Daily reminder that KEK worship is literally a sin. You are worshiping a false idol and you will face an eternity in hell if you don't repent NOW. Hear me ye sinners!
Jesus is Lord, and the son of the one true God. Accept Jesus into your heart, for he is eternally loving and forgiving. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE YOURSELVES!
No, Kek is actually the angel of death, destroyer of niggers
This reeks of Hermeticism. Having an extremely personalized 'spell' and basing it on alchemical symbolism, blood, piss, sperm, etc.
This isn't satanic, this is some really old school shit made contemporary. Alchemists used to dick around with bodily fluids all the time.
death, heaven, red, fire, blood
middle age, sun, yellow, air, urine
middle age, moon, white, water, phelgm
adulthood, earth, black, shit
this ideology is the basis of these rites, symbolic thinking and action to make possible the future.
>"Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk"
milk of man and woman, milk of sun and moon, eclipse
>"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. EAT THE PAIN"
left hand is the 'bad' hand, and so, she devours the bad life in her, into the dark of her womanhood
>"Fresh urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams"
sun shining on the subconscious
>"Spin around until you lose consciousness try to eat the questions of the day"
die while considering the futility of it all
>They pour blood over a child dummy in the corner of the room.
birth and become reborn; the doll is symbolic of this.
this is some jodorowsky ritual psychological therapy bs
Fuck off
>Worshiping a jewish zombie martyr
Odin is the only true path.
Choose your destiny wisely. Become a Crusader of the Lord, or an enemy of the Cross.
Why not both?
Go ahead and mock me. I am not ashamed of my faith in Christ. I am spreading the word of God because I believe that anyone can be saved. Repent now! God loves you! Its not too late!
Break every idol!