Other urls found in this thread:
>Believeing Sup Forums LARPing,
CTR go home.
Also I am at home and I am not CTR.
I'm just rational enough to know our Memetic Warfare isn't powerful enough to will Bill and Hillary into jail.
>I'm just rational enough to know our Memetic Warfare isn't powerful enough to will Bill and Hillary into jail.
You underestimate Kek's power
Something will come tomorrow. It was too quiet today...
Hello :3
Kek! Hear me! If Your Chaos is great enough to Meme the Dream, grant me the wisdom to know Your presence by granting me numerical entities of a repetitive or sequential nature and I will be Your Eternal Servant!
Tere-tere. Kuidas Sinul läheb?
lol i couild really go for some pizza
meatlovers probably
Stopped reading right there.
Päris hästi, sul? Oled väliseestlane?
Minul läheb hästi, Aitäh. Ei minu Eestlane. Ma olen soomelane-ameeriklane.
putsi mine magama kell on 6 ja kohe 7
FBIanon was real yo
Kas tarvitad Tallinnas täna őhtul?
Varsti lähen, mõne tunni pärast
Alright, I've used up my limited Estonian without going to Google Translate...
I was trying to ask if you were out all night drinking alcohol.
Nope, My day and night cycle is really fucked up and i have been reading the leaked emails.
I see. Even beautiful little Eesti gets chocked by the serpent of our political seasons.
What's qt Lenna Kuurmaa up to these days? Still not pushing the "Refugees Welcome" bullshit, I hope.
what if the cia is using us to meme this into reality. what if trump is actually the bad guy and we are all under some mk ultra mind control?
>muh sleep cycle
FBIanon was 100% legit, tomorrow we might find out the name of the patriot spy that died for his country, NYPD has to be holding a press conference soon, one way or another SOME of this pedophilia is coming out
Check em for delivery
Nothing will happen.
In that very thread, the OP said things had changed and the dump was to happen THAT DAY.
It never came.
It's over.
>WikiLeaks and Anonymous have been working together
>doing anything substantial
Wanna know how I know this is larp?
Nope, everything seems fine with her right now thankfully.
A lot of the elders here support Clinton because they say it has a better effect for Estonians. Younger people here support trump a little bit more but it's sort of balanced.
Well that just fucking blows :/
I had my hopes up; why do people do that shit?
>le epic 5th of November meme
Stop equating this crap with FBI user, who actually knew his shit, or at least took the effort to seem like he did.
We already know who. I want to know how they did it.
cmon guy faux user
dont be another faggot OP
I thought they were the same person; I got into this kinda late in the ballgame so I'm playing catchup
Yawn. More chum for the alt-right echo chamber.
I am 99% sure this was bait planted by CTR. Along with the dumb pedophilia stuff.
To lower morale with disappointment
Get your shit together
This...fuckers have don't shit in years...Only when it was Sup Forums before they became fuckheads
I'm glad Kuurmaa is on chill. She's just too cute to dismiss, unlike Emma Watson.
It looks like I'm going to be able to afford to go to laulupidu 2019. Which hotel do you recommend? I kind of want to stay at Hotell Viru for the Soviet Nostalgia and to see the KGB museum, but does Tallinn offer something better?
(Don't worry, I have no intent of trying to sleep with your women. They are angels and I will not foul them)
I wanted to believe...
No but it may have a shred of truth. If you are willing enough to believe a false story I might as well tell you one that is probably true:
There will be big leaks, very soon. Likely tomorrow or Sunday.
>U.S. military hackers have penetrated Russia's electric grid, telecommunications networks and the Kremlin's command systems, making them vulnerable to attack by secret American cyber weapons
Red flag #1: Our government is notifying Russia of supposed malware placed on their computer infrastructures. Any competent superpower would be able to easily remove malware after being alerted to it. Even if we didn't think they were capable, we still wouldn't tell them if we actually wanted to successfully hack them and follow through. This is a political maneuver.
>American officials have long said publicly that Russia, China and other nations have probed and left hidden malware on parts of U.S critical infrastructure, "preparing the battlefield," in military parlance, for cyber attacks that could turn out the lights or turn off the internet across major cities.
Red flag #2: Russian malware on our infrastructure capable of causing large scale blackouts allowed to exist. This is absolutely bullshit. There is no way we would allow such massive widespread malware on our infrastructures. If there was suspicions that this was actually true we would be on lock down mode trying to remove it. We would not give our enemies this amount of power. This is a lie.
