It's incredible how many Americans have fallen for Fox "News" propaganda about Hillary.
It's incredible how many Americans have fallen for Fox "News" propaganda about Hillary
It's funny how many Americans don't apply this standard to Trump and also treat Clinton "News" Network and Huffingtonpost as irrefutable fact.
>Fallen apart under scrutiny
>Here's all the things she did wrong, but we're not going to recommend pressing charges
>Looking like a fucking retard
It checks out
reminder fox news lied about a clinton indictment being guaranteed by the new investigations. faux news is and has always been a shit source just like kikebart.
>Occupy Democrats
>that face you make when you finally get some alpha cock in place of that nu male soy laden poofta dick
>le maymay font
fuck off
is this like one of those situations where john oliver said there was no reason to fret over muslim immigrants because there were "no credible examples" of them committing acts of terrorism then less than a week later hundreds of people die due to muslim immigrant caused terrorist attacks
what are they going to say when hillary gets elected then brought to court by the fbi
actually she'll probably just try to pardon herself and they'd still parrot "see she hasn't been arrested for a crime yet she did nothing wrong :^)"
>corruption means you have to be charged with a crime
Yeah dude lol Clinton's accusations are bullshit, why would you listed to someone who raped dozens of women and children lol.
you forgot to add buzzfeed
>Tfw someone calls Al Capone a murderous tyrant even though he was only convicted of tax evasion
It must be really really nice to be a retard in a left-wing news bubble. How do I become one of them?
Certified CTR, use the bait against them.
>if one is accused of rape it's all over and their life is probably ruined even if found innocent and it was a complete lie
>wow guys hillary has not been charged yet so she is innocent!
get fucked nerd virgin shill
>saged and hidden
>he doesn't know that the X in "faux" is silent
Wew lad.
>no one who has not been charged can be corrupt
Trips absolutely confirm, nerd virgin
This is a far right website. There is no point posting this, go to Reddit or elsewhere.
Trump had Sup Forums by the nose the second he mentioned building the wall and banning Muslims. This board is full of white nationalists; the Hillary shit is irrelevant.
How many Americans? 3?
>when someone calls you a pothead even though you've never been charged with possession of marijuana
second try
>mfw someone calls Putin corrupt even though he's never been charged with a crime
the approximately 30% that are Clinton supporters
>when you don't reply to this post and your mother dies in her sleep tonight
>when you post shit from kikebook
30 yrs of scandal after scandal, watching people with less involvement go to jail and some nu-male millenial cuckhold is making memes about how "its literally fucking nothing."
you name me 1 other politician aside from Bill Clinton that has had so many people die around her while narrowly evading jail for hundreds of lawless decisions.
nobody said guaranteed you faggot, baier said his sources told him they have enough evidence to indict, then he later clarified that to say that the doj has to indict, the fbi can't do it on it's own. given that the doj is staffed by obongo lackies they're likely to resist