10 reasons why America sucks!

Reasons America is the #1 most retarded country in the world:

1. Two-party political system is moronic
2. Americans dont know shit about anything other than America
3. Many Americans are MORBIDLY obese (disgustingly so)
4. America is 1/3 countries worldwide that uses the IMPERIAL SYSTEM instead of the Metric System (the other two are undeveloped african countries). I cannot overstate how retarded this is
5. Most Americans are genuinely religious, and believe in that all retarded shit (and act upon all the horrible stuff that comes with religion)
6. Daily mass shootings
7. Entire economy is a ponzi scheme on the verge of collapse (also, has almost entirely ceased to produce capital)
8. a WOMAN is about to president
9. most Americans think climate change is bullshit
10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"

Other urls found in this thread:


>2. Americans dont know shit about anything other than America

Any country that has 3 or more parties is a mess.
Mass democracy is a distraction. Weimar Republic had 37 parties.

2 party system is very good I wish we had it here. 3 wouldn't hurt but no more than 3.

Enjoy your forced military service, cucking to muslims, terrorist attacks, and being Russia's bitch.

> i told the army officer i didnt want to serve, and he said "ok"
> no muslims in my hometowk
> muslims have never blown up shit in norway
> thanks to NATO, we arent

if noone from the US can rebute all of my 10 points, that means europe wins

Sorry norgecuck, I didn't even read your points because I can imagine what kind of eurowhining they amount to.

>1. Two-party political system is moronic
Doesn't matter. Trump is 100x anything you cucks have
>2 So? Your countries are irrelevant
Yeah we use the imperial system and guess what? We reached the MOON with it bitch.
>implying abandoning your people and country to satan is a good thing
The entire west's economy is such
no and you've probably had women presidents I wouldn't know because of how irrelevant you are
It is
>implying being nice is a bad thing



This is unassailable evidence that the earth is a sphere. Flat earthers are literally being btfo by this pic


go vegan

Oh my god, I actually read your points, and you're saying something about common courtesy to vendors?

What the fuck is wrong with Europe that you don't try to be nice to the person serving you?

>that means europe wins
the fact you even have to make a thread while no one in the US can be bothered to even think about Europe tells you who the real winner is.
Don't be scared of freedoms Achmed

no that conversation is stupid because its pointless and i cant say anything OTHER than "fine, how are you?". If the clerk asks me "hi how are you" and i say anything else, its fucked and noone knows what to do

>no one in the US can be bothered to even think

yeah, pretty much

i guess youre constantly busy praying to the LAWD JESUS that niggers, mass shooters & obesity wont kill you at any moment


We pay for it, you ungrateful sniveling Cuck, but that's gonna change soon.

Muslims not living in your hometown doesn't stop them from raping elsewhere, and there's no need to bomb a country that lets you in and rape them in almost every way without consequence.

Danebro this is not the place for detailed criticism.
I mean if this election hasn't made it extremely clear: They're also starting to realise this stuff themselves.
So give it time, once they're ready to face the full scale of their stupidity we can continue, but considering how other empires seem to need roughly 50 years the Americans may need a while longer, as 1992 seems to be the moment their pillars of sand collapsed by the grace of their enemy's destruction.

Dude, are you antisocial or just generally an asshole?

It's called smalltalk. Make the expected smalltalk, or actually genuinely be nice to them.

And people call Americans assholes when we have a Eurocuck here arguing against politeness.

How about I'll give you 20?
1)>52% White
2)>white kids are already a minority in their age group
3)>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
4)>media/education/banks all run by the jews
5)>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
6)>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
7)>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
8)>worships niggers one month every year
9)>normalised nationally adopting niggers and chinks
10)>elected nigger twice over white guilt
11)>normalized coalburning
12)>normalized homosexuality
13)>in the process of normalizing trans shit
14)>home of radical feminism
15)>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
16)>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
17)>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
18)>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
19)>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
20)>almost all food is a chemical shit created by monsanto

you can actually say whatever the fuck you want
you can blab your face off like an old lady and no one will care
you can stay quiet like an autistic nordick
its up to you

>not even going to respond to the anal devastation he received from this post

Actually we are constantly thanking Jesus that we weren't born as limp wristed homosexual europeans as we shoot our pistols into the air and enjoy a delicious cheeseburger.

