Germanbros - be honest with me - how close is the Reich?
"Neonazi" Mob in Germany
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You realise you succesfully decentralised them, right?
A reich is pretty much impossible without conquest and thus early intervention.
>A reich is pretty much impossible without conquest
in america we call it liberation
What took so long you Cucks!
By kek this poster speaks truth.
>a reich is pretty much impossible without conquest
So, same as before?
Hail Victory
Hang tight, Germanbros. We're just a few days away from unfucking our shit. Help is on the way.
>Its just a prank bro stop running
France when?
Please god tell me there's video
This is a one-off. It won't happen again. Germans are faggots.
>The town has had a nightly curfew for unaccompanied minor refugees since the violence of mid-September when nearly 80 neo-Nazis chased 19 asylum seekers through the streets after exchanging insults in a main square.
>One week after the initial incident in Bautzen, neo-Nazi youths shouting 'foreigners out!' beat up an elderly man in the town.
Have some faith lad.
I'll volunteer for the reich desu famelan.
Plis germoney make it happen.
Ever since I knew about the Jews I've been working out and learning skills to survive in the outdoors because deep down I have hope for another war against the Jews.
>Germans are faggots.
It's true. Why else do you think germans have that weirdass scatt/golden fetish? Exactly. I rest y case.
nigger how new are you what the fuck
german fucking government stopped telling the press where new asylum centers were being opened a YEAR ago because at that point every single one was being burned down
the police stopped reporting attacks after 900 assaults on immigrants happened
all last year
WTF, I love neo-Nazis now.
There's only one person who could save Germany, and he killed himself 71 years ago.
iirc there was over 800 asylum centers/homes burned in 2015 alone
>Met with far right leaders in an attempt to learn the reason for their violence
Maybe they want their country back
well done brothers
this time the world
Maybe these subhumans should go back to their slums and stop molesting Germans.
>intimidating / harming refugees
>police are neo nazis themselves so they won't help
>over time people need to protect themselves
>they get illegal arms from the only people who can provide it and are sympathetic to them, jihadists
>they fire back at nazis
>nazis fire back at muslims
>race war
>dubs wasted on retarded and false roachposting
Constantinople won't be yours in 30 years
When something positive in regards to WW2 pops up:
>europoors: "America came at the end of the world war. They didn't really do much."
Meanwhile... While something to complain about happens:
>europoors: "America single handedly destabilized Germany and Japan, and did everything in their power to ruin everything. Literally everything ever. Gosh."
Are europoors niggers?
Praise Kek
who is that guy ? is that the same "jews fear the samurai" dude ?
Whats this guy's name? sounds pretty based desu
Sorry but this didnt happen. Like 90% of the other '''NAZI''' stories. Including ww2.
you didn't listen
please i want this to go maintream media, this has to keep happening, after America, Germany has to be made great again too
Yes, that's why it keeps blowing up in your face.
No, not at all, this is a set-back before not just Bismarck but before even Prussia.
To try it in their current composition would be equal to no more Germany and rather just some angry little German states fighting eachother.
Well the former's undoubtedly true, the cavalry always comes late and is mostly suited for parades.
The decentralisation did not occur in WW2, it occured after and was done quite handily and intentionally.
I mean as shitty as you are at actual warfare and statecrafting we're not above commending you for a job actually well done.
Nah, we left the niggers with you and it seems their influence has addled you.
>those comments
>Mob leader identified as far-right mafia boss/drug kingpin Sam Hyde
Cute little German is ashamed of his history
Samuel Hydelberg is his name I believe
Not a Reich, but instead it's being pushed towards an ethnic cleansing. People are getting fed up and another Karadzic will emerge from that anger.
Kebab removal is close at hand folks.
I did nazi that coming
Actually it's Shamel al'Haidi
Things are looking up.
Zynkyoku Haku
Tell me Sup Forums do you like hurting rapefugees?
>Neo-nazi mob of 50
>Literally thousands of migrants
Yea right.
>hunting migrants with your bros
Sounds like a lot of fun.
How fucking awesome is it that you can be part of a huge gang fight in the streets of Bautzen every night? I envy the Germans just for this. I bet the cops are in on it too. Soon every night will be open season on the refugees. Fucking beautiful.
I may study abroad in Deutschland soon. I hope I can witness something like this.
Is it time for the west to reawaken?
>Achmed Muhammed was suprised to find out that it wasn't Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on the door this time.
Hail Odin
American Constitutional negative rights. for decades, cultmarx and globalists have told you Europeans that there is nothing special about our Constitution, that it's really all about standard of living. If Germans had negative rights and the concept of limited government they simply would not be in this mess no matter what a cabal of globalists wanted. The resolution to this is not only to purge the xeno but to drastically reform European law and bring in negative rights and limited government.
The other thing is KIRSTEN HEISIG. Her book When Patience Runs Out is a rough equivalent to Colin Flaherty's White Girl Bleed A Lot. It is being made into a movie and a translation is coming. She was a youth judge who tried to tell the truth about migrants but was bullied into suicide by SJWs.
Dumb, this is what they want you to do. Optics are terrible.
You people realize that every gathering of grannies who didn't appreciate their granddaughters being raped is presented by a "dangerous far right extremist murderer gang" in the press, right?
>by a
*as a
>the only german in the thread is denying that it even happened (despite being verified)
Read the actual story
Migrant centres get outright burnt down lad, people are taking real action in Germany.
holy shit
They should just go back to their country if they can't denounce Islam. Islam is a horrible thing, and has been a horrible thing for 1400 years. It is the reason that predominately Islam and countries, especially the ones the practice Full sharia law. Trust me you're not doing them any favours coddling islam The fact that the population remains so uneducated and so focussed on Islam is why barbaric executions happen on a daily basis. It's not a coincidence that most fundamentally Islamic countries are the worst off. It's destroying them, causing them to kill each other and it's been holding them back for centuries. I'm completely fine with that as long as it remains within their borders, the US needs to stop meddling leave them to their own devices
Of course there isn't because it never happened.
>Germany recorded more than 1,000 attacks on refugee shelters last year - a five-fold increase over last year
Your two statements do not contradict each other, you can come in late and fuck everything up.
god yes germany, please FINISH THEM
In France, it's different, cops are rioting against dindu and the government verprotecting them. First they asked for Homland Security Departement director and chief of Police demission, and now they want the leftist judges to fuck off and apply more severe sanction on dindus.
It's happening but you will never hear about that because the rioters are armed.