I'm one of us but I landed a nice, athletic, thicc cutie pie and married her almost 20 years ago.
There is no excuse for failing to land a good ***AMERICAN*** woman, and the thiccer the better.
Prove me wrong. I married high test.
I'm one of us but I landed a nice, athletic, thicc cutie pie and married her almost 20 years ago.
There is no excuse for failing to land a good ***AMERICAN*** woman, and the thiccer the better.
Prove me wrong. I married high test.
>tfw no american gf
tfw no gf period
buck up
i'm sure the afterlife has poon
Common excuses from neets and fagos:
>oh i'm not willing to risk muh fortune (what fortune?)
>oh white american women are so slutty (even though statistically least likely to race mix, have std, or succumb to early pregnancy)
>it's expensive to date a quality woman (fucking holy shit here it is)
>she might not "be pure" (are you?)
Sorry faggos, i mean good try, but MGTOW is blown out.
Thats not your wife and you didnt even change the file name. Are you fucking retarded?
looks like Salsa Starch but with boobs
>still a manlet
dude i was a fat neet and managed to marry like the hottest thicc you ever saw
i'm fit now tho
and yet here you are, posting porn star pics like rest of us. how evolved. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
She is a white piggu
>that bulldog face
how bout no
Asian women:
1) No hobbies other than shopping and eating out and drinking
2) Enjoy expensive travel but stay in the hotel and lay by the pool the whole time
3) Must have the most expensive everything, even if it's a $4000 purse made by her enslaved distant family members
4) Will bring entire family over on your dime
5) Physically frail and small, not fit to protect children
6) Can't into outdoor activities
7) Even if they are smart it's only book smarts, they are like chidren
8) Can fly back to China or wherever and steal your Elliot Rodgerslet
9) Cant' even cook their traditional cuisine, dumping rooster sauce on rice noodles is not traditional cuisine
10) Except in rare circumstances usually resulting in stardom, no tits or ass
11) No sense of humor, or if it exists is identical to that of a six year old
12) Whiny
13) No idea if the girl is really ugly or cute, plastic surgery approaches or exceeds 90% in most of SE Asia.
14) Loves Disney for some reason, probably emotional retardation.
Choose white women.
MGTOW is lesbian separatism for men, but with less faggotry and more lonely anime masturbation
even shinji laugh at OP.
Her name is Tiffany Cappotelli. There are videos of her getting fucked on tumblr. Have fun failing NoFap.
if you aren't a manlet you are worthless
nothing compares to shinji's nintendo ds girlfriend game
What if I want a tiny chick for my tiny dick?
Face it asian women are inferior and small and weak and dark
like other kinda spics and niggers
>married her almost 20 years ago
Yeah, no. Nice try but you had success before you came to Sup Forums
My wife is Asian and this is pretty much true, except for the cooking part luckily
Holy shit, asia BTFO!
20 yrs ago nuff said
I got an athletic and thicc aussie girlfreind. Does that count?
>her shitposting and bants are subpar.
Help me ausbros
im an averaged height average weight no muscle lazy autist but i have a job and am in school
been laid a few times but never loved
feels bad
where to meet qts?
oh holy shit
no i like asian women for what they are
i have many asian woman friends
just realize their limitations
thats a big yucky nipple
i need to find jesus again
shut the fuck up
white women:
listen to non-pop music
make things about the house
make MONEY
don't spend it tho
are the best
Are you actually encouraging an Asian to marry a white woman?
Are you retarded? What if he succeeds? That'll be one less white woman for a white man.
How do
I think I've got talking to them down but can you elaborate on the process that led to your success
So any neets want to give their laundry list of excuses yet?
BTW my wife lifts, speaks 3 languages, and is a STEM nerd from the days before that was a meme for girls.
She can lift me up and crack my spine like a whip, she is 5'8 and 185 pounds, I am 5'9 and 200 pounds. I'm a fucking rural fuck not a fattie.
Why do you keep posting this gross whore?
Is it irony?
that is a gross as fugg nipple
Like 4 things you named are things a man is supposed to do.
>not listening to pop
America contains both the best and the worst women on this planet. It truly is the land of opportunity.
>Are you actually encouraging an Asian to marry a white woman?
>Are you retarded? What if he succeeds? That'll be one less white woman for a white man.
read that shit again you dummy
OK there are several keys
part of it is knowing how to properly fuck a woman
another part is just being genuine with 'em
i met my woman when we were both teenagers and i'm almost 40 now, been "goin' steady" ever since and married in 2003
Got a thicc black fiance with big titties that's redpilled as fuck. She actually got me into Trump.
Get on my level.
dem tits saggy tho
>jap tells you he doesn't like white women
>you try to convince him that white women are better than asian women
What do you think is going to happen if you manage to convince him? He's going to want white women and pursue them.
ANWYAY my point is
if you're all like 'gimme a piece of that thicc' no you can't have mine but you can FIND SOME OF YOUR OWN
I can help. Thicc women are going unfucked and unwifed all around the world, and it's not right.