look at the russian cunt trying to be a baddass when literally everyone here reading this will just be assuming he's a poorfag in a country of poorfags run by a dictator who hacks things because he's too pussy to start anything with a country who builds weapons that actually work

actually no, not really
seems like you think about this more than me since you started a thread about it
how jealous are you m8? you seem really salty to be born non-american. my condolences to you, but could you stop shitting up the board?
Americans giving you attention is probably the highlight of your life

whenever im in the US i just say "fine, how are you?". its not a big deal, the big deal is that this is the only point you guys can retort

Word up dawg. I totally forgot about US allowing the development of SJWs & PC culture. way to go, america


Hate to say it, you are probably right.

I see a lot of Southwesterners saying that it's ok that whites become a minority here, because mestizos at least are not Muslims.

To me, it's just rationalization for them losing their land.

I just don't think White Americans think in racial terms, most would not care if we become a minority, especially when there are still places to run, like the suburbs. But soon we will run out of places to run.

>whenever im in the US i just say "fine, how are you?". its not a big deal, the big deal is that this is the only point you guys can retort
i have no idea what the fuck you are saying
do they teach english there or just fox?


1 - you are a moron
2 - no, you used the metric system. the 1% of americans that arent dumbfucks (atheist scientists) use the metric system
5 - christians are all retarded. theres no way around that
7 - no, a lot of countries in the west produce actual capital. Germany, for example
8 - no we dont have women presidents
10 - fine fine

>stupid part cherokee part negro is not aware that Russian Federation is a place to be to make shitloads of money without paying taxes

>Word up dawg. I totally forgot about US allowing the development of SJWs & PC culture. way to go, america
Yeah, at least they don't do that in Europe.... oh wait.

>so poor and backwoods it's an internationally renowned meme
>can't own guns
>gets arrested for hatespeech
>president uses tax money to build mosques
>bread lines

All I got right now desu

Yeah man, but how much is cheeseburgers gonna matter when the country is 20% white...it really won't. Europeans at least will live in first world countries while we turn into Brazil North.

I think a big reason why Europeans don't need to own guns is because their nations are pretty safe. Whereas we have tons of minorities and gangs so we always have to pack.

you're probably sitting in an internet cafe with a dozen other poorfag russians, half of which are trying to scam rich americans

don't fucking kid yourself

Quite a lot less than in the US honestly.
I mean barring Britain of course, then again that's pretty much all the US gets news from due to its language limitations.

>Russian talking shit about America

Daily reminder we don't have to defend your shitty non-continent. Be grateful for us.

>1. Two-party political system is moronic
There are other parties, if you count the majorirty two you have the same
>2. Americans dont know shit about anything other than America
I've traveled and lived around the world, speak 3 languages and read about history all the time
>3. Many Americans are MORBIDLY obese (disgustingly so)
I'm 5'8" and 148lbs
>4. America is 1/3 countries worldwide that uses the IMPERIAL SYSTEM instead of the Metric System (the other two are undeveloped african countries). I cannot overstate how retarded this is
I know both metric and imperial, what do you know? Only metric? As per Q2 you don't know what 1/3 of the world uses?
>5. Most Americans are genuinely religious, and believe in that all retarded shit (and act upon all the horrible stuff that comes with religion)
Are you atheist? Pagan? Christian? Jew? Slime? While there are fundamentalist everywhere and part of every religion around the world, that does not mean that everyone is.
>6. Daily mass shootings
Well, only if you are black and in Chicago.
>7. Entire economy is a ponzi scheme on the verge of collapse (also, has almost entirely ceased to produce capital)
Wait, and Norway being cucked by the EU isn't the same thing?
>8. a WOMAN is about to president
>9. most Americans think climate change is bullshit
While that is what happened when you have a diversity of viewpoints, some think it's true, some don't, some think there isn't enough evidence, there is enough or that the research done wasn't sound or adequate enough. Skepticism, have you heard of it?
10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"
No, I don't. I can say nothing.

tl;dr fuck off, you have no idea about american except from childish stereotypes

>1 - you are a moron
not an argument
So? England uses some imperial measurements as well.
That's just your opinion
No. Literally every country in the west relies on fiat currency. The same exact system we have. The dollar is the reserve currency of the world and we're all in this together in that regard
okay then

You're delusional.

