"Muh #SpiritCooking!"
You fucking idiots think your shitposting matters in the face of an organized machine.
"Muh #SpiritCooking!"
You fucking idiots think your shitposting matters in the face of an organized machine.
Other urls found in this thread:
It does, mememagic kill gas the circles.
>while you were looking into our disgusting activities we were bribing spics to vote for us! LOL
You are right, lets just eat each others hotdogs.
Experience Art properly
>Needing to be "taken" to the polls
>live in an early voting state
>spent all of five minutes at the polls
>come home and shitpost all day
>meanwhile, some white cuck has to fill a bus
>fully of sweaty unwashed tacos who can't drive themselves
>has to do this all day
>goes home and is too tired to shitpost
why live?
herp derp get back in the cage noob
Spiritcooking has destroyed a fucking massive load of hispanic and black voters, they hate that satanist shit.
Come play with US, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever.
You guys rally screwed the pooch with this one. Performance art is only that. The end. As someone who has studied religion and the occult most of my life, you don't know what you're talking about. Focus on the emails and pedo shit that is the real crimes.
Democrats organize 55k hispanics and bus them from polling station to polling station.
You think it's shitposting. No. It's chipping away at the Hispanic vote. They fucking hate Satanists, so even the rumor of such is damaging.
Whoever thought up this play is genius, desu.
You're whtie though, this campaign isn't directed towards you.
Latinos and Blacks are flipping shit and families are freaking out over this.
they are going to spirit cook USA lol
>Latinos and Blacks are flipping shit and families are freaking out over this.
>Source: Sup Forums fantasies
This Satanic bullshit is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Clinton is laughing her way into the white house over this retardation. Paul Joseph Watson won't shut the fuck up about it. He's lost what little credibility he ever had.
You think an organized machine matters in the face of INTERNET HATE MACHINE with the blessings of KEK.
Go fuck some kids.
Did you not read twitter when it was going down? Jesus dude the butthurt was insane.
It has done nothing but give the left more reason to vote for fucking Hillary. You moronic fucking roleplayers and your dumbass theories and spreadsheets have given the left a good "The right is crazy" argument just a few days before the election. Well fucking done you dipshit cunt.
fuck off CTR
Come midnight on Nov 8 and you faggots will be going on and on about how you were robbed of the victory that your frog memes and repeating digits promised. The progs might be evil but they understand that at the end of the day, the numbers are all that matters. You don't seem to get that for whatever reason.
>source: r/the_donald
Literally Sup Forums fantasies
>Implying "500 500 Hillary Clinton worships the devil hit that muthufukkin like button" memes aren't on hoodrat Facebook
>Implying your leftist leaning aunt hasn't seen a "you thought Hillary Clinton was only evil but look what she and her associates do in their spare time, practice satanism wtf #spiritcooking" infographic on old people Facebook
This election is bringing it all crashing down around you fucks. MAGA
Damn looks like he's going to loose Nevada fuck
Jesus fuck you idiots are delusional. How on earth does anything I just said go into anything to do with fucking CTR. If you retards would actually point the finger at actual leeks that matter. Such as the pay to play and obvious big money Payoffs the Clinton foundation have recieved . You know the shit that can be tracked down and proven that doesn't look like some tinfoil hat retard thought it up.
This whole spirit cooking thing could be real. She could be sacrificing children and worshiping some fucking demon lord. But it doesn't matter because no one is going to believe you without a lot more evidence than is currently provided. It just makes you look like a roleplaying, tinfoil hat wearing prepubescent faggot.
> be dems
> bus hispanics around so they can vote
> forget to tell them who to vote for
We call you CTR because you post the same fucking thing in every thread constantly.
fuck off CTR
spirit cooking was one of the most successful CTR stunts. I have to really hand it to the shills on this one. I am still a little saddened to see so many fall for it. I thought the constant:
"PUSH THIS SPIRIT COOKING STUFF GUYS" threads was enough of a hint that this was a psyop
but the constant defense of this /x/ shit of:
was so outlandish I still can't believe we actually fell for this shit.
Why does it sound like you're writing a fucking novel; lurk more dumbasses.
Look mate if you can't listen to common fucking sense that's your problem. How are you this dumb if the media focuses on this it will pull her ahead. If anyone should be crying CTR it should be me. Who the fuck thought playing the satanic pedo card was a good idea?
Had her on the ropes with the recent scandal and the FBI opening their investigation again. But then you idiots devolve into /x/ tier bullshit and the media focuses on that insanity instead.
