>in class today history teacher starts talking about how Jews were persecuted by Romans
>leads to discuss on of how Jews have been persecuted by basically everyone in history
>someone asks why everyone hated the Jews, brace myself for the "muh anti-semitism/racism/religious persecution" answer
>teacher explains that it was because of the jew's inability to assimilate into separate cultures
>fucking excited as fuck realizing how much I lucked out getting this guy this year
ITT share stories like this
Teachers dropping major red-pill stories
howd your teacher get past the (((hiring committee)))?
>History class in liberal arts college
>Professor is talking about Hitler
>Expect him to say the same old shit about the Holocaust and stuff
>Before he can, he mentions that Hitler had great public speaking skills
>From the back of the room, a Mexican guy tells that Trump and Hitler have a lot in common
>Professor takes off his vest, revealing a bright red MAGA shirt underneath
>Everyone gasps before the professor says "the wall just got 20 feet higher"
>Five Mexicans try to fight the prof, but he beats them all up at once, finishing the last guy off with a DDT over his desk
>Professor takes off his mask
>It's actually Reagan
>He backflips out of the room, before a big eagle comes in from an open window
>The eagle turns on the radio, and the American anthem plays
My name? Albert Einstein.
I had the same history teacher back in high school. He was a skinhead in college, talked about times in college when he and his friends would just shave eachother's heads completely to "save money in college".
Taught us about Japanese rape of Nanjing. Taught us about soviet holodomor. Taught us about all the good things Hitler did. Emphasized that Hitler did not hate Jews because of "muh art school".
Got top marks in class, and an open congratulations from the teacher on my essay about Marxist tactics and how they took over society in Russia systematically.
It was fucking awesome.
He'll be gone next year. Enjoy a teacher in the throws of realizing he's NOT going to have a job very soon. Try to keep the class in line, the Jews in administration have already started to sabotage him and will not enforce any disciplinary actions. (Former teacher)
Did this actually happen?
>Rebel agaisnt rome 6 gorillion times after they turn your desert into a city
>oy vey why dont those anti-semites love us
Yeah. Last week.
Community colleges always have the best teachers
>intro to philosophy class
>dumb femcunt bitch goes on long tangent about white males and how the only reason they were able to philosophize was due to their privilege
>drones on for a solid 5 - 6 minutes
>professor talks
>"Well thank you for nagging the entire class and going off topic, now back to Kant."
Broke out laughing
I had a jewish history teacher who was only slightly red pilled, he hated hitler because of the Holocaust but never denied he was a great leader in all other aspects. He even mentioned that jews were at the forefront of banking and were persecuted because jews cant into assimilation
This happened last week
>talking about 9/11
>saying how Iraq had nothing to do with it
>Saudis did it etc
>17 hijackers were saudi
>Starts talking about al quida
>asks Charles who funds Al quida ?
>Charles the LSD taking ginger kid yells
>prof takes a literal second
>Burst out laughing his ass off
>"Yeah you are probably right charles"
pretty cool guy but he is blue pilled in some aspects
He also thinks I work closely with wikileaks..., always asks me how I became so interested in it/how do I know so much about it/what are they going to reveal next etc when it's all from being around autists on a basket weaving yugoslavian image board
Always calls on me when we are talking about something to do with military or history because I can answer it while all the other millennials don't know shit. Also I am from Europe where he spends a lot of time so he knows that I am not retarded like the rest of students in my class
>I am not retarded like the rest of students in my class
I don't know why senpai, but that line make me chuckle a bit
High school
>history class
>teacher brings in black Vietnam war veteran so we can ask him questions about the war
>dude was Uncle Ruckus personified
>Says half the war he spent guarding rubber trees
>Some wigger dude asks how many men he killed
>everyone just stares at dumb wigger angry looks
>veteran guy says about a dozen
>Says "don't worry, i understand eubonics i heard him"
>intro to politics class
>have le black professor
>talking about the civil war
>oh boy...
>He says the civil war was actually between economic interests, traditionalist agrarian south vs industrial north
>says slaves would eventually probably been freed even if the south had won
Its weird, i expected worse
Ha fuck no. My current poly sci "professor" thinks there is no voter fraud and believes basic zoning laws against Marijuana use is a civil rights violation. I fucking hate that class.