>Its all the right wingers and nationalists inviting millions of refugee muslims to invade europe

>Europeans at least will live in first world countries while we turn into Brazil North.
Please take a trip to the banlieus of Paris or Molenbeek and tell us how white it is

>10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"

I enter my pin code then very deliberately stare up at the ceiling and ignore anyone trying to catch my eye

They are still whiter than New York City or Chicago or Houston.

All of our major cities are minority white, only one I can think of that isn't would be Seattle.

1. Yeah
2. No
3. yeah
4. All university courses are taught in metric
5. Generally not true for people under 40
6. Only ever heard of one gun related death in almost 30 years where I live.
7. Basically, but it's not just the u.s.
8. Your Prime Minister is a woman
9. The people I know don't
10. Fuck you


>1. trump is dank, and he MIGHT upheave the current political status quo, but as of yet he has not

>2. Yeah, but atleast they feel ashamed about it

>5. No, any actual religion (not deism, which can be tolerated) is, like, equal to schizophrenia. You cannot be a critical-thinking being and genuinely be religious. All religious people are fucking morons

> 7. Yeah, a lot of european countries will be fucked when the US goes, but a lot of european states also have a highly diversified economy and will be capable of handling the economic collapse more steadily


God damn it Cletus, quit making us look bad.

>They are still whiter than New York City or Chicago or Houston.
depends on the neighborhood
>All of our major cities are minority white, only one I can think of that isn't would be Seattle.
depends on the neighborhood

>10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"

this is the only one that can't be argued

But then you could make the same argument for the European cities.

There are some whiter neighborhoods in places like London and Paris, some less white.

Overall though, their cities are much whiter. Even London is still majority white at 59%. Last time NYC was 59% white was probably in the 1970s.

Where in my post did I say carrys?

>1. Two-party political system is moronic
>2. Americans dont know shit about anything other than America
i know its so fucked up, but we're not all retarded ok
>3. Many Americans are MORBIDLY obese (disgustingly so)
i literally weigh 54.5kg
>4. America is 1/3 countries worldwide that uses the IMPERIAL SYSTEM instead of the Metric System (the other two are undeveloped african countries). I cannot overstate how retarded this is
>pic related
>5. Most Americans are genuinely religious, and believe in that all retarded shit (and act upon all the horrible stuff that comes with religion)
atheism is for people too small of mind to comprehend the nature of god
>6. Daily mass shootings
it's nigger gang warfare. it was the jews, anglos, and dutch who imported these fuckers
>7. Entire economy is a ponzi scheme on the verge of collapse (also, has almost entirely ceased to produce capital)
>8. a WOMAN is about to president
>9. most Americans think climate change is bullshit
anthropomorphic climate change is complete bullshit
>10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how >americans are friendly to each other
>this is somehow a bad thing
kys europoor

This is actually a decent post.

OP, you should be taking notes

>t. internationally irrelevant country

#10 I don't get it


The amount of money it would take for America to change all of its manufacturing machines, road signs, and even swimming pools, would drastically outweigh the benefit of changing to an easier system.

>twoo intelligent to take euro bait

but because alot of europs don't know:
A) we are not a two party system
2) American political parties do not operate like euro parties, it is very different.

>that greentext usage

Spotted the newfag

Two party system is pure garbage; either A or B always wins, and the big money knows it. Third party keeps the system honest -- even if it will never realistically form a government the threat is always there.

This thread is comfy

Fuck U SA

Let's not forget the fact that the "metric is better" argument all boils down to "dur, I'm too stupid to convert units".

show me some proof the US us exactly 52% white.

>LEAFS of Scandinavia

this is now an anime thread


Imperial system:

Metric system:
Everything adds to 10


No, rather i'm not limited to one country and can actually travel.
Additionally i'm not limited to one language and as such evade a lot of propaganda.

Meanwhile American bullshit is falling to pieces everywhere, a large part of it we cheer on in the form of Trump's activities.

