Como se dice 'sleeping giant' en Espanol?

Como se dice 'sleeping giant' en Espanol?

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The spic vote is overrated.

The white vote is underrated.

Vermont, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

Vermont, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

Legal spics are voting trump. you know how much more trouble they have to go through to immigrate because of the illegals? Let me put it this way, do you like people who cut in line?

gigante durmiendo

get ready libshits, lube your ass for paco and abuela

Gigante durmiente fits better

No, no we aren't.

Isn't there an equivalent sayin? Like león dormido or something.

Most legal spics I know are voting Trump. Only illegal spics are voting for Hillary, which is completely illegal and should not be counted. Shit, I'm a quarter beaner myself.

Should have gone with Jeb but redneck trumpkins fell for the wall meme

Trump is doing better than Romney with hispanics.

It's the rigging of the machines that's the problem, boys.

This is 20 idiots expressing their opinions.
Not gonna happen guys.

Fuck you Paco, go take your shit-skinned beaner ass back to your dilapidated shit-hole of a country.

There are no spic electors, so you can have all the food truck votes if you want


durmiente gives more impact

The fabled identity politics vote that will suddenly smash everyone!

Oh no, I already voted. Is it possible to indian give a vote, I don't want to be a loser come election day.

I like "Gigante dormido" more. But the three are correct.

Give the Latinos a little dose of "spirit cooking" and they will dump Hillary faster than you can say Satan.

This is a game-changer, a proven smash hit on twitter that still has a lot of juice and mucho memetic power.





















Legals vote for Trump though.

It's only the paranoid illegals that are so violently against him.

Latinos are superstitious. This will spook the shit out of them.

This is a game-changer wherever the Latino vote is strong.











>Legal Cubans voting for Hillary
>Hispanics turning any state that wasn't already considered Clinton's
>Las Vegas not rigging the NV vote for Trump DNC-style
What la la land do these guys live in?

Fuck you dumb, filthy spics. All you do is fucking reproduce like rabbits and shit up this country. Everywhere you inhabit is filth ridden. I hope some day you're all wiped out. Disgusting vermin.


yes we are

Biggest Dinosaur Nightmare: School becomes closed due to the action of frozen pizza, which is a pizza-related entity.


How do illegals vote anyway?

Don't people have to register 6-12months prior to the voting period?

Pisa perezoso OP