You know they will hunt us down and exterminate us, right? We will all be convicted of wrongthink.
After she steals the election
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Yeah they're gonna hunt down and kill 48% of Americans. Riiiight.
I'm in agreement that she's a crazy corrupt 1984 proponent, but the tactics they will use will be much subtler than that. Just remember who you are.
I didn't exactly mean left wing death squads, but all we stand for will start to be extinguished. They have won.
You are 100% correct. Hence the divisive and damning rhetoric
Deplorable, Irredeemable, Un-American...
you're just one more adjective from stepping on the Auschwitz Train.
You don't need to kill every leaker. Just make an example out of one.
So progressive.
If what so many people are alluding to is true, then it won't matter. We'll all be dead from the nukes.
>see shillpost
And you are one dumb motherfucker. first of all times got this in the bag secondly she is literally on the way to prison
>You know they will hunt us down and exterminate us, right?
who, the magic fairy princesses who don't own guns or join the military?
>make an example out of one.
So Assange is basically fighting for his life now. And if i were Snowden i wouldn't rely so much on FSB to protect him. CIA agents can be quite inventive in their killing shemes.
I can't tell if they think they blind in or not.
Once the NWO goes into the overt phase we will all be hunted down like dogs
>see shillpost
A FUCKING LEAF accusing me of shill or shitposting. You got balls, syrupnigger.
>who, the magic fairy princesses who don't own guns or join the military?
Give me a fucking break. Stop with the gun shit. Our time to use those came and went 20 years ago. We're fucked.
The "hunt" won't take long. Hardly a hunt at all. They started injecting nano machines into us with the vaccines. All it takes is looking at your vote and a switch flip and you'll be dead in two seconds if you've had a vaccine in the last few years. Killary will kill.
I am physically, emotionally and materially prepared to handle it.
I'm also read to redacted.
Can't tell if CTR or someone making fun of CTR ironically.
Although I really do think that's how they visualize us, given the super fuckin' basic tactics they've tried to use against us like we didn't see it coming.
I would rather die than suffer under her and watch America collapse.
you'll die slowly in the streets like the rats you are
yes, I know.
Go to
You overestimate our importance and their caring.
nah the new globalist government to follow will just put us all in ovens m8
There are too many of us and this is all satire. I'm just some dickhead somehwhere and so are you.
>you'll die slowly in the streets like the rats you are
Then why haven't you pulled the trigger yet?
they can try, but we have hope. Obama himself said it, "Choose hope." Unlike those controlled by the banks, we have willpower.
and with hope and will, we shall prevail.
Good thing she's not going to win.
Nothing to worry about, Kek will win. I am 600% sure
They're just panicking, they need to do their job or be sold out by the CF in case Hillary loses the election.
Let them try. There's only so many cia agents.
Is she really some weird satanist ? Or is that just some art thing ?
Checked for kek!
Kek is word that originated from world of Warcraft, this meme sucks.
Comey is fucked. Who else?
We'd prefer to reclaim our country via the first amendment, rather than the second. The second is a failsafe if the first is completely negated.
We are a nation of law and order, a nation full of people who want liberty, peace and prosperity, not blood, tyranny and chaos.
We are exhaustively pursuing all possible diplomatic solutions to the destruction of our way of life. Unlike what the far left and the far right would have you believe, most Americans, even the gun owners do not want to exterminate the other half. We want to live in peace, without fear of our future being sold for someone else's gain, without constant nagging stress about having to undo the scheming and machinations of those who are supposed to represent and protect us. We want to vote our Officials into office and then we want to forget they exist for a couple years while we get on with our lives and not worry about whether they are going to attack the freedoms we elect them to protect.
We don't want to fight a civil war, we want our government to stop trying to build prisons around us where we stand.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Why do you think I've been memeing so hard, OP?
inb4 CSIS kill order, at least we don't have drones
>We will all be convicted of wrongthink.
Bring it the fuck on
If she wins, It'll only make us stronger.
Your such a whiny bitch and your doubles have been canceled.
lol im going offline if she wins
>OP thinks random faggots posting frogs on a mongolian tapestry board are in any way relevant to hillary clinton
She literally has an entire page on her campaign website dedicated to the /r9k/ frogs
Sup Forums eternally, all-encompassingly btfo
Literally nobody read that shit m8
yeaaaah sure
you're a whiny bitch
Why is it that evil people can't smile without looking evil?
Hillary Clinton hunting down Sup Forums neets.
>Im ok with that.
Have you seen her emails? She doesn't understand the concept of subtlety. The only reason she hasn't done anything that crazy yet is that she has yet to obtain a position of true power. Look at what damaged she managed to to just as Secretary of State, and imagine what she will do as President.
Cold. Dead. Hands.
God damn. For some reason, her face looks incredibly punchable to me
And all of the "FUNPOST TO 999999 etc" threads are there to collect more posts as "proofs"
You mean maplenigger?
>Doesn't that sound better?
>Now go outside your nerd virgin basement
>start your shitty car
>get out
>Wrap your lips around the tailpipe and practice the only skill your cunt mother ever had.
Kek is an ancient Egyptian God you fucking retard.
>Seriously how fucking stupid are you?
Repeaters confirm.
>So, mostly true.
Be opposed by congress on absofuckinglutely everything and if she tries anything fucky with executive orders wind up having said orders overturned by said congress and possibly be censured/impeached if they're feeling really saucy?
Fortunately shitposting is protected in the Australian Constitution and all our extradition treaties have a clause exempting it.
I don't see Ausbros and Kiwis stopping American LEO's from enforcing our laws in your countries. They grabbed that fatass Kim once already. Your sovereignty is a myth.
I hate poems that don't rhyme, go back to english class lowie
Honestly at this point, I don't really care/hope you're right.
If she wins, the world is beyond the point of saving. The course will be set for the next dark age. Society wont be livable again until long after we're all dead.
So basically, it'd be better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
only one way to avoid your trial CTR
If they try taking me I'll whip out my cock and fap they'll run away hehehe
>we're not drones, y-you're the drone
>I wrote a poem to show you how wrong you are!
Is this the political art I've heard so much about?
You realize you are talking about the woman who has had every single person who has ever stood up against her killed right? Its like over 50 people at this point, and she got away with it every time. A few Republican Senators and/or Representatives will end up committing suicide by multiple gunshots to the back of the head and the rest will eventually fall in line.