I want to adress Americans here. If you let her win, there will be blood. Trust me, our little guy won't back down...

I want to adress Americans here. If you let her win, there will be blood. Trust me, our little guy won't back down, even if we ask him to do so. They will bury us all on the frontlines. I had a bad dream today, where I put on boots and uniform and was sent to Estonia to die there. I want to live.

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We're taking them all down, rusбpaт
The bitch goes first.

We all do.
Lets just hope that Trump pulls it off.

>our little guy

lmao whatever dude the whole world is with Her
get fucked

Only the sheep would follower her

In the event it happens, just yell something along the line of "shadilay" while in battle so we know not to shoot each other.

My sister attends the same school with that DNR refugee girl. She has a family of four and they are fucked. Government seemed very inviting on words, but irl they 70% depend on church chairity, which is unsufficient. It frightens me every time. The tragedy is so near. Just saying.

So do we, but our cancer is worse than ever. jews, feminists, globalist and their numale army prevent us from taking control of our country again. Its an a set cource of self destruction.

Notified the authorities of your direct contact with Russia.

I don't understand why Hillary is willing to throw us into a war that will possibly break civilization or set us back quite a bit.

Ill try my best

We don't want to die fighting other white people either, Sergei. We are bros to the end no matter what Hillary's rusty vagina forces on us.

If we end up in a war, I promise I will only shoot at your legs and arms. I won't kill any of you.

Stop being such a little pussy. War happens wether you like it or not, you can't change it, I can't, nobody can. I would advise you try to dodge the draft: pack yourself up with fat and tell them that you are suicidal and willing to kill your friends. Do this, and they won't draft you. But, you really got to sell it to them.

Says the asshole whose country's people started every war for the last 400 years. If I ever become president, your entire nation will be turned to glass.

We will all die op
Dont worry
It wont hurt to much
When we blow away the atmosphere

>nobody can
You speak like all the events in history were a set of inevitable situations, like Caesar had to cross the Rubicon or Mongols had no chance against the Mamluks of Egypt in their expansionist wars. Post-Modern thought would like you to think history is a series of entirely connected moments that inexorably stack on one another, but that's poor critical thought towards the realities of people and human nature.

Not much in favour of dying for globalist elites either, better start prepping a hut deep in the woods and shoot anyone when shtf

I have no direct contact with russia

your girls are really cute I don't want us to go to war

Minerva told her
Moloch demands it

Yes because when you are being shot at with missiles by a terrorist group that chants for your death you should just let them win. Fuck off, pussy.

I agree! Save the qt Russian waifus!

I want you to live too, my Russian friend. I want all of us to live.

W-we're gonna make it bros

I am no pussy. The muslim terrorists are a symptom of the greater problem. Ashkenazi jews *ARE* the problem. Your country shouldn't even fucking exist. Every day that Israel continues as a nation is blasphemy against Yahweh himself. You fucks couldn't make it more obvious to anyone who has read the Bible that your true loyalties lie with Satan/Ba'al/Moloch. Crusade when?

I will shoot her and to give NATO soldiers.

We will see nukes fall again in our lifetime but Russia will end the war with a nuke they developed in secret that makes the Tsar Bomba look like childs play. It will leave a massive crater and cause earth to be thrown off its axis by .03 degrees.

>t. Achmed

We don't want to fight you. It's our tyrannical government.

Pray for hope with Phase 3 definitely coming today or tomorrow. The rumored 33k?

This delusional. You must be Mizradi and have never stepped foot in America in your life.

>wont back down



Also it's amusing how shitless Hillary scares Russia

I live in Australia nigga.


> If you let her win, there will be blood.
Thats what im banking on m8, Ive had shit run this life but am too cowardly to just kill myself, this way I can die without shaming my family.

See you in the eastern front


Someone message the chinks too. That's where I'll get sent.

I hope they recognize pepe.

>Wanting to live
You do know where you are right?

She is literally insane.

I don't wanna fight my Russobros

You are literally whining like every leftist in Israel about how we shouldn't be here :(

Grow up, we took the land fair and square from the Arabs in a war which they started and you want us to give it back? lmao

>don't be a pussy
>go dodge the draft
What did he mean by this?

Russians don't speak English, everyone knows that.

>we took the land fair and square

Lmao. The Brits gave it to you after you betrayed the Germans in WWI. You defended it with weapons and training given to you by America. You have never won or gained a single thing in your people's evil existence without blackmailing/manipulating European goyim to your own ends.

You really expect us to believe that a nation of inbreeds who look like pic related took on the entire Arab world alone? It might as well have been American and British troops on the ground at every one of your conflicts.

No no, we just want you all to die, who gives a fuck what happens to the land

It means that he should accept the situation for what it is and not have nightmares about it like a 6 year old.

But, if you want to dodge the draft you probably can.

>we took the land

Yeah russbro how do you speak english?

so much this, Jews are leeches.

This is the Admiral Kuznetsov, the flagship of the Russian navy, and the newest aircraft carrier in the Russian fleet.

She's a diesel vessel, and launching planes is done using the equivalent of a skate ramp on the front of the ship, there is no hydraulic catapult system.

She sails with her own tugboat, because of how difficult it is to steer her, and because she frequently breaks down. Everyone was holding their breath when she recently was deployed to bolster the Russian effort in Syria, since there was a good chance she wouldn't actually make the trip successfully.

As much as Putin wants to look strong, his own cronyism and sabre rattling will end up ruining the country more than anything. Looking forward to the 'Russian Spring'.

>Be Jew
>stoke the flames of war
>run guns to both sides
>eventually get your comeuppance

lol so cucked

oy vey not all of us have a doctor from our tribe who is willing to commit fraud for us.

