Is Sup Forums going to boycott Games of Thrones now?
GRR Martin Thinks No One Has Been More Unfit for the Presidency Than Trump
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>A simple observation
So stop being a simpleton
Sup Forums already boycotted got 2 seasons ago
I think no one has been more unfit to write a book than GGR Martin.
>Game of Thrones scribe
OH-noes a fat jew, hates Trump.
Harry Potter is far more superior than GOT
I stopped watching GOT a while ago when it became a ridiculous GRRRRRL-POWER! shitfest.
>reading or watching this shit
its for college age girls and numales you fucking pussy
don't need to boycott it, show went to absolute shit 2 years ago
I don't watch bad lotto clones
>Watching Game of Reddit in the first place
Anyway, I don't care about the opinions of that fat fuck who won't even finish his book series before he dies.
This motherfucker's blood type is LDL. He has no business commenting on who is or isn't fit for anything.
>author's political opinion
can anyone recommend me a dentist? my car is making a funny clicking noise when i turn it on
Writing fanfiction tier rape fantasies doesn't make you a scribe or makes your opinion matter.
This fat fuck should spend more time writing his fucking books
I stopped watching 3 or 4 seasons ago, and the books... it's not like he's ever going to write another one
What the fuck is there to boycott? Nobody watches the show anymore and he hasn't finished a book in years.
Wtf is game of thrones
dubs have spoken
Haven't watched. Did they end up killing Little finger or something?
wow what kind of landwhale is that
As if you needed more reasons to deem GoT garbage
What's there to boycott?
> Martin will die before he finishes the next book
> We all pirate the HBO series
This literally changes nothing, other than reinforce the fact that George is STRICTLY a great writer of fiction. And that's it.
I already did, because it was fucking shit. Now I just feel even better for doing so.
Kek he wants to talk about being unfit
True, but don't think for a second JK rowling isn't a leftist SJW. Shes the one who implied our sweet hermione was black.
>George "Haha my peanus weanus ofcourse" R.R. Martin's opinion
Never watched that normie show.
> George
> Neckbeard
> Feminist
> Fat
Is it any wonder why he hates Trump?
A scribe is a person who writes books or documents by hand in hieratics, cuneiform or other scripts and may help keep track of records for priests and government.
haven't watched since season 2 ended. glad to do it too
>a fantasy writers political opinion ever being relevant
pick 1
fucker can't write anything but a scene setting.
Harry Potter is utter fucking shit, too. Game of Thrones is for immature Edgelords who want to pretend they get the "so deep and matureness" of it that's not there, and Harry Potter is for literal fucking children and a bunch of moronic manchildren adults highjacked it and now pretend really fucking hard that its for grown-ups when its literally a fucking kids book. Utter fucking trash, both of them.
Never watched a show about faggot dragons and fantasy.
This. Got bored after the third book. Time to wrap it up already.
I torrented all the episodes for free and don't have an HBO subscription or other pay service. GRRM doesn't get any royalties from me.
Who cares what this old fuck thinks?
Ive never read or watched any of the Game of Fags and never will. His old ass will be dead soon and we will all still be here. His opinion matters not.
ygritte is dead
catlyn is dead
sansa dependent on jon snow
cersei queen but doomed and all her kids dead
arya and danerys admittedly pretty boss
Jon Snow, Bron, Jaime, Clegane(?!) poised to actually save the world.
In his statement... I'm surprised he didn't include a host of useless details about food and people we've never heard of and never will again
This from a guy who writes every woman as a dumb whore or a sly whore... his infatuation with early-to-mid teens having sex got to be too much and i couldn't read anymore of his garbage.
Nobody is claiming either are literary geniuses. But Harry Potter is undeniably comfy.
everyone knows trump is unfit
his supporters literally don't care
>Game of Thrones
>Not just shitty softcore porn
I stopped watching this shit during Season 3. I honestly couldn't stand how goddam watered down the plot was getting and how every episode only spent like maybe 5 minutes on every plotline. Dunno if this shit got any better, but I doubt it. Not even the tits and ass made it worth watching.
I any case, I no longer have even the slightest desire to continue with this shit anymore.
Thank you Donald Trump for revealing to me just how fucked in the head the whole entertainment industry is. I will never be a pathetic nerdboy ever again.
Who cares what the author of softcore porn thinks. Trump will win, big league.
I've been boycotting it for a while now. Stopped reading the books after the 4th one.
>watching this shit after season 2
I have all the books, gifted to me, have not read.
Should I burn them and post pics?
>Sup Forums is outraged by a (likely out of context) non-argument because simply because it criticizes the funny blonde man
You reek of desperation. Understandable desperation because so much is at stake, sure, but justified? I don't think so. The pedestal of Sup Forums's support for Trump is for what he's not (and even that is yet to be confirmed) rather than what he offers by his own virtue. Demagoguery is easy, ruling is something quite different.
