I've seen many ancap ball memes, but I'd rather give these people a fair shake and let them tell me about their beliefs. What do y'all believe? Also if you got any more of those ancap ball memes, please post them...
Someone explain how an ancap society would work
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Corporations would become the government.
It's the only logical outcome, anyone who says otherwise is a fucking moron.
Money would equal power more than ever, Private Military forces would become the police, whoever has the most money would rule, there would be no law that money could not bypass.
From what I observed in the wild, that sounds pretty accurate, but there most be some other reasoning beyond that. Nobody can be stupid enough to buy into that without a good reason.
I always got the feeling that Snow Crash was a caricature of what a de facto ancap society would look like in practice. The burbclave concept particularly; people form social organizations with binding rules kind of by nature, perhaps in order to give more predictability to the NAP.
heres a photo instead
In ancap-ism, you can finally get away from niggers and spics. That's why we all support it
It wouldn't.
Anarcho Absurdism is the way to go.
Need me some brawndo
I wonder (((who))) is behind this philosophy?
>It's the only logical outcome, anyone who says otherwise is a fucking moron.
Nice argument
>no law that money could not bypass.
this just show how little you know about ancaps.
In a ancap society would exist just one law the private property right, and money could not bypass this because you would be responsible in ensure this law by yourself or another company that you could hire. sorry for my bad english
it wouldn't, for the same reason that communism never works
>human nature
I dont think so
isn't that what america is now?
I'm a real life anarcho-capitalist who believes in sovereign citizenship and nihilism, AMA.
Only arguably. An actual ancap society would have it all out in the open, and there would be no veneer of the state slapped upon it.
my ancap friend posts shit like this on "fedbook" all the time
They're all over iFaggot, some openly advocate the repeal of all child consent laws
Funny thing is that you can't give me a non meme reason that anarcho-capitalism wouldn't work.
It wouldn't. Corporations would naturally take control of lands as all the economic power comes from it (natural resources and human resources), and then become States/governments. It would start with slavery, then become more democratic as the time runs. EXACTLY LIKE IT HAPPENED IN HUMAN HISTORY.
God, I hate ancaps.
>muh age of consent!
That's a social construct. Let nature take its course. Or are you anti-science or something?
But anyways that's corrupted anarcho-capitalism. I, personally, have developed the most perfect political system, built upon anarcho-capitalism, ask me about it.
Nordestino de merda.
i put up with him because his gf was killed in a protest in italy in the early aughts
and having an old punk as friend is pretty great
It be hell
We need more good men to fight against the oppressive state apparatus.
>Funny thing is that you can't give me a non meme reason that anarcho-capitalism wouldn't work.
Anarcho-capitalism would work fine, it just wouldn't be so different than what we have now. Instead of a government you'd have some kind of feudal lord who you pay tribute to in exchange for protection. Him, his family, and the people who work for him would essentially take over all the functions of government. If you don't like his rules, then that's too bad because he owns the land and you have to pay rent for the privilege of living on it.
There is no strawman.
We are talking about the lack of government, which I am showing it's impossible. Every company that did not become a nation state would be simply be detroyed by companies that did, because having monopoly over the starting point of the supply chain is having the highest profits and monopolization is an imperative of any company.
>not buying guns and working hard so you can BE the feudal lord
Jeez, it's as if you were born yesterday. Also, to be protected by a feudal lord is voluntary, whereas I am blackmailed to give money to the state, regardless of whether or not I feel as if I need it's protection.
>Property law will solve everything. I'm not resorting to wishful thinking by declaring it as a panacea. Everything can be framed through the lens of property rights and contracts, guys!
Yesterday my friend was busy, so I paid him 50€ so that he would spend his afternoon with me. This was so that I would compensate him for the work he was not able to do during the time he was with me.
Now, I'm going to pay 100€ for a blowjob (I paid her 40€ for her to swallow) and later I'll pay 50€ to a nice 20 yo lady who makes me dinner and dines with me, pretending to be my wife. I'm not sure whether I should add a kid to my dinner or not. It's nice to feel I'm a parent but it's 50€ extra: for that price, I can almost get another blowjob. Still, there are pretty good deductions on baby rentals. I'll have to check if I've hit my limit, then.
No my brand of anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-anarchial-social darwinism, says that it will be every man will fend for himself, and social constructs like the age of consent, laws (just the NAP will remain), equality, etc
top of the macro says "this could be us"
It won't.
Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron.
Sorry m8 but is hard to explain a hole ideology in a trap forum, and what is the problem with pay someone to do a service that u need, also u cannot 'rent' a kid, u can only pay to have responsibility of caring for a child because a kid has also the RPP.
Everything's fine here. If a society turns out like this, we should just embrace it happily:
And then you say you're not autists.
What a type of argument is that?
> believing the Lord would allow any one of his subjects to become even remotely powerful enough to overtake him
> what is history
A fucking leaf