>Canadian flag
>American figures
I think this story is fake
Its a no brainer that slavery was going to be phased out. The mechanization of farming was what have ultimately ended it.
>Sophmore Year
>Get Reddit tier librel U.S History Teacher
>Always talks about how bad racism is and how his people "Hippies" won
>Get to Hindenburg
>Tells us its a terrorist attack by the kikes
>Goes into a ramble about how glorious Nazi Germany was and their glorious airships and how he always wanted to go in one
>Get to Israel
>Demonizes the Jews even more and tells us every thing we do is controlled by them
>Goes silent and just goes back to his desk
That's still only half the red pill, though.
There are plenty of cultures like the Amish that fail to assimilate and still get along just fine with everybody.
What happened with the Jews is that after being allowed into a country they would seek religious exemption to practice usury, which would be granted by a government that saw only the short-term benefits of increased cash flow, but which inevitably led to the consolidation of wealth by the usurers and the debt slavery of the rest of the populace, at which point the Jews got chased out and their assets redistributed and the process repeated in another country.
Wew lad, his mask slipped for a bit there.
High School history of the Americas class
>teacher emphasizes historiography has us analyze everyone from Zinn to Hegel
>Makes us discuss current American political issues every class
>Literally 3rd day of class we have a class discussion on a piece by Zinn about Colombus
>He asks about how we felt if the piece was valid or not
>everyone says it was and seemed true
>tells us not to believe everything we read in his class and that zinn is a commie pushing an agenda
>asks us for the definition of history
>kid answers and teacher writes his answer on the board "the study of the past"
>circles it and writes in giant all caps "BULLSHIT"
>teaches historiography and doesn't even care when I say how many of our sources are relying on white guilt
>write an essay that was supposed to be about the declaration of independence
>make it about the declaration in the context of marxist interpretation of hegelian dialectic
>teacher loves it
>calls native americans uncivilized
>teaches us all about black slavery in Africa and the role of arabs
>gives comprehensive multi-source lessons on all the (((controversial))) topics of colonization
>fucking based
makes me sound like I am in a retard class but in reality these are just normies who don't know shit beyond their facebook and virtue signaling
>Hipster hates Jews and love Hitler
Not surprised
you're not at the heart yet. usury is only profitable when you have money to lend. how did they have money to lend in the first place? this is the heart of why they are despised.
>be econ major
>only uncucked area of liberal arts
>taking class on economies of latin America
>get to Chile
>Argentinian professor talks about how based pinochet was
>fat dyke cunt with dyed blue hair complains about how he killed 4000 lefties
>prof says yea but he saved Chile from from ending up like Cuba or Venezuela
>Taking Dictatorships of the 20th Century
>History elective
>Expect it to be gay "Hurrr Hitler wuz evil", but take it anyways because History is my strong suit
>Teacher really neutral about everything he teaches. Doesn't feel the need to inject muh feels or muh holocaust into anything.
>Write an essay on, essentially, all the good Hitler did for Germany
>Get a 95% or something
Things went better than I expected.
>Be in economics class
>Professor is talking about wages
>Mathematically explains why raising the minimum wage can be bad for the economy
>10 girls in the class get triggered and start telling him he's wrong
>Professor just explains again through math about how a overly high minimum wage hurts everyone
>Girls just get more and more upset but can't argue with mathematical proof
Not really the prof being red pilled as much as he's just doing his job, but I still loved it anyways.
You have to go back.
Lol awesome
>first year/semester of college
>in chemistry class and someone randomly brings up climate change
>expect the teacher to go full shill mode like "muh 99% of scientist agree.."
>he bursts out laughing saying how much of a joke it is
>"of course there's more CO2! Who cares it's Plant Food"
He then went on to use methane in all combustion examples because it made CO2. He also talked about the JFK assassination theories for 20 minutes one time, which I thought was cool as fuck.
This feels like an episode of China, IL
>Doing animation
>3D course
>talking about multimedia
>goes to warn about jews, mentioning they own the media, how they are unavoidable.
