Version
Catholic Master Catechist here irl, I shit you not. Easy to read, meanings more pure.
approved by the Vatican, over the heads of the USCCB's American NRSV
>Anyone using this version is not a Christian.
Wow, either you're a heretic or trolling hard. The qualification of being a Christian or not cannot be qualified by which English translation you use.
The Quran.
>Implying that Enoch's Monster Manual should be canon
No version (because it's all bullshit)
Original KJV with Apocrypha. Typical KJV's don't even tell you Satan's name ffs (Azazyel)
No I posted the RSV Catholic Version:
St. Jerome conceded his Douay-Rheims wasn't the pure shit, further DSS discovered +archeology later, added into RSV over the KJV.
The KJV has books removed, words changed. ipso facto. point blank.
The RSV -Catholic Edition is the one.
matters Catholic where.
and in what language.
Americans told to use American New Revised Standard, but the Vatican supports the RSV for English. It has to do with foot notes the Americans wanted added in, and some word usage.
I use the NIV.
KJV only, other translations are often moloch tier dissemination of false doctrine.
>Typical KJV's don't even tell you Satan's name ffs (Azazyel)
wrong m8 look in the Book of Enoch Azazyel is a different fallen angel
this is an irl id love to get into.
i would decimate your words.
Martin Luther had issues, took books out, chsanged words to support sola fides, sola scriptura.
King James had homosexual partners.
omg, that's crap, Joel Osteen material
KJV doesn't have any BS
plenty of Bibles are good for the overall message, but when it comes down to tiny details and semantics KJV is never wrong
the Master Catechist irl agrees partially to this. Gotta know words though to live up to what and how.
KJV/NKJV for sermons and presentations
ESV (a KJV derivative) for personal study.
Alexandria is by my research the most accurate.
KJv from church publisher
What about the Rsv?
>The KJV has books removed, words changed. ipso facto. point blank.
None of the degenerate apocrypha that everyone denies ?
That's not part of the bible, it's made up catholic nonsense that contradicts the entire bible.
It's not Apocrypha. Why b/c Martin Luther said so? wasn't even ordained, didn't even mean to start the ytrouble he caused. There was no reformation, they just broke away. Martin Luther, if alive today, would def be aCatholic. Council of Trent cleared up many misunderstandings. Luther's Luthaeran Church is a far cry from what is a "protestant church" today.
u guys arguing w/ me is like fkkn mice arguing w/ Googles D-wave. no shit.
don't even wan2 waste my time w/ this
KJV is mass brainwashing, kike reprogramming. It's the pleb's bible with a coating of ''fine'' english. If fine english exists at all considered the simplistic character of the language.
King James was a faggot, a literal one, and like all British aristocrats, possibly a crypto kike. This is enough reason to understand he served Satan, which is why he's the one who insisted on publishing this nu-Bible. Couldn't have been a normal king instead.
Only the old latin and Greek Bibles extracted from Medieval Times contain the untouched fundamental judeo occultic basis of this religion with a weird Platonic rationalism touch added on top of it. Needless to say Christianity is a poison for the old real spiritualities, as Buddhism is to Hinduism. Both are massive kike conspiracy to corrupt old Empires and bring humanity further away from god.
MC-irl here: NIV actually isn't bad, goes to the heart better than the "KJV-thing-half-bible" reads well, good Christians use it. But, it changes and omits some 43 or 73 verses, somthn like that.
We protest Sir, your orthodoxy.
Enoch is the Biblical equivalent of shoehorning Game of Thrones into Lord of the Rings.
oh plz...
the Nag Hammadi Library.
>That image
What a retard.
I'll admit the KJV has a bit of fluffly language but the rest of your post in nonsense and you should be gassed
Well I'm guessing you are a Catholic, so you and I will have a different theology. I think the only thing you have to do to qualify for salvation is believe Jesus died for your sins and arose from the dead. The good works of man are nothing in the sight of God because man is utterly depraved to his core and is incapable of doing any good whatsoever. Therefore an individual would not even have to read the Bible to receive salvation, because this has nothing to do with salvation. An example of this would be the condemned thief who died with Christ and received the Kingdom.
For in depth doctrinal studies the NASB or NKJV
For personal devotion the NIV or NLT
Makes me wonder what the orthodox lads read
read Romans, >>>and the missing books. Read 2 Cor, it's changed in meaning, but you believe it, so it doesnt sseemd changed 2u
The KJV is the only word of God in English, the other "translations" are just bad. Changing scripture, taking out words. Changing the meaning and trying to present the bible in a more PC way.
