Who wins this war?
Alt History
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same as last time
Which war and when
CSS Merrimack & c. BTFO entire Royal Navy.
If we are talking anytime pre WW2 then the UK, hands down. The only reason the US was given independence is because the crown didn't realize how rich in resources the US was. It wasn't considered to be a particularly productive colony.
The year is 2016. President Curtis Tyrone McOglethorpe of the CSA has lost his nigger mind and declared war on our oldest and dearest ally. The joke's on them, though, as we are a world superpower and jolly old britain is a starving muslim country. Grab your guns and fight for Curtis, boys! Yip-yip-YIPEEEE!
CSA is more white than United Cuckdom. We csn even use out slaves as suicide bombers.
confedecucks couldn't even defeat the north, got literally btfo from day 1, and think they can defeat fucking perfidious albion? kek
It was their battle flag, wasn't it?
Why would the CSA go to war with its only ally?
Love you still Britain
~T. Jefferson Davis
i don't understand why they are at war, i thought they were allies?
Even Belgium would've won that.
I mean seriously in the case of Belgium "non-country" is a joke, in the case of the US states it's simple truth.
They're chanceless against anything with an army consisting of more than ten people.
Merrimack wins, hands down. Brits BTFO. Confederates have far superior troops and better commanders. Brits BTFO.
Absolutely the lowest point of the British Empire
>not because the conflict was an actual money pit and eipitemy of british retardation
>Not knowing how effective the confederates were with significantly less men and resources
>Not realising the North fucked up at nearly every point because of inept commanders
>1 post by this ID
This is, without hyperbely, the worst misspelling I have ever seen.
Obviously the British. If the combined American colonies is what it took to defeat the British, and the Confederates couldn't even defeat the Union, then what hope do the Confederates have against the British Empire?
The second half of your comment is mere revisionism
>cousin fuckers fighting with their inbred cousins
>an entire new continent
>"didnt know how rich in resources it was"
yeah right, Nigel
Fucking kek. Back to skool, Tyrone.
>doesn't even know his own history
Get out of my country spic.
Britsain supported the south.
You couldn't have beat us without the France.
Yeah right you dumb nigger. We had the first iron-clad ships in naval history. Also most of the small arms technology was going on in America at this time and we dwarfed Belgium's population.
Honestly we could've taken you down with a single territory, let alone one entire state.
More the reason why the Confederates would have no chance.
BTW how proud are you to use that line in every "US vs BE" debate on Sup Forums? Always the number 1 go-to for you brits.
Nigel please, don't embarrass yourself.
It's just a fact mate.
And the U.S still won. Those are facts too.
You Yanks have more weapons than us, but we are more sneaky.
Let us just be friends. That thing about tipping tea into the ocean was in the past.
Also your women melt at my accent.
meh they aren't no agincourt
I'm not saying that they were weak or anything but you're seriously retarded if you think America could've won without the help of France.
>Your women melt at my accent
That's disappointingly true, and my gf isn't even white, she's Guatemalan and still finds the accent sexy.
well I guess it depends on your definition of winning
You can be an historical revisionist all you want but the brits got trounced by big swinging American dicks.
That's true. And you couldn't have beat Germany without the aid of several countries. Does nothing to change the fact that you lost a goldmine from sheer incompetence.
Well you got BTFO'd and we became a better country then yours. I'll say that's a win.
Assuming the CSA gained its independence successfully,
>peak British Empire vs un-industrialized CSA
Brits win and it isn't close. I love me some CSA, but its not happening.
>cherry picks a battle involving fewer than 5000
Nowhere near as profitable as Africa/India at the time. They didn't know about all the oil. The area was also too sparsely populated to take full advantage of the resources, that's why criminals were shipped to the US/Australia.
>muh dick
It wasn't just Germany it was the small yuro nations they steamrolled too
we could've beat them 1 on 1
we were winning before france joined there's a reason you stayed in the north and wouldn't fight fairly
are you retarded? Look at the post i was replying too
all the way
It only lasted as long cause northern cucks were trying to wage a war of attrition first, then when they attack BOOM it's over
>confedecucks wage retarded war
>lose all the way
>everything they didn't want to happen happens anyway
>they even lose their sovereignty for some time
>states rights forever fucked by association with these cucks
>legal secession killed due to these cucks
wew what massive heroes
The Jews win.
No more brother wars.
Shut yo bitchass up yall lost fair and square my nigga
Where is the war taking place?
gtfo with your nigger speak.
Wew how iranic
t. Nigger
>my gf isn't even white
My wife is Anglo Indian. She has never been to India. Her family came to UK from Uganda in the 70s.
She is very traditional.
Her religion is Hindu, but she comes to church with me and our kids.
In her religion, there is no difference. It's the same to pray.
True, it was a fucking stupid war.
Point is, even if their politicians didn't the southern military had it's shit together and the British were far, far weaker than the north.
Britain didn't support the south, they just didn't support the North either, and they recognised the existence of the South (France did too, but those were the only countries that acknowledged the South)
not much longer until she gets shipped back after working on the wall