Big things that require reading and critical thinking to understand like why several emails from different parties confirming Hillary sold diplomat positions for on average 1.4million during her tenure as Secretary of state is hard and people can simply not go down the rabbit hole to ignore it.
#spiritcooking is making every abuella in the US burn and sanctify their Hillary Clinton yardsign and not vote for literal fucking satanists. It doesn't matter if to the atheist Portland demisexual foxkins think it's "performance art" all your pet blacks and Latinos sure as shit do not.
Nobody cares about those leaks. We've tried and tried to get people to give a single fuck and we can't. It's not catchy enough. They just won't listen.
This catches eyeballs. People who are on edge about voting hillary will see this and think twice. People who are hardcore for her wouldn't change if we got video evidence of her cutting open a toddler and eating it's insides alive.
holy fuck I have no idea what's going on anymore
Could you please point me to which media you're talking about that you're worried is focusing on "that insanity instead?"
It doesn't really matter. It pushed to the top trend on twitter. And really moved this into bizzaro world. Now when the real shit comes out, it will be in the realm of possibility because of how insane its getting
You really think that is how the media is going to spin it? Because it sure as shit won't be. If it gets any airtime it will be over how outlandish and insane it sounds. A lot of your older Latino's and I would dare say African Americans are more on board with Trump and maybe, just maybe you get a few more with this. I don't see the younger voters falling for this and then relaying to their parents that its the evil satanists on the alt right trying to change their vote. It is too fucking crazy to spin successfully. Regardless if it is real or not. If the FBI say they are opening an investigation specifically into that area. Then go fucking nuts. But if it is just memes and shitty jpegs thrown around people will not buy it.
dude stfu forreal
It was on hispanic television and they didn't make it sound like the right was crazy at all
like it or not but whoever started this made some impact
t. spic
#SpiritCooking is getting blacks to either not vote or switch their vote to Trump, they take religion VERY seriously
probably one of the best things about black people desu
It's already getting "airtime" with millions of tweets as we speak.
Suck my dick and try again in 4 years.
No one is going to claim absolute bullshit on the 55k claim? Good luck finding that many legal Hispanics on voting day who actually care about voting for a legit criminal mob boss.
>mfw they cant even get 8k
>45% of them vote Trump because he probably employed them at some point
In the words of my forefathers. Yeah, nah get fucked cunt.
If it can get into Church on Sunday morning thats all that matters. The Priests and Preachers will lose their shit over this.
Its old church lady kryptonite
Oh wow spirit cooking, Hillary es una bruja, I guess I'm voting Trump now since Jesus is with him, you know that guy from that religion that Spain brought over when they killed a bunch of native people, thanks for making me woke Sup Forums
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.
>Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.
>Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.
>If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to "increase materially" its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.
Shillary LITERALLY lying bold face. On YAHOO NEWS. About QATAR donations. To THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.
And yet, people will still vote democrat after this electon. Fucking hell
Look out everyone, they sent their top genius.
This reeks of Hermeticism. Having an extremely personalized 'spell' and basing it on alchemical symbolism, blood, piss, sperm, etc.
This isn't satanic, this is some really old school shit made contemporary. Alchemists used to dick around with bodily fluids all the time.
death, heaven, red, fire, blood
middle age, sun, yellow, air, urine
middle age, moon, white, water, phelgm
adulthood, earth, black, shit
this ideology is the basis of these rites, symbolic thinking and action to make possible the future.
>"Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk"
milk of man and woman, milk of sun and moon, eclipse
>"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. EAT THE PAIN"
left hand is the 'bad' hand, and so, she devours the bad life in her, into the dark of her womanhood
>"Fresh urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams"
sun shining on the subconscious
>"Spin around until you lose consciousness try to eat the questions of the day"
die while considering the futility of it all
>They pour blood over a child dummy in the corner of the room.
birth and become reborn; the doll is symbolic of this.
this is some jodorowsky ritual psychological therapy bs
>It is too fucking crazy to spin successfully.
We live in some crazy times. Nobody can deny that at this point. It's our best shot since the public is to stupid and lazy to inform themselves about a few hundred boring emails.
Will the MSM make fun of this, and say it's ridiculous? Probably. But Media trust rate is at something like 6 or 8% I think. We'll do fine.
and this is exactly my point.
i care about this shit.
most of us care about this shit
but a lot of normies, especially minorities, dont care. but spiritcooking absolutely did stick and still has legs through the weekend. this weekends sunday service will change many hearts.
