Why does molymeme hang out with this faggot

why does molymeme hang out with this faggot

cernovish is a fukin hyperbolic retard doofus

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Cernovich is awesome, stfu

He's a literal kike who prays on dumb goys like Alex Jones who haven't figured out the JQ. Fuck him.

He's definitively a doofus, but he memes like a champ

these guys are literally Sup Forums News anchors

lurk all day, summarize what they read on Sup Forums

thanks guys.

>He's a literal kike who prays on dumb goys like Alex Jones who haven't figured out the JQ. Fuck him.
I will prey for your sole, misgoyded sheep.

Where has (((cernovich))) ever named the jew? Followup question: Which one of the last dozen wild-ass Jones-tier claims actually came true?

>Cheat Sheet: Never, None

molymemes channel is getting real stupid

it was great when he had interviews with people like jared taylor or susan hoff summers

its turned into a gossip channel

hes been cranking out videos so fast they are all shit now

look at this shit

buzzfeed for fedoras

He's gone a little nuts with this election.

But I like it because he knows how important it is.

He's a fucking leaf too, shows he really cares about America.

>Where has (((cernovich))) ever named the jew?
I don't know what you expect him to say exactly. Call for another holocaust because a significant portion of jews deserves being gassed?


>Followup question: Which one of the last dozen wild-ass Jones-tier claims actually came true?
I don't know enough about his memeing to answer that. I mostly know him from his talks with Molyneux and he seems like a reasonable person.

is Cern a fag?

I get a strong fag vibe

Don't forget Styx, the occultism correspondent.

I'm a anesthesia tech for a plastic surgery clinic in Atlanta.

He has blatant jaw implants. Like someone who had a really weak chin and upgraded.

Is it just me or are his eyes too close together?

To fill the Kike Quota. Why else?

So what?

Intredasting. That is something a gay seems more likely to do. And his jaw does seem strong now that you mention it. B-b-b-but, what does a weak jawline look like? I'll go image search.

both are using each other
like the stereotypical jews they are

yeah this shit is just cringey

Molyneux is great but Cernovich is a legitimate narcissist with a pregnant Mexican wife and he's extremely annoying.

I don't necessarily dislike a lot of the meme personalities like Cernovich, but it really irks me when they unironically overuse words like cuck and shit irl.

like I mean cuck memes are one thing, but seriously using this in your daily life? that's kinda weird.


1. Jazzhands
2. Styx


3. MW
4. (((Molyneux)))


9000. (((((Mike Cernovich))))
9001. Alex Jones

This reeks of Hermeticism. Having an extremely personalized 'spell' and basing it on alchemical symbolism, blood, piss, sperm, etc.

This isn't satanic, this is some really old school shit made contemporary. Alchemists used to dick around with bodily fluids all the time.

death, heaven, red, fire, blood
middle age, sun, yellow, air, urine
middle age, moon, white, water, phelgm
adulthood, earth, black, shit

this ideology is the basis of these rites, symbolic thinking and action to make possible the future.

>"Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk"

milk of man and woman, milk of sun and moon, eclipse

>"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. EAT THE PAIN"

left hand is the 'bad' hand, and so, she devours the bad life in her, into the dark of her womanhood

>"Fresh urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams"

sun shining on the subconscious

>"Spin around until you lose consciousness try to eat the questions of the day"

die while considering the futility of it all

>They pour blood over a child dummy in the corner of the room.

birth and become reborn; the doll is symbolic of this.

this is some jodorowsky ritual psychological therapy bs

i don't get the active dislike of these meme personalities. none of them make me mad or want to fight them in a physical altercation. they seem like OK guys to have a beer with.

Molymeme has gone crazy with the vids because this election is the most important thing many of us will see for a while and he knows it.

the only one I really find entertaining is Milo, and not because of the outrageous shit about him, but that he's an effective, persuasive speaker. he's particularly good debating ppl as well.

Hes married to a gook. Him and Gavin McInnis are the definition of controlled opposition.

if he wasn't wildly degenerate i'd be a fan. but he is degeneracy distilled.

good rankings
MW sort of has a different purpose, though. Might as well throw Enoch in if we're including the realm of metapolitics.