You can't "mathematically prove" economic concepts
>taking a class titled Hitler Studies
>old based prof calls Hitler "Very tolerant of homosexuals, it was Himmler that was a homophobe"
>You can't "mathematically prove" economic concepts
Only if you are a brainlet.
Kind of a similar story to yours. My history teacher just said it's because they were the only people actively telling everyone else that they were wrong for believing in their false gods. Like Greeks and Egyptians were pretty chill sharing how their gods worked and stuff but then Jews would come along and would be like no fuck you guys you're all wrong.
Oh, how could I forget the best one? My physics instructor. He didn't drop many redpills in lab though he had a general demeanor that was red-shaded. This was his website, which was easy enough to find since he was running for congress:
>Did you watch last night’s (Oct. 15) Presidential Debate between McCain & Obama?
>If you watched the debate then I’m pleased that you still have faith in our leaders. I wish I could be as enthusiastic about window dressing for the loaded-dice-game of Washington politics. As far as I’m concerned, it will not matter who becomes our next President. Either McCain or Obama will have been put into power by the same Big Money Interests. Did you go to those two links? Do both Obama and McCain have connections to the recent Wall Street Bailout? I rest my case. Whoever is in the White House will answer to their financial backers first, and then MAYBE to the American people second (or third, if we’re lucky).
>It boggles my mind why McCain wasn’t impeached from the Senate and barred from ever holding future public office after the Keating Five Scandal. Instead, he’s the GOP candidate for President! Like Obama, McCain’s career is 100% in debt to Big Money Interests, specifically Arizona Money Interests. Please try to tell me Big PAC $$$ doesn’t run the United States.
>Obama was propelled into the national limelight by very powerful Chicago Money Interests. Do you really think as President he would put Americans first? Really? Can I interest you in purchasing the Brooklyn Bridge or some fine swamp, ummm...I mean prime real estate?
>Unless you are a know-it-all college freshman who still believes democracy hasn’t been hijacked (or perhaps a hypocritical Constitutionalist who selectively applies constitutional protections) then you probably did what I did, and changed the damned channel.
Must be community college or high school. No one else would take the risk
>“Give us money, give us money, give us money or the economy is damned. You MUST bail us out for your own good.”
>Well you know what I say to the auto industry executives? Screw you. Make an affordable car that lasts more than 3 years and we’ll buy it. Stop peddling cheap, unreliable Detroit junk at double the price it should be. Maybe then Americans would spend their smaller & smaller net incomes (adjusted for the hidden inflation tax) on domestic automobiles.
>“But if you don’t bail us out it will cause chaos. More than three million jobs could be lost.”
>So? What’s your point? As if NAFTA hasn’t already screwed us all down the globalist river of no return. Screw Detroit. Screw Wall Street. And screw any future corporate douchebags who demand that Americans bail out their incompetence and ineptitude. Let the frickin’ auto industry go under. They manufacture crap. Pure grade-A junk. It is not the American taxpayers’ responsibility to hand over hard-earned income to a bunch of corporate retards. As for the three million jobs ... you should have used your overly-inflated incomes from the past thirty years to go to night school. Learn a second trade moron. You made 75 grand a year since 1982 bolting transmission crossmembers onto some Detroit gas-hog pig of a chassis. But you couldn’t sock away 20 grand to attend college at night or spend a whopping six months to get that pipe-dream of a G.E.D.? Please, NAFTA has cost WAY more than 3 million high-paying jobs. Let Detroit implode. Nothing good has come out of MoTown since the Temptations and the 1972 GTO.
>In fact, it’s very similar to the dilemma of starving children in Africa. We all see those commercials on TV. And of course you feel bad about the swollen-bellied, fly-covered children whose only crime in life was being born to self-gratifying, ignorant parents who have never heard of condoms or coitus interruptus. The Wall Street/Detroit gangsters are of the same ilk as those parents.
>You simply CANNOT reward this kind of behavior by handing over automatic bailouts. Whose next? Airlines? Cable TV? Frozen vegetable companies? You see, it sets a very bad precedent. And, unfortunately, it’s the same sort of conundrum one struggles with when it comes to starving third-world nations.