You can only ask yourself: Why are they spreading these blatant lies and propaganda? For what purpose? Likely the rumors that have been told time and time again over the last month or so about big leaks, and the government willing to go so far as war to cover their crimes are true. I'm expecting massive false flag attacks to instill fear into the populace and coerce them into siding with the establishment.
Oh yeah, Hotell Viru is a really nice place to stay. The old town in Tallinn is really nice also and the alcohol here is really cheap compared to other countries so go out there and party!
Do you have the link to the archived thread this was from?
Kek wills it
I bet the larping faggot from 1HOUR0 made that post
I plan on coming home with as many bottles of Viru Valge as I legally can.
If I have time, I will also visit Pärnu. It's my dream to retire there.
Dont forget the classic Vana Tallinn!
His will be done!
No way arrests or indictments happen before the election even with a mountain of evidence. Hillary won't take office, but this shit will not go down until December earliest.
Go to
Don't underestimate yourself!
I shall get some of that too!
How long of a trip would it be from Tallinn to Setomaa?
I know they're basically Russians who barely speak something similar to Eesti keely, but I find Seto Leelo to be fascinating.
much truth, such fear
>expecting the skype shills to deliver
>in the form of videos
aaaaaaaand dropped
Is there no RP board you fucks can take this to?
You would have to drive to the other side of the country, so I'm guessing like 3-5 hours with bus.
the only thing you can be sure of when someone says they got something big but can't show it right now means they ain't got shit.
Never go Great Pumpkin over a shitpost
I drive farther than that to get to my cabin and sauna Up North.
I take it you've never been to Setomaa?
I know to avoid Narva (fuck Russia), but is there any other place I should avoid?
Here are the SHAs from the pic:
Verification 2
Island -
Archive 1 -
can someone double check to make sure I copied them corectly?
Doesn't matter. The second one is clearly just a dude bee-boppin down the home row on his keyboard between slamming some numbers.
Just think about it. There has been nothing but complete and total insiders for 20 years. Arguably it's been this tainted much longer. Bush Sr, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama.
Trump is an outsider, that is one thing that no one will argue. 100% of the establishment is against him. Even if there are no leaks, you don't think there are emails with treason and massive guilt floating around somewhere? They planned for that. The elites won't give up their power so willingly... And the fact that they are pushing out propaganda like this along with all the rumors of leaks and the high probability pointing toward them makes me think it's all true.
Regardless, we have Wikileaks phase 3 to look forward to in the next 3 days and high possibility of NYPD leaks, so we will all find out
Lasnamae is a place you should avoid and just drive through it without stopping. Drug dealers and people with firearms hang out there. It's an apartment complex in Tallinn.
If you stop by Tartu then try to avoid ending up in Annelinn or Hiinalinn (these are places like Lasnamae, not as dangerous, but still place to avoid)
>home row on his keyboard between slamming some number
yeah the second one is not a real SHA.....
looks like it's all over folks
Is this related?
>NYPD Has Pedophile Evidence On Clintons
this video seems to show one censored image to back up the claim
no one who uses proprietary software will ever deliver anything of value.
sadly OP's pic is not telling the truth
the second sha has an 's' in it, which means it's not really a sha
That image is literally fake.
Either it's a LARPER or Hillary really is a pizza eater satanist.
Tänan Sind.
I made note of this. As I was a police officer in Metro Detroit, I'm not too scared but better safe than sorry.
those checksum hashes are bullshit - notice how most of the letters and numbers are within close proximity, aka user smashed his fat cucked fingers on his keyboard
case closed
BTW just realized something about Wikileaks tweet on "Phase 3"
>We commence phase 3 of our US election coverage next week.
Some people said they could've meant next week as in next Monday, but no, they said US election coverage so they meant in the next 3 days precluding the election.
Phase 1. DNC leaks
Phase 2. Podesta leaks
Phase 3. ???
So either the 5th or the 6th, probably both, they will drop the 'Phase 3' that they haven't yet. Also expecting stuff the 5th because of the Guy Fawkes day.
Idk this could be a troll...But if it's true, Im betting the terror attacks theyre expecting will come in the form of sustained DDoS attacks until the election is over so that this doesn't get out and if Trump is elected, Obama can pardon the culprits.
No problem, have a nice evening!
Today is the day. Kek will purge the scum of the earth
I would take anything InfoWars says with a grain of salt.
Alex got trolled by disinfo agent Hagmann
heil Stallman
Head aega!
>elites feed a head or two to the plebs
>keep fucking and murdering kids
Every single politician needs to be investigated for this shit.
That autism over doubles. Enough.
Jesus Christ, stop it. Jones himself has pump primed for dysinfo his whole career. He willfully spazzes out over the least evident shit even when presented with an otherwise clean cut damning and fully established trail of facts to a more plausible case.
