Didnt they say that about the indians beating the cubs?
Didn't they say that about brexit?
King James will help Hillary take this election on Sunday. He has too much power
Scientist of what?
I'll make a more accurate prediction: op will suck a bunch of nigger dicks
Just a scientist. Someone who sciences.
brexit might get reversed
>Didnt they say that about the indians beating the cubs?
no lol, jesus fuck a burger too, bet you call it sportsball
Well we had a good run boys, but time to pack it in.
Who would have thought that it would be a Princeton scientist who stumps us all?
Don't you dare blaspheme science you scoundrel
>Princeton intellectuals
slowed down not reversed
Appealing to Authority? Hmmm... Gets my gears turnin'
No one believes that shit and Shills post it to comfort themselves to the fact that They are about to get grabbed by the pussy.
Yeah and Nate Silver said Hillary had a 99.9% chance of winning the Michigan primary.
We know how that turned out.
...and it's "breaking news"
Funny thing about that, look it up and you'll be finding more and more reports that may will force a new election and make every MP have to gamble their future on the Brexit vote. Remember each MP is chosen by the sector, not the whole country, and most sectors voted for Brexit. Guess what's gonna happen?
well, Brexit can't be triggered without a parliamentary vote.
It's over folks
The science is in
>Princeton scientist