>I find it incredibly callous that we allow third-world countries to overpopulate without limits. Then we watch as the victims of the overpopulation, the innocent children, suffer a cruel and agonizing death due to malnutrition & starvation. It would have been much more humane to abort the child as a fetus rather than allow it to be born into years of suffering & malnutrition. Or better yet, the pregnancy should have been prevented in the first place through education, contraception, & changing the social attitude of the overpopulated country.
>The same religious zealots who oppose contraception & abortion then plead for donations to help feed the result of unchecked reproduction. What hypocrisy.
>We should help starving humans anywhere on Earth. But the help should not be carte blanche nor without payback. There should be serious strings attached, such as the mandatory vasectomies/tubal ligations of the parents. Simply shipping food & other forms of aid to these people will change nothing. In fact, it will make the problem worse! The culture & society that produced the overpopulation will continue to do so, and at an accelerated rate. We should help the needy. But, the needy MUST change their behavior to remedy the problem.
Didn't some guy get a Nobel prize for showing the recession couldn't happen?
And this is why we are where we are today anons.
American education at its finest. FML
I challenge anyone to find a more red-pilled prof
>My Opinion: Jews Are The New Nazis
>I’ll keep this short. Do you want to know why the USA is being destroyed socially, morally, economically, and spiritually?
>It’s because very wealthy Zionist bankers, politicians, and businessmen have a pipe-dream of conquering the planet. Their main opposition to this plan comes from the traditional western countries.
>For well over a hundred years now the Zionist powers have been subverting western civilization. They do this through control of the media, education, banking, entertainment, politics, and any other facet of society that has power over the population.
>Why do you think that all of Europe and the USA suddenly, in the last twenty years, has been over run with illegal immigration?
>Why do you think we are in all these Middle Eastern wars of aggression?
>Why do you think the American taxpayer was fleeced last year with all of that bailout nonsense?
>If you look hard enough there is ALWAYS, 100% of the time, a group of Zionists pushing these destructive practices on the rest of us.
>be a student teacher
>student asks me why the Germans were so willing to follow Hitler's hatred of the Jews.
>tell the class that the major reason the Germans were so willing to scapegoat the Jews when Hitler came to power was because many of the leaders of the Spartacist uprising were Jewish and many Germans viewed it as a stab in the back.
>Co-teacher lectures me about how I made it seem like the Jews deserved the treatment they got at the hands at the Nazis.
>say that nothing I said was untrue and I was repeating what I'd learned in collage.
>she says that the kids aren't ready for that kind of discussion
I'm not even a stormfag, I was literally just answering the kids question.
>Zionist Hollywood uses the children on the left to instil a guilt complex in us. Screw the children on the right. They were unfortunate enough to be born on land belonging to “God’s Chosen.” Yeah, right. What benevolent, loving god would choose fascists as his favorite people? And why would god choose one group over another? He made BOTH!
>My Opinion: Holocaust Retardedness
>I am so tired of having my taxpayer money spent on Holocaust museums I could puke. There have been MANY historical genocides of greater magnitude than the WWII event. My french grandfather died in World War II. Where’s his museum? I had great uncles and extended cousins that died in the war. Where are their museums, built with taxpayer money? Does the fact that Hollywood and Congress bow to Zionist interests have any relation to the above questions? Does the Pope wear a funny hat?
>Looking at the death toll from World War II, one must place the suffering into proportion. The following data takes the extreme numbers of deaths for WWII. On one end of the spectrum it includes the alleged number of 6 million Jewish deaths. On the other end of the spectrum it includes the alleged number of only 357,000 Jewish deaths. I don’t care which number you believe, nor which number is correct. Why? Because if you look at the relative percentage of deaths classified by race it doesn’t make much difference. The following data shows these two extremes
>To put these numbers into context I will present these numbers using font scaling of the text. A font size of 100 stands for 100% of the deaths caused by World War II, That means using the first set of numbers Caucasians = size 66 font, Asians = size 23 font and so forth. The computer can only go down to size 1 font. Therefore, any percentages lower than 1% will be displayed in size 1 font.
>Can you even see the size 1 font for Black, Jewish, & Hispanic?
>So now, dear reader, please explain to me why my taxpayer money has to go to dozens upon dozens of Holocaust museums? World War II ended over SIXTY YEARS AGO!
