If a Canadian and an American made the exact same post I would praise the American but call the Canadian a retard.
If a Canadian and an American made the exact same post I would praise the American but call the Canadian a retard
You're a sheep who follows herb mentality and has no independent thought.
I massively overhype Australian shitposts but will reply to German shitposts with something demoralizing
>herb mentality
>herb mentality
you fuckheads can't even say that word right
it has an H you idiots
same H sound
another thing is AUSSIE
you say it like AHSEE and yet have no problem saying OZZY OSBOURNE
Aussie = Ozzy
so you got your american dick sucking and wanting to fit in badly all at once, nice 1 m8
so you got your american dick sucking and wanting to fit in badly all at once, nice 1 m8
i do the same thing from the inside to liberate our nation from the leafs
Calm the fuck down m8?
Jesus chill the fuck out m8?
Nice proxy, whete you actually from?
fuck off leaf
top kek
stap being so mean america, we are your best whitest neighbours
and thats why we love you
>herb mentality
Just like those god damn chives
Is rude to point people out pajeet...
Go get fucked an emu, new zealand
Learn to spell dumb shit
We only pretend to like Brit fags.
Leafs are superior. We just choose to let them suffer because we're sadistic.
You need a minimum of 1 toliet to post here patel
I keep wondoring if that nignog's covered in something or if he's ashy as hell
thanks i got a jollies out of this thread.
>Herb Mentality
Now you're speaking our language
>herb mentality
OP is true, if this was a Jamaican I would be behind this post but it's a fucking leaf and I just want him to fuck off and find a hole to die in.
>same post
>American gets trips
Fucking leafs can't do anything right.
check these quads
>not calling the canadian a leaf
retarded aussies again
>you can tell how words are pronounced because people wrote words down before they spoke them
retarded aussies again
fucking leaf
you're one to talk
What kinda herbs?
get back to work retard those shoes aren't gonna make themselves
>he has leaked his herbs
Taiwan isn't nearly that poor.
But then, aussies gonna retard.
Good, fuck leafs
Someone's a bit touchy, and I don't mean the refugee groping your sister.
Go back to work retard, those ASUS motherboards aren't going to make themselves.
I ignore Aussies when they ask for the source of an image and I know it
You some sauce for me then leafy?
wow. as a leaffag, this is the faggot cuck running our country? can't wait to fucking leave.
>a fucking herb
>can't wait to fucking leave
you let one little idiot ruin your impression of your country?
No. It's the idiots who voted him in.
no, i've been here for 20 years. so he's kinda just the tipping point. woman have taken over this country and more generally extreme-liberalism. anti-white racism is ramptant and so is affirmative action. ontario premiere, who is a lesbian pedophile, wants children as young as 8 to learn about degeneracy. sick people running this place and i refuse to be part of it.
Fuck off
>herb mentality
Yes, but can you shart in mart?