Even Sweden and Germany are better than Britain in terms of immigrants, and they're the worst-off continentals.
And those two just did what your liberals kept crying about.
"Halp them!" they said.
And the Germans, driven by good past experiences with immigrants from east germany and even turkey and italy, did.
The Swedes prided themselves on being progressive and as such took these things to such extremes even without good experiences.

But the source of the issue lies in the US: The modern social liberals originate there, and barring the broad application of such ideals in Britain and the partial application thereof in Sweden and Germany there isn't much following of it in Europe.

But as America is the land of dindus i suspect you'll try to give someone else the blame anyway.



>America is 1/3 countries worldwide that uses the IMPERIAL SYSTEM instead of the Metric System (the other two are undeveloped african countries). I cannot overstate how retarded this is

Checkmate atheist

>1. Two-party political system is moronic
We currently have 6 parties running for president. We just have two parties that are more dominant than the others. Our country does not have some rule saying only two parties exist or anything...
>2. Americans dont know shit about anything other than America
I know Norwegians don't seem to know that their economy is a ponzi scheme and their PM is a fucking woman.... (see 7 and 8)
>3. Many Americans are MORBIDLY obese (disgustingly so)
This one I'll give you that but we only beat out the UK/Aussieland/Kiwiland/Canaduh by about 5%
>4. America is 1/3 countries worldwide that uses the IMPERIAL SYSTEM instead of the Metric System (the other two are undeveloped african countries). I cannot overstate how retarded this is
We actually use both systems but nice try there bud.
>5. Most Americans are genuinely religious, and believe in that all retarded shit (and act upon all the horrible stuff that comes with religion)
70% of your fucking country is Lutheran...
>6. Daily mass shootings
Niggers gunna nig
>7. Entire economy is a ponzi scheme on the verge of collapse (also, has almost entirely ceased to produce capital)
You're part of the EU... are you fucking kidding me?
>8. a WOMAN is about to president
Your fucking PM is a woman dumbass
>9. most Americans think climate change is bullshit
Also wrong
>10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"\
Uh... no that rarely happens....


It's 63% non-Hispanic white, but remember that includes Arabs, Persians, Jews, Turks, North Africans, and also people who are mostly white but have Cherokee or negro ancestry.

Once you take all that out, it is probably about 52%.





Keep buying our over priced F35s and old as shit F16s you dumb cucks. Without the US, the nords would be fighting wars with dog sleds.


Don't encourage the Australian dumbass



You'd rather that cuck you have in office whose accepting mass muslim immigration, eh?

Like I said, too stupid to convert units.

But yet all you foreigners are so fucking interested in what we are up too. You foreigners are always confessing that USA is the master country that controls the world; thats why you always are sniffing at our crotches.

this is a pretty shit thread so why not post some anime?


I always thought my house was haunted but nobody said boo too me


the country is still the highest density of whites on the planet


Ironically started cheering USA after reading this OP thanks faggot.
>clerk: How are you today?
>me: USA! USA!

>10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"
Are you autistic?

Shut the fuck up you pale skin Lithuanian I hope trump nukes whatever the fuck country that retarded flag represents



>1. Two-party political system is moronic
what does that even mean?

>2. Americans dont know shit about anything other than America

not sure why this would matter or not.

>3. Many Americans are MORBIDLY obese (disgustingly so)

there are a large number of obese and overweight americans. but I'm not one of them so why do I care?

>4. America is 1/3 countries worldwide that uses the IMPERIAL SYSTEM instead of the Metric System (the other two are undeveloped african countries). I cannot overstate how retarded this is

not sure why this matters since most of our measurements and such are done in the USA.

>5. Most Americans are genuinely religious, and believe in that all retarded shit (and act upon all the horrible stuff that comes with religion)

not sure why this is bad? not sure what the "horrible stuff" that comes with religion is either.

>6. Daily mass shootings

not sure this is true

>7. Entire economy is a ponzi scheme on the verge of collapse (also, has almost entirely ceased to produce capital)

got us there

>8. a WOMAN is about to president

not sure

>9. most Americans think climate change is bullshit

not an argument.

>10. Every time you buy groceries, you MUST have this conversation with the clerk: "hi, how are you?", "fine, how are you?", "fine"

not true.

>Christians are all retarded
Bigot detected. Abandon thread!!!
