Pol will unironically defend this

>pol will unironically defend this.

you're god damn right I will

whats wrong with it?

There are no niggers in the picture

I dont get it ?

>nigger dog

Is it cause the dog is black?

am I not supposed to?

>nonwhite dog

Unironically defend a happy family?

That shit's tight, yo.


whats wrong with this picture nigger?

According to OP it should be a crowded brothel of inter-racial fucking and child neglect.

Something you will never experience

2 daughters?

Das a cute doggo

>Not wanting daughters

Oy vey! White children! Racist!

Not aproved by trosky

You mean the perfect picture?

Why are the children playing with gendered toys?
Why is the mother not 300 pounds, with a purple haircut, and why is she doing domestic work instead of protesting the patriarchy?
Why isn't the man castrated and lobotomised?

look at all the oppression

Beautiful picture. I'll defend it til I die.

Where are the otherkin and the POC?

>Wanting to raise biologically insane humans

Why are these children not in podestas pool?


Would you rather see thier blood spilled for satanic youth you work of art

I'd go to war for American culture to resemble kinda like this

Calm down, Tumblr.

why did you make his socks black


Yes, it's the only way to be edgy anymore.


>1 post by this ID
Gas yourself.

How did people live like this in the 50's? Unironically looks so boring that I can't imagine not killing myself in that situation.

Sometimes WASPS and their American dream bullshit are worse than kikes and their degeneracy.

Ah, the nuclear family. A once common species until the '80s hit. Their numbers have been dwindling down due to rises in liberation and lack of standards enacted by real families. Thank the Boomers for fucking up everything, as all the problems can be traced back to them for fucking up gen X, which is where exactly everything started to go wrong.

Point is, yes, I will defend the Snow Leopard of families. They are everything a family is, done right.

The Hill family is a decent representation of the specimen.

My mother was a heroin addict that tortured me and my father didn't much care for any of it, so I grew up in homes and shit. I always wanted something like pic related.
The family unit worked. People like me weren't created so often. Why on Earth do so many people like OP want it gone? It makes people feel loved at all times, and raises stronger individuals.

that family looks brutally repressed. They're wearing shoes and collared shirts inside their own house for fucks sake.

>Wife has short hair.
It was almost the perfect conservative picture.


Yeah so boring. I want my family life spiced up by exciting things like incest, AIDS, and divorce.

What has the world come to, when an honest, wholesome family can't afford a servant?

there was less social retardation back then people actually enjoyed talking to each other and they had alot more of sex back then due to there being far less autism

It would be worth fighting for


OP being a faggot on the other hand is not.

no, but I would accept facial hair, casual clothing, and not wearing shoes in the house like a fucking barbarian as a compromise. That and casual drug use




Cloth, and facial hair today is really really boring. Also there was no drug use back then

that's not the problem. There are a lot of things wrong with the world today, but just imagine the life of this guy in the 50's. If he grew a beard or stopped wearing that retarded outfit every minute of his life, he would literally be ostracized from his suburban community and called a communist or freak or whatever. What a horrible fucking time to live in.

The 70's were by far superior in every way.

>mfw when my white wife literally sat on the couch knitting last nite

feels good.

its out there, boys.

t. white dad, white wife, 4 white kids

enjoy your consumer goods + genetic offspring for the next few decades

>t. anglo life goals

Says the leaf.

1900-1917 bitch


if dad was black he wouldn't be in the picture.


This is better. Back when the American dream wasn't just materialistic, soulless bullshit like in OP's pic. They actually cared about stuff like architecture and a walkable community.

Extended family and community life is where it's at. Nuclear family is just anglo bullshit.

you mean i wouldn't have shit thrown at me by black people because of my skin color? and i could walk down the street

Why do slavs have a complete lack of self-awareness?

>black ID color

theres the dog
a shame, tho

The books standing up against the lamp? Fuck that. Get a bookshelf.

You're aware the nuclear family was the first stage of the desintegration of the actual family, the extended family living in the familial house, right ?

i laughed so hard

I'm not white so I won't defend it, but at least I won't actively destroy it.

Top kek, m8

You are aware that you are a fucking smug beta faggot right? Your parents divorced because your father was ashamed of his son liking dick? Let me go bone up on my definition of "family" and then go fucking shoot myself.


where are the video games?

>tfw you will never be a part of a white nuclear family

ruff ruff