KJV is the only way.
That isn't quite the message Christ was trying to convey, friend. The thief did more than half could ever know in that moment, showing Christ can redeem even the vilest offenders at the point of death, if one truly believes in the Lord.
NIV really messes up in some places like Numbers 5, where they turn a roastie detector recipe into a baby aborter recipe
The KJV translation is pretty shit, AS A TRANSLATION. There are serious accuracy issues, biases that the translators let creep in, and so on.
Aesthetically, though? It's King James or nothing, in English, anyway. I don't really know of any English-language translations that are suitable for serious linguistic or theological study that even approach it as far as the beauty of the language is concerned.
RSV-Catholic Edition is the real deal for English speakers. That's the Bible you want, trust me. It's also the most agreed upon interfaith Bible.
Don't listen to the KJV "Whore of Babylon" Puritans. There Bible doesn't include the advancements made by discoveries, archeology, DSS, plus Church findings. The RSV has all that.
That kind of blanket statement is what makes Christians look bad.
The KJV will always be close to my heart but it also has verses about unicorns. The true translation is ox. People who say the KJV is the only true translation are fooling themselves.
>but it also has verses about unicorns.
so what why can't unicorns exist but be extinct
Really though, OP. All these people are saying KJV because they think they are edgy and super hardcore. They really don't know what they are talking about. If you're seriously trying to read it, stick with NIV or ESV.
ESV is the more recent update to the RSV. Both are fine translations, but I prefer the ESV. It's my personal study translation
Read Scripture: Jonah youtube.com
Nice try kike. I'll be recording your IP now with my secret Sup Forums hack and put you first on my oven list for the day of the rope.
Christianity and Islam are massive kike conspiracy to keep humanity away from the true religions. It's no wonder they both started in Israel, by edgy kikes, from former semite satanic cults. But not, it's all a coincidence. Christianity is not degenerate, anti tribal, anti white. Le deus veult ahaha.
Everyone who denies it, >>> denies it,
the Catholics and the entire Orthodoxy accept it as Canon. simply b/c luther took books out a mere 500 years ago, doesn't mean shit.
i hope luther saves your soul, because Jesus accepted the Septuagint as Canon.
How bout those apples?
I really don't know that either, heavy greek stuff though, I'm sure
NASB or CJB. All other versions are garbage.
That is what I meant to say, that he was granted eternal life by accepting Christ. I think we are in agreement, I might have just worded that badly.
ESV should be the only Bible anyone reads
KJV is Protestant casual garbage. It's a shit Americanized translation meant for babby-tier churches like Lifechurch.tv that are more teen youth dating grounds than churches. There's a reason why the Church rejects this version.
AVOID NABRE AND NRSV, IT IS "GENDER NEUTRAL" SJW GARBAGE (yes, even the church is being invaded by these faggots).
NRSV is missing shit, and the CE is no better. NABRE is better for casual reading, and at least was approved by the Church, but still, it is the product of American faggots trying to add "inclusive language."
For actually studying passages and using the meaning of the text, Douay-Rheims is probably your best bet, just be warned it is classically-written.
This. RSV-CE is a good mix between classical and modern, while retaining
If you want a more casual reader, get the NAB (New American Bible). Make sure that it's an original First Edition NAB. 2nd-4th include gender-neutralized shit.
i answered this, went off into space:
in short:
You Protestants may deny, in the last 500 ytears,
'but Jesus (the Septuagint HE QUOTED AND REFERED TO IT!!!), Catholics, and the Orthodoxy all know they are canon.
The RSV is based off the KJV you fucking mongoloid.
anyone who says KJV is a faggot.
this is getting me so fkkd up,
no. Catholics didnt make it up, it existed for 300 years BC, the jews didn't want it b/c Christians embraced it. How could 1 Mac & 2 Mac be made up???
and what about the other half of the world, the Orthodoxy?
u simply don't know wut ur saying
The one on Jonah is awesome you faggots.
1977 version of the NASB if you want a good and very literal translation.
Several of the apocryphal books have dishonest authors.
