Where shoudl move Sup Forums

where shoudl move Sup Forums


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lmao your broke ass isn't going anywhere



Alaska is still US

Funnily enough, none of you Americans can live in those countries. I can, though.

comfy af

t. EU citizen

>tfw he thinks im poor
>tfw he thinks i am stuck in america like he is

i was in hungary last week user

I bet you enjoy life, bastard


Poland, Switzerland or Japan

Move to where ever those tits are.

thanks for not choosing Australia you degenerate

Japan is probably the best country on earth right now minus the natural disasters and nuclear radiation.

We are full.

Those are some sweet titties.

ISO: New Zealand Job Search Site.

Shrimps denied

Fuck off, I don't want any more westernized libtards in my country.

>im considering moving to putin's russia
>westernized libtard

a-alright then czechy

You retards always bring in the american attitude and eventually the libtards follow your stench and move where you moved.

Your country is a shithole. Like anyone from the liberal western democracies want to go live there anyway, or any conservtive shitholes that are Slavic countries.

Wherever those tits live

Good, don't come here, stick to your pluralistic nigger paradise.



alaska is on the list you fuckwit


somewhat related


And I hope you don't come here. Stay in your shithole country.

This entire thread was started with the notion of americlap escaping his own country, stay salty.

>Like anyone from the liberal western democracies want to go live there anyway, or any conservtive shitholes that are Slavic countries.
The OP mentions Czechia and several other Slavic countries. Are you retarded?

Stay in America don't run like some pansy ass refugee.

I hope he does come to your country
OP is a faggot, so it doesn't matter.

>OP is a faggot
well, there's another thing you have in common

>fucking mini Darbos.

Can some Americans explain to me why so many of your countrymen have this fucking fetish for "sampling" in other places in the world, sometimes even having fantasies of living in these places without knowing ANYTHING about them? I see these threads on Sup Forums so often.

I'm legitimately not saying this to be a dick, I wanna know. Is it just because the American culture tends to be more introverted and doesn't really talk about other nations as much, so a lot of citizens end up exoticising said nations as a result?

The arctic circle


Who is this man? And what is his endgame?

CTR death squad detec...

One of these

Any sane white person is trying to get away from the bullshit we have to put up with. Niggers and chimpouts plastered all over tvs and invading our suburbs, everyone is progressively losing wealth, drugs (not the fun ones) everywhere. Always greener on the other side you know. PS Get those fuckin camel jockeys out of our home countries would ya

damn thats a lot of food.... were you.... Hungary XD XD D d


You can come to Poland if you are hard working catholic.


Stay in America


>moving to putin's russia
How good is your Russian?