>The Holocaust Racket has to end for humanity’s sake. Enough of this nonsense. Just last year Israel demanded a top-of-the-line, nuclear submarine from Germany. The reason given ... Holocaust reparations.
some of you leafs are all right in my book
praise kek
>My Opinion: Channon, Chris & The Zionist Media Coverup
>On January 7, 2007 Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom became the victims of a rampaging pack of sub-human animals.
>Channon and Chris were on route to a friend’s house to watch a movie when three savages, high on crack, kidnapped them during a carjacking.
>What ensued was indescribable.
>Yes, you read that right. These sub-human freaks raped THE MAN in front of his girlfriend.
>Then they took him to a railroad track, strangled him, shot him, and doused his body in gasoline.
>Chris Newsom’s father was only able to recognize his son’s body by Chris’s distinctive eyes. That’s how badly his body was burned.
>Channon was brutally gang-raped over a period of two days. She was sodomized and urinated upon.
>These sub-human apes forced her to “suck them off” repeatedly.
>They then tried to destroy the DNA evidence of their semen in her mouth and stomach by pouring drain cleaner down her throat, post-mortem.
>She was suffocated then dismembered. Her remains were placed into five separate garbage bags for disposal.
>How could any self-respecting woman, OF ANY RACE, have anything to do with sub-human animals like “Slim” above?
>Shame on any woman who succumbs to Jewish Hollywood’s brainwashing about race-mixing.
>This entire pogrom of anti-White, Jewish-Hollywood-pushed multiculturalism is getting absurd.
>This is all part of the deliberate, scientific, Talmudic plan to destroy White nations.
>Once Whitie is gone, the rest of the planet will be easy pickings for the Jewish World Order.
>My name? Albert Einstein.
bonjour reddite
>Stuck in class with Trumpcuck professor
"Trump is the best for the economy"
>"Hillary is a literal criminal"
>Kid who is 6'5 310 lbs stands up and takes off his hoodie
>Is wearing an I'm With Her shirt
>Kid grabs professor by throat
>Chokeslams him through the desk
>Entire class cheers
>make it about the declaration in the context of marxist interpretation of hegelian dialectic
That's a bit advanced for a high school class.
This shits fuckin mint
Makes me glad men with opinions like this are even still allowed in a classroom. There is hope.
Well I find this to be a meme. Please some source?
fuck off cunt came here legally and now have my citizenship. I am registered to vote, I think I should vote for hillary and have my family vote for her too to spite you faggot.
Holy fuck I hope someone throws a brick through your car window
Just recently my math professor at my local JC just told me he did not believe in climate change. Told us the class that the Earth went through this naturally. Even said that the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases was some mega volcano in the pacific, Although, I couldn't find sources on that.
He also says he hates both candidates, but he would vote for Trump if he had no choice. Pretty based guy.
i bet money you're a fuckin' furry
>voting to destroy a country because someone insulted you
Your lack of strong values disgusts me sweden/germany/france.
Teacher's name and school please.
Stefan Molyneux
>Our professor is doing a lecture on mediterranean history
>While handling Egypt, he tells us about how white people stole the royal heritage of the ancient black egyptians
>Asks every white person in the classroom to apologize for the sins of their ancestors
>Right then, a transfer student stood up and said:
>"Hold on a moment, Professor, are you saying that we, the people of african ancestry, were in fact Kings and Queens during ancient times?"
>The professor smiled quite jewishly and said replied: "Of course."
>"In that case, shouldn't we, the people of african ancestry, also bear all the burden of the sins of slavery and abuse that came to be because of the autocratic government systems, standing shoulder to shoulder with our white kin instead of continuing the circle of hate and persecution?"
>The professor was visibly shaken, stuttering something about racism before realising she was about to make an micro-aggression and ran away from the lecture hall.
>All the students gave a standing ovation and all strife and hatred was forgotten between a man and his brother, regardless of their skin color or social status. A small priest shouting "wololo-looo" bursted into the room and turned everyone red. "The Rights and Responsibilities of Man" was read several times anda new covenant established.
>The name of that transfer student? Alberto Barbosa.
Here's Ludendorff saying they were stabbed in the back.
it doesn't matter if what Kudendorff said was true, what matters is that it caught on and a lot of people were willing to believe it was true.