There are other theological reasons that I'm sure Google will provide you
I would like to say that the Bible.is app on iTunes is pretty awesome too
it has readalong audiobooks for multiple versions
I just use it for KJV
im not gonna reply to this, it's condescending and not accurate. but i will say, youre trying to make peace, i commend that.
but it's faith THRU works. u need to have faith, and you have to live up to it. u protestants now are starting to call it "authentic worship"
i could win win win fkkn win this and convert u if i wasn't looking to respond to a CTR thread that is long gone i saw on my phone.
this is like mice arguing w/ a google d-wave/2
Right? What a stupid post.
I'm not even defending the KJV (on more than aesthetic grounds), but still ... come on, man.
Someone give me a tldr what bible to get kjv or what? pls
>reading bible in anything other than latin/greek/hebrew
see, u don't ebn kno ther canon, thats hoiw base this argument is.
i am so fkkd up over this. shiiiit.
The seed of American degeneracy was planted in Britain, faggot.
The religious nutcases with sub average IQs who first settled on your coast needed a plebeian, dramatized Bible. This is also why America is the one country who spanned Hollyweird, have their election follow a B grade Nolan/James Bond fictional pattern and the televangelism plague.
KJB is what would happen if you asked a fanfiction writer to rewrite Shakespeare's work. By plebs, for plebs.
what's wrong with 95?
why do black people like apocrypha?
catholic detected
our bible is taking any posts with repeating digits as the will of kek.
To get the most, you will still want to use a bible software like e-sword which is free to do word study in the Hebrew and Greek. Also, since the NT is written in Greek, but by Hebrews, the Greek words used have Hebrew flavor. So another way to get into the Hebrew perspective is to use the Septuagint to see how Hebrew translators picked Greek words to represent Hebrew concepts. So an Apostolic Bible Polyglot with Strong's Numbering can be useful to trace back Greek words from the NT to see how they were used in the OT and then see the corresponding Hebrew term/concept. A lot of Orthodox and Evangelical understanding of the NT is distorted by Greek understanding rather than searching for the Hebrew underlying concepts. Sola Fide is one such problem with its contradiction in James. The reason is that the Hebrew Emmunah that was represented by the Greek word pistis contained more than just what pistis conveyed. So we have a different understanding of what "faith" is than what the NT writers were conveying. That's one example of many.
KJV mufukka
Grab a Strong's Concordance (or get an app) if you want to understand translation context more
Beware bible versions coming out that get rid of 2 Peter; apparently because it makes some groups assmad that Peter gives Paul the thumbs up.
>15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
>16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Based off of, and then corrected by the Catholic Church. Notice the CE.
What's your point? America is basically Britain when it comes to religion. All because some fatass wanted to divorce his wife and the Church said no.
If King James was King Jacopo of Italy, there might be a contention for the KJV. As it stands, its garbage.
I can't believe that there was a time when I worshiped the ESV. Just don't read the Bible anymore unless you know ancient Greek.
Calvinfags are the worst of the worst.
Annotated Oxford Bible.
The annotation helps clear through all the mystic sand dindu blabbings for red pills.
Big ass book so get the paperback version. Ezekiel was the first Sup Forums red pill.
The 95 revision moved a little in the direction of dynamic translation. It's still a fairly literal translation, but the 77 is more literal. It's not apparent in all places, so many might not notice, but there are enough instances that I stick with the 77.
While the meaning might be twisted at least it isn't bastardized and butchered by language like English where the vocabulary is woefully lacking in certain aspects.
Sorry pal didn't mean to come of as condescending. We just disagree and that's OK. I think the Bible makes it clear that no man is capable of "living up to it". But whatever, agree to disagree, Godspeed bro.
??? :O
the MC-irl here,
whr'd this guy come from?? good good!, thank u!
true the NRSV is gender nuetral SJW stuff, jolly good, jolly good!
BUt the D/R comments are a bit undereducated. there's things with the D/R that make it obsolete. but I still like it. I have two very good ones I read Genesis 15 out of (beautiful imagery in Abraham's covenant)
Good anser though, but stick with the RSV-CE (1965-1966) its solid.
No, it only kind of comes from the same source texts. You're partially right.
n any1 who needs gender neutral pronouns is unsure if they;re a faggot,
the RSV-CE
lmao....................... just lmao.........................
>breathtaking use of language
>actual majesty and grandeur
>"By plebs, for plebs."
In 500 years, people will still be reading the KJV (albeit with more difficulty), and it will still be a massive influence on the language.
You're a leafy little vulture picking at the bones of giants.