My gf is very damn thin, at this point I get soft looking at big girls.
She's also white as hell. I'm somewhat tanned and probably 1/4 injun. Gotta improve the race!
From what I'm reading you essentially got yourself a guy friend with a vagina, not saying that's bad but I have no interest in that. I already got bunch of guys I can do stuff with.
That's too much my sides can't handle it man OP is such a huge faggot
>My gf is very damn thin, at this point I get soft looking at big girls.
jesus christ you've almost been pozzed
Those titties are more of a turn on than those fake fisheye tits I see on all the celebs and alleged hotties. Good birthing hips and real tits make my dick diamonds. My waifu gave me six healthy white children. Half are blonde blue eyed. She's still hot as hell and I'd have more babies but I don't want to drive a friggin' church bus.
Disney is cool though
user, what state are all these pictures of your big-titted wife from, if you don't mind my asking? Looks comfy and fatherland as hell.
no i'm straight and this is my actual wife no shit
>the girl i am seeing is Lithuanian
>what do
Asian women > your fat piece of shit
she is terrible at washing cars!!
what moron dirties up the sponge by doing the wheels and then the paint?!?
Why does this exist
am I on b or pol
wife immediately
This one time I tried to fuck a chubby girl with big-scratch that, huge tits. But as soon as I saw that fat pussy, it all went to shit.
Maybe I'd be able to do it with your wife. Doubtful, though. Fat pussy is just an erection killer.
>this same user posting his wife's pic in every thread
Why do you do this? What if any of us finds her, and consequently you?
most of these girls look like trash and you guys probably only settled for them because you aren't good-looking. looks is important, too, you know
overall average ITT: 4/10
but at least you guys seem happy
not knowing the difference between chubby and thicc is the first symptom of being pozzed dumbass
> another part is just being genuine with 'em
I mean I did manage to attract an ugly unstable kike girl by showing my Trump support powerlevel but that's not the sort of success I wish to recreate.
> i met my woman when we were both teenagers
So I'm fucked
>early pregnancy
O-ok user, whatever you say!
i carry 2 handguns at all times and am a powerful honorary white member of my local asian mafia
come at me
Oh for fuck's sake, is it a language thing? I meant a girl who would be around 10 pounds heavier than your pic.
Clearly you won't take it though, so I'm leaving. Keep her in the gym though, or pray the incoming ice age will make you get hard from fat rolls.
It's just one attention-whore guy posting.
>getting married
What a cuck lel
check em
How do you know my ex? Well stated user
I am actually nearing marriage with perfect thickness and a cutie and she's perfectly white.(if you count shit skin Sicilian heritage as whit, but her dads is irish). As I digress she a qt and you can all weep NEETS
>So I'm fucked
naw dude
people are retarded now
what was 18 in the 90's is early 30's now
>I am 5'9
I'm glad that you like your own women.
Let's both stick to our own kind.
i have many dear and close asian friends
i'm not even trying to be mean
i failed :|
>carry two handguns at all times
That seems inconvenient.
Shit, where do you guys even look for Asian girls? Do you order them online?
>bulldog face
classic swiss apline / germanic user
At least we age better. ^^
every big city is chock full of 'em
whoring mostly
It's not depending on how heavy and big they are really. I have a small derringer that's a great pocket gun and you can even wear it on a chain. My Sig Sauer p320 with compact lower is .40 and it's heavy and bulky depending on what you wear. It could get uncomfortable. The XDS 40 double stacked is nice and touch smaller and would still be kind of awkward with certain clothing.
my ass
what about w/o plastic surgery?
this girl is oozing crazy
Face it user, the only reason you're covering her face is because you don't want us to puke.
Pic related, actual thicc thighs, not chubby like your fugly wife
Sup Forums migrated too Sup Forums a long time ago.
I get the draw to Asian women I do and I'm one of them but they are batshit insane just like any white woman. Yes of course if you get a traditional Japanese maybe Korean waifu they will be reserved and know their place but so will a white woman in that type of culture. All women are insane.
>derringer so small you can wear it on a chain
That's really cool, dude. I'll try and find one for myself.
How did you do it?
Where do you live?
Where did she come from?
Are there many chicks like her there?
there are many thicc women waiting
just working out and doing kiegels
no shit
i'd cuck you with your thick wife
And /r9k/.
>tfw no american gf
like that's a bad thing.
>tfw no French or German Identitarian qt
>tfw no far-right Hungarian, Polish, or Austrain qt
It's impossible because if they move to A FUCKING LEAF and marry me then they have to betray their principles to do so.
There are literally zero far-right women in Canada. The closest thing is Lauren Southern and she's a Jewish Libertarian.
>meet rural girl who claims to be conservative
>she's either an alcoholic slut, a socialist (ironically I'm a Red Tory myself but there is a difference), or a neoliberal
>every time