If you can't drive a manual, you are a cuck
If you can't drive a manual, you are a cuck
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I drive stick but I'm Canadian so I suppose I'm half a cuck
can't wait for this word to be buried after Hilldawg wins
does cvt or paddle shifting count
it's not going anywhere bitch boy
I can't wait for hilldog to be buried.
how many pedals do you have. If the answer is 2, then you're a cuck pretending to be competent. And no, parking brake pedals don't count.
>unironically likes grabbing black sticks.
>calls people a cuck.
Grettings from /o/ Cvt may as well be, cuck vagina transmission. Foppy pattle is nothing unless its a dct. I bet trump drives stick
the US is literally the only country where EVERYONE cant drive stick
What the hell is wrong with your moron country?
>tfw drove manual for 10 years
>tfw drive automatic now
i miss being able to drift
How can i learn if no ones willing to let me use their car to practice
dct is even still shit. It still does most of the shifting for you.
>cuck vagina transmission
so many rude dudes from /o/
Says the cuck who has never driven the new PDK, from Porsche which will literally shift 100 times better than 99% of drivers
Listen up, amerifucks,
Every country in Europe (or asia) I've ever been in, everyone drives stick. I mean, we have automatic cars, but everyone can drive stick though.
After living two years in the US, pretty much noone I know drives stick.
Reason? Americans are less smart, and cant handle driving a stick. Europeans and asians are more smart, and can drive stick
CVT is only acceptable on go karts and snow mobiles.
If your car has one, then it is time to remove any vestigial remains of your manhood.
>6-speed noice
no it doesnt.
You take lessons you fucking retard
Then buy a shitbox to practice
I've only ever driven manual
>let me
Stop being a faggot and pay them. You can't expect them to do it for free.
Driving auto is like letting another man fuck your wife, only cucklets enjoy a computer taking out all the joy of driving
if you wanna get the best lap time the new automatics will be better
if you wanna have some more fun the manuals are better
also most nigs dont know how to drive a manual so they cant steal it
I learned how to drive manual, while I was drunk, in a stolen car.
Beat that, faggot.
And more prone to have your stuff stolen as stick is quite pointless in an urban environment, and as such hugely impopular in there.
That said i don't care; i've got a driver.
(mostly because he's cheaper than getting a car customised to my length)
find someone with an old late 90's s10, sonoma, ranger or equivilent with manual. If you stall that while learning maybe driving isn't the best thing for you.
its almost impossible to find a newer vehicle with a manual unless its some low end piece of shit. I can drive manual but no car over 40k brand new comes with one.
No thats wrong. You have more control over your car with manual. An automatic clutch can never match the precision of a skiled driver. Youd know this is you werent AMERICAN, from AMERICA, where noone is mentally capable of driving stick (unlike in europe & asia, where everyone is)
That's why I have this air cooled beast as well
If you are that much of a midget, just strap some books to your short legs and rig up a rope and pulley system and a booster chair so you can drive yourself.
no stupid ass
the new supercars are faster in automatics its proven
>Outdated technology
you own both? i love the color my dude, i bet its fun af to drive
hello americans
when you drive automatic do you use both your feet?
OP's image is from a Jeep, whose auto transmission blows. PDK and DCT's might get you around a track a few 10ths faster, the fun factor, and in many cases the necessity, will lay with the manual.
no shit head
I can, I'm not very good at it but I can.
Ya maybe if you have Justin Biebers damn Lamborghini worth a cuntzillion dollars or whatever. Any other automatic, good fucking luck
Also, americans suck cuz you all cant drive stick. I know ive said it 5 times now but goddamn its true
>N on the shoes
I'm 23 and don't even have my learner's yet.
this is true
>letting a box of slush select gears for you while you just dimly smash the pedal
>metal on metal, selecting the gears you want
Yep both are mine...I am really pissed I didn't get a 918 though....You needed to have one to be eligible for the 911R :( A few friends got the 911R, I am jealous
No, americans dont know how to clutch
Literally the only country on earth where most people are incapable of driving stick
See That's why you just get both
same on both counts
Well stolen in the middle of winter while the windscreen was thick with snow/ice so I had to stick my fucking head out the window while my mate stuck his out the passenger side so we could see where we were going.