I have no idea what agency he works for or with, or if he is just a freelancer making his way on sensational shit for shekles, but the fact he constantly downplays the JQ and always LARPs harder than shit when the good-goy distractions hit should tell you all there is to know about Alex fucking Jones.
Any right-wing man with common sense should know to believe nothing that he says unless it's otherwise verified.
I need a memory jog. What event lead to his credibility?
>Delivering ever
I have some disappointing news for you, OP...
who was it?
This reeks of Hermeticism. Having an extremely personalized 'spell' and basing it on alchemical symbolism, blood, piss, sperm, etc.
This isn't satanic, this is some really old school shit made contemporary. Alchemists used to dick around with bodily fluids all the time.
death, heaven, red, fire, blood
middle age, sun, yellow, air, urine
middle age, moon, white, water, phelgm
adulthood, earth, black, shit
this ideology is the basis of these rites, symbolic thinking and action to make possible the future.
>"Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk"
milk of man and woman, milk of sun and moon, eclipse
>"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. EAT THE PAIN"
left hand is the 'bad' hand, and so, she devours the bad life in her, into the dark of her womanhood
>"Fresh urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams"
sun shining on the subconscious
>"Spin around until you lose consciousness try to eat the questions of the day"
die while considering the futility of it all
>They pour blood over a child dummy in the corner of the room.
birth and become reborn; the doll is symbolic of this.
this is some jodorowsky ritual psychological therapy artsy fartsy bs
>off of work on the 5th
>off of work on the 8th
get comfy lads, history is upon us
that faggot is just larping you retards. there is an s in the "hashes". real ones are hexidecimal which means they only have letters a through h. also anonymous is just a bunch of 14 year old fags now and they wont ever be relevant again
Every single thing related to the clinton investigation.
He hinted at the bonner groups involvement in laundering money through superpac's and was right.
He pointed in the direction of the Haiti, USAID and other scandals. We have learned about the Haiti Digicel, mining rights sales and favors and the general theft of huge amounts of money from haiti.
He hinted at child sex traficking in haiti. There is a link through a baptist missionary that almost "adopted" 33 children. Reddit is going hard on this. IT is related to hillary as she hired a lawyer to protect her (who was also at one point convicted of human trafficking).
Currently unresolved is the full link for the human trafficking to the CF (some part of me thinks that bill actually supplies Epstein through the CF but this is just conjecture) as well, there is more on haiti that needs uncovering.
He hinted at the involvement of Soros, which we knew at the time but in no way understood the scale. He is involved in everything.
He pointed towards teneo, which was a great lead.
He pointed towards tavistock and the panama papers though we could not dig up anything too useful. There were too many documents and many had paywalls.
HE brought up the child pedo thing, said bill clinton is a pedo confirmed. We have yet to get good evidence, though the 26 epstein flights are damning.
The child pedo thing is currently being researched, if it is found it is a political atomic bomb but there arent any atomic bombs yet. Just lots of cursory and very interesting links that skirt the line between coincidence and guilt.
He suggested looking into a few indian and european politicians and bankers, some of which have been charged for pedophilia. There are links to the CF.
We found out about the russian uranium and pay to play explicitly through him. That is, he kept pushing us to think "there are no coincidental meetings in politics".
He is legit.
Also, there were quite a few that lead to his credibility. The fact that he discussed the internal struggles of the FBI. Then now, months later we see it in the news how comey was pressured by all of his aides and insiders.
He predicted trump would choose either pence or some other dude. thought he would choose the other dude. We find out trump actually did choose the other dude, only he changed his mind for pence because pence was perfectly clean (as per manafort's last exiting wish).
The "counter coup" video was pretty good confirmation of the general fact pattern he presented. I personally think that IS the FBI user or at least a close friend of him (he announced that he would be making a statement sometime).
When the FBI archives were opened on twitter. The first was one on trumps father and the second one on Nikolai Tesla. This may seem like a stretch but there was a meme going around just before FBI user announced himself regarding trump as a time traveler as he owned Tesla's high tech schematics.
Further, they were all released in such an order that they told a narrative, it almost clearly said "request FOIA's for people related to the CF, read the Bill Clinton file, the names there are a good start" and "The CF is the smoking gun".
Unlike all LARPS he has the most significant fact pattern supporting his predictions, advice and general results. Even if it was a larp, it would be worth it given how much quality has been gained from his inspiration and investigative advice.
>too quiet today
What the fuck. Did you miss all the satanist shit?
I agree with everything you've stated