Rand Paul and Jim Webb

Can we all agree that if these were the two candidates, all of us would be partying on the 8th not caring who won? Both are great.

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In a just world.

It'd be better.

Still wouldn't be just.

Ones the kikes are defeated, this will be reality.

Libertarians are fucking retarded.

No victory will be as sweet as what we're getting next week.

LMFAO - thanks leaf for trying to shitpost about how great Webb is.

Webb is a faggot and will definitely lose my county.

>Not performing blood rituals


also you've made this thread like 5 times in 2 weeks nigger

>Bernie Sanders cocksucking manlet
>Former secretary of the Navy and expert gook exterminator

Gee tough choice famalam

Webb is so much better than Paul. I thought you guys were over the lolbertarian meme.

Pretty much this. I'd be perfectly happy with a Webb presidency, but the asshurt Trump is going to inflict is just fucking gorgeous.

me on the right

I think Rand is the best elected official we've got right now so I'd be really committed to getting him that W and fixing the Republican party.

So I'd be pretty bummed if Webb beat him; but I wouldn't be nearly depressed as I would if we get stuck with someone as vile as Hillary.

Holy fuck, how does a human get that big? How can you possibly put down that many calories?

That would have been so great.

Rand is a shitty little kike boot-licking faux libertarian

Even his dad hates him

Rand Paul isn't a leader and Webb is a race mixer. I would prefer Trump win the white house 100%.

Me on the far left.

>Even his dad hates him

there is no way this isn't shooped

adding this to the "when trump loses" collage

He said free market, not free supermarket you fatass

Jesus the anti-Rand shilling is a new one. CTR knows who the president after Trump is going to be and is trying to get their words in early

They aren't as good as trump. They wouldn't drain the swamp. Kys

its not though is the sad thing

fuck off nigger

You faggots annoyed everyone so much during primaries with cringey shit like
>pic related
that everyone hates you

Take your shitty manlet somewhere else

also /r/ing the debate fanfiction from the libertarian forum where randlet reduces Trump to tears and wins

Fuck no, Rand Paul is nothing like his father.

He's a Republicuck and a manlet.