Must have been about 13 , wasn't drunk tho.
Guess I'm not a cuck then
When she loses you won't be paid to shitpost here any more, so don't worry. Now fuck off and go get some quality time in with your husband and his boyfriend.
Auto allows me to hold my girlfriend's son's mother's hand while driving.
Lap time on a track not one of those fuckin mental rally courses in Norway
I think that in your metrics i would be roughly 7 feet or so, a bit more.
Adding things is cheaper in such a construction as a car indeed, but that's not an option when the issue is not shortage.
Then I guess I'm a cuck with an Audi A5. Fuck off, loser.
Yet F1 and NASCAR virtually never touch the clutch.
Hmm really makes you think
Girls cafe car
damn, the 918 is expensive as fuck though
i bet driving it is nuts
>Not buying a car with dual clutch, which necessitates automatic transmission
Poorfag detected.
Agreed, although I honestly like my semimanual more than any manual I've driven.
Exact same on both. This is kind of eerie.
What if my third pedal is for NOS?
pls see
dual clutch is nice but not the same
i like having options though for sure
>plot twist: knocked up another woman and then framed it as a surrogate birth
Does a manual tractor count? I can drive a manual tractor.
Does driving a tractor count?
This car would smoke you and your cuck mobile
>aggressive shifting.
>only going 80mph in a econo car.
Yep 918 is pretty expensive but the 911R is such an iconic car, wish I would have known about the stipulation....would have got the 918
is that actually a thing?
why bother driving?
>stability control
just go driverless already
>OP triggered from the car thread who has to reinforce the fact he is better than you despite literally doing more work to drive a vehicle because their a dumb nigger and or can't afford a car with an auto transmission
Took me two years to find a stick version of the car I wanted on the used market at a price I could afford. It was worth it.
I've never owned a car, let alone driven one with a manual transmission, but I ride a motorcycle so I think that counts, as virtually all motorcycles are manual transmission.
>Caring what other people drive
It's like you want validation for your choice. In any case I believe the only people who should really care are racers.
while drifting smartass
Everyone learns Manual here, else you can get a license to drive automatic only (I have never met anyone retarded enough to do that)
I drive an automatic though, because it's just less of a hassle in city traffic
lmfao obviously you have never driven a car anywhere close to this caliber and didn't see my other vehicle which is a true manual.
this applies to you because you have a corolla and are stupid as shit
ayyy lads. feels good we didn't fall for the jewish auto-mobile.
I have a shitbox old vx commodore. A horse and cart could smoke my car. Doesn't change the fact Porsche is just a rich version of this, another girls cafe sport car
Do motorcycles count? Hard to find a manual car around here. I've owned a sport shift car, they don't have manual clutches though.
You said it yourself
>what is a corvette
>high end camaros
>mustang gt350
you couldn't get more wrong
Im a Biker
t. Overcompensator
Oh right the least efficient way of making a turn while ruining your tires.
I drive electric.
>wanting to be forced to use both hands while driving even if you get a phone call
Nah, not worth it. I can drive one in a pinch but I'm not buying one. Too annoying when you multitask as much as I do. 100% clean driving record, btw, so don't give me shit about how I'm killing people.
If you cant ride a motorcycle you're a cuck.
>Europeans are more smart
Can't use proper grammar
Can't stop the Muslim hoards
wrong and wrong
you wont even be steering in 5 years
>thinks they are smart for doing extra work to drive their car.
>thinks drivers from the country that invented cars and has the most drivers and vehicles in the world doesn't know what they are doing
Why would I want to drive manual if I can't afford the kind of car which takes advantage of it?
My driving is all on the highways and freeways and I live a 2 minute walk from work.
It's totally unnecessary for me.
again not paying attention, this is a flat 6 air cooled icon, a cafe
girl would wet herself in this thing
We don't really know how to work windmills either
We live in something called the 21st century
Did your pops just teach you to drive?
My African American Male