Where? I throw spirit cooking into google and all I get is how its a big misunderstanding?
Of you are correct this would be the biggest immediate campaign destroying backfire in psyops history
>I know guys let's stage several months-years in advance emails that make us look like we're satanists but actually have it all be performance art by an obscure "artist" who only does weird occult "art" and take pictures of naked children!
>Ha ha the voting public will never believe that
>Btw how are we on importing millions of rigid fundamentalist Catholics with sub 90 IQs? Lol they'll vote blue because we gib them more and won't kick out undocumented organic strawberry pickers who work for pennies on the dollar? Ahead of schedule? Perfect!
That might help but wouldn't they already be voting for Trump. He pretty much has them in the bag already
it had almost a million retweets today. it got an article in SPAIN published. we have screens and anecdotes of people switching votes or refusing to vote.
>the same shit-tier australian troll from every other thread today
you keep talking but raise no relevant points. you don't even know how to argue for funsies properly, and i know that's what you're trying to do. you're boring as fuck my dude. just leave.
Oh look Jay-Z, a fellow #SpiritCooking enthusiast, endorsed Hillary Clinton today. Sup Forums should probably spread the news of his - activities.
Another felony on top of the tens of thousands she has already committed?
>main stream Media
It's the current year CTR, get with the program.
Sup Forums in unique page views gets more traffic than any mainstream news network
We're an ant compared to Facebook and Twitter on the internet and guess what hashtag is fucking trending.
[spoiler]This will continue all weekend; you can save your bullshit for rebbit.[/spoiler]
already on it. here's a nice photo to use.
Hi Styx
>You fucking idiots think your shitposting matters in the face of an organized machine.
y u mad tho
Lmao who said my shitposting matters? Its you fucking dumb cunt Hillary shitbags that think pol is at all important. Not because it is, but because the media and establishment have reached that level of utter incompetence, that they have labelled it so in utter desperation. Awww, did baby learn about Sup Forums on facebook lately???
MSM always spins in favor of Hillary.
Styx would you agree, regardless of the specificities of Hermeticism, Occultism, Whateverism, that it is certainly odd, disturbing and definitely a useful message to spread to normies about wtf the elites are doing?
especially with the pedophilia case and rumors of human trafficking.
The Clinton Foundation has been used as a for-profit operating under charity for years. It started off with a company called CESC (Clinton Executive Services Corp). CESC is also the company who paid for the email servers.
Here is an email discussing the potential for exposure when the proposition to move CESC into the CF building is discussed. Why would they care about exposure? Because it would bring investigation.
They knew that thing were getting to be sketchy, so they came up with a way to hide everything. In the form of a company called Teneo. Teneo was founded by long-time Clinton Aide Douglas Band and Declan Kelly. Declan Kelly was appointed a position at the State Department by Hillary Clinton:
After Teneo was created, Chelsea Clinton smelled something fishy about that organization and started investigating it. Here are a few of the claims she found:
Why would Jon Corzine do that for Bill Clinton? Because they had been friends for a long time… He served on a presidential committee for Bill Clinton and on a Department of Treasury’s borrowing committee. Take a look through the MF Global bankruptcy and the whole thing reeks:
Here is another lovely quote from that same email: wikileaks.org
Who is Ilya? Ilya Aspis is a special assistant to Bill Clinton at the Clinton Foundation
All of this really angered Brad, because he felt that she shouldn’t just come after him, since everyone involved does it. Read this email where he discusses his feelings about Chelsea Clinton investigating Teneo:
Here he is talking about how they can restructure the foundation to avoid suspicion:
Wasup cunt. Newfag? Jokes on you once you come you may never leave.
Here is the email where they propose the actual restructuring, notice what I quote. They did this to pretend to be a real division to anyone outside, and were concerned about anything that makes it appear otherwise:
Here is some different lines of communication that I found that involve their reaction to accusations about foul play, and how to divert attention:
55k honestly sounds like a killing blow if it's true.
Satanic Spawn, this is why we should have fuking wiped you completely out
You need to early vote Latinos.
They are still very religious and the second they hear about the dems doing satanic shit is the second they lose interest.
Don't forget there is a Sunday until the election.
said busses need to be intercepted
Early voting is done. I dont think any State votes on Monday?
kek, 55k latinos being herded like sheep
And 47 million whites who never vote wondering why Hilldog is dancing with Jayzee and Betroncy and 2chainz wtf wondering if maybe Tuesday might be good day to take off work and maybe get heard.
Checked for kek!