If you achieve a GET you choose the punishment for Hillary and her circle of occult worshipers when President Trump is elected. Two digits is non-lethal, three digits is lethal.
If you achieve a GET you choose the punishment for Hillary and her circle of occult worshipers when President Trump is...
slapped with my micropenis
Forced to watch Trump speeches and addresses on loop 24/7 in her cell.
Check 'em.
Female Circumision, also known as Female Genital Mutilation
Seize all assets and exile her to the middle east
Do dubs count if it's in the ID?
She'll also have to work in a ghetto in a nigger city three times a week (listening trump speeches on an mp3 player), cleaning the streets.
Forced to get a masters in feminism/race/gender studies over and over again until they die of old age. Except we force them to continue their occult practices and replace their organs so that they live as long as possible. Also the teachers are Amy Schumer Lena Dunham and that ugly nigger chick from that lesbian prison show.
I think she needs a Pepe tattoo on her forehead.
I mean for real this time, please
Forced to live stream themselves going to the bathroom for the next ten years.
No breaks.
No cuts.
No muting.
I mean come on, just die
i choose that she gets to become president
Sharpie in pooper
Laughing gas until her heart stops as she laughs in front of the entire crowd in White House.
Eh, fuck you
electroshock and waterboarding
Nothing personel kid
just give up and check these because you'll never make it also hillary is forced to stay away until she days of exhaustion
Death by firing squad on national TV
Public hanging
Vivisection by spoon
Helicopter drop into the sea.
Truly amazing.
I'd just have her live in Venezuela on her own.
Unban be from all boards for posting the word "nigger" on Sup Forums
Also let Hillary get raped to death by a gaggle of rapefugees
Eat the House of Saud.
a pinapple dildo made out of hdpvc attached to a jackhammer covered in soy sauce alternating between anal and vaginal every 17 minutes with a 33 minute interval inbetween sessions every other day that starts with a T
the lords swift judgement
Isolate. Simplify. Complete.
Well first of all I would get a couple burly men to immobilize Clinton. She would be stripped, latched to a wall, and then turn her upside down. I would then take a hollow metal rod, about six feet long, and shove it up her rectum. Then a funnel would be latched to the top of that, and finally, piping hot, boiling water would be poured slowly yet continually into the funnel, finding it's way down her ass into her intestine.
Physically regressed to lolis then brutally trafficked across the world, raped, sold, raped more, then brought home to face the noose for fucking treason.
Crucifixion in the cold wind of North Dakota while that one song from Courage the CowardlyDog plays on huge speakers over aND over again until it is ended by death, if Kek wills
Please kek?
Furthermore, every single tooth would be pulled out slowly, with pliers, no anesthetic of course, in addition to my other post.
Forced to confess on TV, word for word in excruciating detail, every sick twisted thing they've done and just how far the extent of the corruption goes.
Recording to be used as a reminder to future generations that no one is infallible.
If she does not confess she will be subjected to waterboarding and other forms of psychological torture every day all day until she dies or confesses.
Genital mutilation
Raped by Bull Moose
Now you can fucking checkem.
>Forgive me my arrogance, O master of chaos
Laugh at Sup Forums to death after she wins the elections
After enduring this treatment for weeks, I would have her legs tied to one truck, and her arms to a different truck, and the two trucks would drive in opposite directions. Then a mentally disabled man would run to her corpse in its final moments of life and smash her skull in repeatedly with a sledge hammer.
best korea labor camp
Boiled in cockroach semen
Having all their funds seized and being banned from political office for the rest of time. Getting felony charges permanently on record, being registered as sex offenders, and then being set free to watch America become great again while they sit in their cucksheds with the police stopping by ever Halloween because kid Sup Forumsacks called saying she was giving out candy again.
a big stroke 2 week later she loses the election
raped by syrian refugee
Checked for the base strayan
Torture and death vids like what ISIS does
judas cradle
locked in the sandpaper room for eternity.
>near gets every single post
>ID "jej3crzz", Kek cruz?
That's gotta count for something.
all hail kim jong un
She publicly admits to her crimes and then dies of shame
After 20 years of this, have her hang. ROLLING!
Kek manifests in physical form and has his way with them and proceeds to bring in Moloch from another dimension to fight and defeat Moloch
Nobody talks about this one...
Whatever the law says should happen to them, after due legal process.
Acting like a dog for putin.
On the steps of the whitehouse her head is removed with an axe and then mounted on a spike, just like Ned Stark
They're guilty of treason and witchcraft - our ancestors would have at minimum burned them at the stake. Grow a pair.
I'm hoping for something similar to this.
Spanish Inquisition
Poo poo peepee for them :D
See how manners work?
He's the god of chaos not bad manners you rude cocksucker.
>Also just death isn't brutal enough.
Reroll for anal flush
Let's gooo reroll
Exiled to an active war zone. Hell, do that to every politicians, they all deserve it.
jesus taught me about forgiveness so i think trump should pardon them and give them a chance to turn over a new leaf
>new leaf
I'm a bit on the older side.
public walk of shame naked like in game of thrones
Have her conscious transferred into the body of a small Syrian child and raped to death by her husband.
Her staff will be locked in isolation tanks and reconditioned to believe they are Disney characters and will work in the parks as those characters after being sufficiently broken.
Double zeroes are the weakest GET.
Dog for Putin is nice and comfy to imagine.
I also said noose em.
>Here's some checkers m80s
enhanced interrogation
She has to watch me fuck the rabbit
Quads means I get to press the button that launches her shuttle into the sun
Praise kek
Rawdawg that hare's heinie
Have new forms of biological warfare experimented on her forever until she does. Each one making her in more and more pain until she cant handle it anymore
Locked in a gorilla habitat and let them get revenge for what she did to Harambe
for real
Since these doubledubs ain't gettin any love...
>Brazen bull, but full of rabid starving weasels.
>Turn the heat up slooooooow
skull knight burning churches confirms with dubs.
we shall burn moloch worshipers!!!!
Sup Forums allows furries now! cool I can post my waifu from best korea.
hang by their feet naked in public with their asses filled with Drano.
epic get will confirm