See you on the battlefield Russiabro.

Remember, the codeword is "benis", to be replied with "in bagina".

Trump is going to win and USA and Russia will become allies

Jesus christ, retards, no one wants a full scale war between major powers, it would wreck everyone's economy.

She won't win.

lol wut? Is this a meme?

American's DO NOT want war with Russia.

Maybe around 60% of the country is what you would call uninformed on the world (stupid), of that 60%, only 15% of that population of uniformed people would actually think of considering supporting a war.

Literally nobody wants war with Russia that has a brain in the USA. We wont let it happen.

Why would we need to enter via the Sudan when we already have a large military presence within central Europe and bases within the Middle East that can be reinforced?

Shit I meant fucking Sahara, not Sudan.

First of all, the brits didn't just give us our country, we had to fight the British mandate to gain control of our country and then the arabs, once it was ours.

Secondly, pic related Ultra orthodox Jews don't enlist in the army, they study the Bible all day and did jack shit to help the others fight

>some American weapons = American troops fighting for us.

Snitches get stitches.

Hope that makes you feel better. I would NEVER consider killing a Russian over nothing, especially if the feds are telling me to do it because "mah soviets are bad and cold war" meme. Sick of our (US) politicians acting like we're enemies.

Stop shitposting

Satan 2 ICBM

People who are voting for Hillary Clinton are not American.

Americans aren't just going to let her win, that's why we're all voting for Trump.

If she wins it means our country has been overrun.

>Good goyim. Fight the Russians for us to gain influence in CIS countries. Basically, you don't get anything from this, except for bigger taxes to pay for our war, but you're a good goy, you will never ask why do you have to pay for it.

>fair and square
>balfour's little bitch

Learn some history you little kike.

>First of all, the brits didn't just give us our country, we had to fight the British mandate to gain control of our country and then the arabs, once it was ours.

Lying through your damn teeth as usual. Pic related.

>some American weapons = American troops fighting for us.

Good luck killing the arabs with Menorahs, dreidels and infant goyim blood and foreskins

What is the general Russian sentiment about Trump? Is it even a common topic of discussion among Russian normies?

This. If Hillary wins it was not by the popular vote, America will have been lost. Please liberate us.

I don't get what the Balfourd declaration has anything to do with this.

The deceleration basically says that the brits see the establishment of a Jewish state with sympathy and with favour. That's it.

Meanwhile in reality, we had a mandate to overcome.

Russian repeat what they say Kremlin media. What Hillary devil in the flesh, etc. However, the majority of Russian survival too busy to think about politics.

We don't want that bloodthirsty cunt in office any more than you do Russiabro

Don't believe the ridiculous lies that our media spew

We get it. By posting a vague reply we think you're sent by kek. But we recognize a false prophet


Most don't give a shit about politics. Most of those who do consume everything they see on the tv. The rest is either shiposting on AIBs or working his ass off to leave the country.

Don't worry.
Anyone with half a brain in the states dodges the draft. Not to mention the military has basically gone SJW mode anyway. We also can't stop wasting money on complete shit military projects like that new ship and the F-35.

>Good luck killing the arabs with Menorahs, dreidels and infant goyim blood and foreskins

Also this:

i don't wanna fight you either, rus-bro

fuck our prez, and fuck putin. let's be friends, drink vodka, and eat sausage

Why are people trying to leave Russia? You should make Russia great... again.

Is it hard to leave? I work for a company that hires Russian Translators and we have several Russian expats. They are making 70K+ per year, granted they have to have basic knowledge of the energy industry and the energy market is shit.

Hope not. Americans don't want war any more than Russia wants it.

We're not so thrilled with that idea, either.

If you guys have the goods you're obligated by treaty to return it. That's property of the United States that you have, and we want it back. We don't even care if you have to return it Sunday morning via a full page ad in the Sydney daily newspaper, we just want it back.

>a shit rifle with its 6 gorrillion pound trigger pull

The hard part in finding a company that is ready to pay shitloads for your H1B.

Kills people just the same, though.

I can't wait to kill fellow white brothers because a bunch of Jews said so in order to protect some dumb Muslims.

And having enough money to emigrate is hard as fuck too, considering that a salary of $15k per year is like a dream here. $18k per year is the salary of a lead programmer in Moscow.

STFU we will do what we have to either way. If they attack us we will have to defend ourselves like our grandfathers 70 years ago.

If Clinton wins there will probably be blood in the streets from all the pent up anger this election

Instead of killing each other we both kill Clinton

That's on the media.

The people will insist they be held accountable when they learn the extent of the psychological tricks that were used on them.

Don't worry, Rusbro. ^) You will prevail.

lets hope it doesn't come to that

We're trying Ruskie. A lost of us see the writing on the wall.

I don't want to fight Russians at all either OP, you're okay by me, save for the commies that I'm sure are still lurking in your country.

My hopes are that the US and Russia will make their relations better if Trump wins. He admires you Ruskies, much like how I do.

I too have had dreams recently. In a country I don't know, surrounded by uniformed men and headed towards certain death.

I want to live, I have a life to live and have spent nearly all of my time doing nothing. My life rests on this election. Almost every tie I've had to everything has been severed due to the election. Family, friends, I've lost my job due to a different opinion than my boss. If Trump doesn't win, I won't be vindicated. I'll be sent off to a war I want no part in and will face my doom.

Pray for us Russianon, please. It's cold in Michigan, concrete surrounding me while I wait for the end of days that's around the corner.

May patience and strength be with you these horrible days.

Just don't fuck with the jews and you should be okay. It's in the bible. You'll get BTFO if you do that bear.

As with you, may the drink warm your blood while the cold numbs the pain of the future.