And then there's the additional, laughable assumption that if only those pesky globalists would leave you alone, you'd be free to live and prosper with nothing standing in your way. Well then, how pray tell did these globalists rise to power in the first place?
I never watched it anyway
All of the candidates are unfit
Johnson is a retard
Stein is a hippie
Clinton is a criminal
Jeb is Jeb
Trump is a buffoon
I'll admit that it was a good, comfy kids series for the first few books. Nothing more, nothing less. But once they become teens its the literal cringiest faggoty young adult novel bullshit, trying to have LE MATURE THEMES while emphasizing how important who their asking to the school dance or some shit is while the fucking dark lord or some shit is about to destroy the world. Faggot ass Hunger Games level bullshit.
shill harder
Not even Reagan? Not even Jimmy fucking Carter?
GoT is the same sort of garbage the dems love to begin with. It treats the audience like retards who can only pay attention to sex, and sneaks the meat of their plans in while people are distracted by sex.
No one has been more unfit to comment on politics than GRRM. He can't even write a book without taking 7 years, despite it being very much in his financial interest to do so.
Did he even reproduce? What the fuck does he care? He's about to shuffle off this mortal coil and leave nothing behind but a giant pile of money he never managed to spend.
Fucking book nerds holy shit.
Would fucking deck them on the spot.
I call down on KEK to smite him for this blasphemy
I'd celebrate the fact that these books will never be finished - Just for the sheer volume of butthurt it would cause. I've read all 5, and I think they're good enough to read, but they're nothing special.
He thinks he's a lot more clever than he is, so his little self-representative in the books (tyrion) winds up being an annoying little shit who has too many wisecracks. We're supposed to love his wit and irreverence, and that's how he fluffs up his own ego - by casting himself as the odd-ball underdog who winds up being everyone's favorite.
He's a fat old nerd whose opinion on politics ought to be completely ignored.
>implying people here pay money for HBO
Ok then, what is his political argument?
I could give a fuck less what that fat fucking closet pedophile thinks.
Looking forward to him dying before finishing ASOIAF
Boomers only care about two things
ruining the world and getting rich
that's why they love mass immigration, debt bubbles, and outsourcing and hate anyone like Trump who tells them "no"
GOT is shit tier book and even worse TV show.
Never understood how it can be loved by so many people. Story is bad, only Peter the Hobbit can act. If people love it for dicks and titties and some gore then it is degenerate.
Game of Thrones is shit anyway
You sound like a 90 pound pussy
One of the most unfit authors to end an epic fantasy series of novels
You comic book nerds are the worst.
Its MAKEBELIEVE, get over it.
Pretty much anyone with a brain thinks this...
why would i need GoT when I have Sup Forums, Twitter, amd the Syria General?
It's a pseudo-intellectual drivel that attracts middle class retards because it has sophisticated themes like politics, fucking and other taboo american topics.
>mfw I have never seen game of thrones and found the first few chapters of the book so badly written I never picked it up again
feels good
After I saw all those videos of pink-haired SJW types watching GoT and crying over clips of some fat fuck dying, i realised I made the right choice.
Tolkien slaughtered that fat cunt.
boycott paying for his shlock. torrents only
I dont watch shows that have faggot shit in it.
He's right
>Shlock (schlock btw)
>B-But I'm going to torrent it!
You're a fucking disgrace, you're right in GoT being trash but at the same time you admit to watching it.
Happy to abandon it before the inevitable girl-power ending. Spoiler: Sansa is on the iron throne, all of Westeros is ruled by women who band together to defeat the white walkers because women are loving and caring and not like those nasty men who just want to fight ;P
It's a normie show, if my Mom, and Sister don't shut the hell up about it, then it's a trend, and not watched by anyone intelligent.
He's as far left as one could get.
Yeah, I'm done with GoT as well.
I was disgusted with books 4,5 and 6. Almost as bad as Girl with the Dragon Tatoo book 3. God that was painful.
This guy gets it.
I spent all of season 5 rooting for the Lich King and I didn't watch season 6
Westeros kneeling to the One True King when
>Game of Thrones
Books are pretty good. Show is utter shit, removed half the good plotlines from the book, added more feminism and edginess, and turned a pretty typical fantasy series into normie tv drama trash.
Also GRRM isn't a political scholar so I don't give a fuck about his opinion outside of literature. Not to mention his opinion on the sad puppies is also leftie as fuck.
>It's a normie show
Make sure to remind them theres a graphic sex scene between a 12 year old girl and an adult barbarian in their show
>But they aged her character up to 14 in the show!
I act full biblethumper whenever someone praises GoT and call people pedos.
>We Found Another Celebrity To Denounce Trump - You'll Never Guess Who!
We don't need to do shit. People who try to smear Trump receive Cosmic justice. So much for that next book being finished.