Drumpf is done.
Drumpf is done
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This is what the united states has come to? 4 investigations by multiple agencies and people are more likely to vote for her. We are finished.
>washington post
You guys didn't seem to have a problem with it when it showed Clinton crashing from +12 to -1.
They're expecting the 2012 black vote when it's down 40%. I'm going to enjoy this.
Prepare to hurt Drumpfkins
Look at the timeline from rcp. Every time he gets close, they change it so he starts losing, she starts gaining. If it were organic, it wouldn't happen just as they were even.
How many of those investigations have found her guilty of something?
Poor Drumpfies
The same number of times Al Capone was found guilty of bootlegging.
Generally you don't fake bad results for the people you're trying to manipulate the election for.
At least one. They just got blocked by the DOJ or had their Leader blackmailed into not recommending charges. I mean, Hillary's guilt is self-evident in the email server case.
The number I was looking for was zero.
If she is not found guilty, with the mountain of evidence against her, I can reasonably assume we are no longer a country of laws.
Well if you put your faith in an mainstream media poll, you will be disapointed as there are mainly other factors than polls. But you keep the faith there Shillfag just make sure someone is there to catch those tears
t.basement virgin
meanwhile the hispanic vote is up like 150% in places like florida...
I have a problem with it because it should be +20 trump if they didnt lie
>the amazon post
Bezos is still buttmad
CTR shills every day of the week. I get hard watching them waste their time.
or maybe it's just so blatant and it's so wide that it involves the establishment republicans and people get so tired of hearing about her numerous crimes they just dont care anymore?
Well, then the number you were looking for is 'retard', which is also not a number, which makes you even more retarded.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THATS GREAT. I love the babby stimdick
well he's polling higher with hispanics than clinton is with whites IIRC according to the LA times poll
No worries. KING KEK has momentum and will take OHIO and many others. No president has ever won without taking OHIO. FACT!
Would you take clyde frog and just go?
whats with this huge influx of shitposts? its always from the biased mainstream media pushing their agenda.
lazy ironic posters?
lazy CTR workers trying to make quota by making the same threads every day?
Trump must be winning big league if the shills are getting this desperate
You might be a shitposter, but the fact that people believe this makes my stomach turn.
>a leaf
cool thread bro, it would be a shame if someone started dumping pictures of korean models in it.
Fucking CIA post, lol.
The GOP knew this shit already. It was clear in the 2012 they needed the minority vote to win. Then they nominated this bigot.
Thanks to Trump my taxes are going up. Rubio would be cruising to the finish line by now.
You fucks completely disappeared for 2 days. I have no fucking doubt in my mind that you are paid. You are also terrible at your job. You'll soon commit suicide by 16 bullets to the back of the head.
Yall support a pedophile devil worshipping bitch that allows terrorists to take advantage of this country and attack it as it's on the verge of collapse?
report these posts he will get banned lmfao ez thx pol mods
Let's be serious, pol is pretty far right and the whole nature of it is to be contrarian, regardless of opinion. Most of the people on here that say that support clinton are people purely trying to be contrarian, or shills.
Did mommy not spin the rockets on the cradle cute wittle Drumpfkin?
Awww, wittle baby don't cry because the polls.. Awwww
They're trying to get a rise out of people. Or /leftypol/ is here again.
>ctr using pepe
>"pepe is racist!"
what is self awareness
just kill yourself this picture made me cringe so hard your ass is going on /cringe/
Wow I better #changemyvotetohillarybecauseitscooltohaveaprezunderfbiinveatigation
You lost boi? This ain't a Drumpf crybaby thread.
This here Hiltown.
Mfw Drumpflets get rekt
Calm down, nigger.
David Brock gave you that lecture to do the damage control. Good luck wasting time for 3 days.
Yeah it kinda feels like it's a different country now than what it began as. Too bad we're not exploring space so we can find a way off this shithole and settle some sanity on another planet.
Yasss, slay the fat orange raper
All these Drumpfies getting BTFO hahaha
You guys have cried wolf about muh emails one too many times.
They're really pulling out all the stops for a last minute desperate try to keep people from voting.
Won't work.
Trump has won.
>Hillary for Prison
look who's revolting against daddy big lmao
i guess all those hugs and kisses really got to her
good thing she's supporting a real woman now
lol, does MSNBC do nothing but feed sunshine to their Hillary-supporting audience, or what? Every screen shot poll of MSNBC is how "great" Hillary is doing, even as she keeps fading.
Also, am I crazy, or was this ABC poll not Clinton +3 earlier today?
CTR is JIDF lite.
do you enjoy being the bad guy?
you're getting paid to enforce an agenda. You lefties preach tolerance and peace and call us nazis and yet your people are the ones inciting violence and censorship to right wing views.
heres my (you)
hahaha you missed one drumpflet nice try though
now leave Hiltown
just because Drumpf = BTFO doesnt mean u have to get so TRIGGERED
Future Kek says no
>I'll never have a qt plastic gook gf
Why even live?
Sorry dude but Hillary has the support of 65% of the nation behind her, and half of Drumpf supporters don't like Drumpf but are only voting because they don't wanna vote Democratic. So in reality, u're the bad guy XDDDDD... BTFO DRUMPFKIN
>trying this hard