Now that the dust has settled

Is Jim Carrey just playing a character or is he really just simply /ourguy/?

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guess he's a little slow


Drumpflets BFO

Al though not really Sup Forums

nah he hates trump so that makes him a cuck and soyboy

Drumpf is literally snoke and voldemort guys.

seems pretty unstable to me
>waaa i'm a multi-millionaire who could actually change the world, better scribble down childish drawings of trump people on twitter

that's a pretty good neo-psychedelic punkish painting, of course the symbolism is dumb but it's pretty kino

Post the image where he looks JUST

This. Jim Carrey is apparently a pretty talented dood

If I was to bet on the next celebrity to do a Robin Williams he'd be my lock.
His online activity has been deranged, his personal life unsavoury and whenever he's on camera or in public now he seems desperately unhappy. I think he should seek soon otherwise he'll be dead within 5 years.

Putin doesn't even like him. but if some russian wants to show Trump support on facebook it must mean there's a hidden plot to hand America to their 3rd world nation, right?

You mean every image of him post-2010?

He promoted neomccarthism false narrative iraqi weapons aka russian collusion.

Pic related is the real way to troll drumpflets.

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I never understood why one of these rich lefty nut jobs never just bought Sup Forums and shut it down, the asking price was a pittance to them

He's gone full-Kaufman. Never go full-Kaufman.

Yes, America isn't allowed to be cordial with Russia.
Ignore all of the countries that Hillary and Obama received support and money from while warring in their back yard, they're not important.

I think somebody showed him Sam Hyde, and now Jim decided to operate on the high levels of irony.

>leftwing virtue signallers
>ever spending money on causes

All actors are playing a character; Over time, the id simply washes out and they are left with only an empty vessel.

Attached: jimcarreytruecrimes.jpg (970x595, 421K)

Putin wants to divide and distract America and Trump is a useful tool for that

But they do

Yeah they were united in white genocide and pointless wars before, that was so great right?

>Trump is the one distracting/dividing America with Russian propaganda
>not the msm and deep state
Who are the ones starting multiple senate investigations and special prosecutors over a few twitter trolls? Who are the ones covering it constantly?

>my vote didnt win


stay butthurt

we're actually divided 48 ways

So Jim... tell me about your care-
>How dare you fucking speak to me like that. I have no ego, there is no 'Jim', this is just a wave. You egocentric zombies can't stop for one second and just realize there is no 'is', there is no 'me', when are you going to pull your head out of your asses and understand that??
Alright, so tell me about this career
>OH YEAH well I'm great of course, Jim Carey is so free, I'm one of the best. Look, I can do anything, tell me how great this impression is. Tell me, come on, I'm great. I'm just the best and I'm so glad I own it.

Why can't reddit soyboys come up with anything other than strawmen?

It's almost like the liberals that have money value free expression more than you do Juan

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>muh Soros

It's probably because Hiro wouldn't sell it, no matter how much gets offered. But they'd attempt if given the chance


Don't give him any attention, user

who are the flying monkeys?

it's so depressing to see an influential millionaire going through an edgy teen nihilism phase at 56 years old

how sheltered do you have to be

I wonder how often people said that about moot back in the day

Based and saved comrade!

>over a few twitter trolls?
BASED gen z experts reveals the truth

>implying hiro is a person and not a code name for a CIA operation

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Objectively this.

Guys lost it

damn, what hairstyle is that?

But my vote won :^)

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HAHA, i mean no matter your political leaning you have to admit is at least kinda clever and funny

Don and Eric I think

nobody thought it was good for anything until Trump was elected

He's going through babbys first existential crisis. It will end up with him either pulling a Robin Williams or he will go live in the amazon jungle to "find himself".

Spoken like a true foreigner

>kinda clever and funny
probably b8, but real cleverness and humor is literally what it lacks

>until Trump was elected
So, it's still not good for anything?

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fuck off

We've had this thread a million times but i'll repeat it, the whole act is not of an unstable man. It's a very aware man who doesn't care. His unwillingness to address what he is doing is nothing but narcissism.

>It's a very aware man who doesn't care.
This isn't true. No man who is 'very aware' will make themselves appear a fool on purpose. These are the actions of a man who has no idea what he is doing.

>His unwillingness to address what he is doing is nothing but narcissism.
he's an Eckhart Tolle fan, the whole 'mindfulness' thing is literally about ignoring reality and accepting nihilism under the new coat of "enlightenment".

Make the hat and suit yellow and it becomes a flattering picture referencing the mask

McCarthy was absolutely right and 'McCarthyism' is a gommie buzzword to discredit him

his list was made up user

From one extreme to the other, the world is not black and white because CNN say so

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yeah but I don't see CNN shitting up the board