>every single big war in human history was started by white males
If this isn't a clearly indication that there is something deeply wrong with white people I don't know what it is
>every single big war in human history was started by white males
If this isn't a clearly indication that there is something deeply wrong with white people I don't know what it is
wow its fucking nothing
This lmao
Niggersmpf btfo!
you might have a point if you weren't completely wrong
Everyone had wars dumbass; it's only that white people had bombs and guns, heavy industry and modern military divisional structures, while others had spears and clubs.
One is naturally going to cause higher casualties than the other.
Jews, not white people. Wars are a Jewish racket
Because we have the big guns
You fucking imbecile
Came to say this.
The other races wish they could do war like the whites. They're just not capable enough.
And I say this as a non-white.
How about the second congo war, 5 million people died and it happened not even two decades ago. Nobody gave a shit.
>who is Genghis Khan
>Every single big war in history started by white males
>Mongol Conquests
>Taiping Rebellion
>Three Kingdoms War
>A bunch of other shit in China including An Lushan Rebellion, more deaths than WWI
>Sand people in India
Nearly everything that you enjoy in life is thanks to white males.
Every single nation or civilisation capable of being involved in a big war was started by white males.
And the Rwandan genocide and Khmer rouge in Cambodia etc. All the wars and killing in the world are not the world wars and USA's wars.
Any race relevant on a global scale has started wars. Asians, Whites.
Blacks have no relevance.
I think you mean Jews.
ok then. why do so many people want to live among us then? you'd think they'd all be huddled on the opposite side of the lands we have to get as far away as you can from us
None we
Because you're stealing all of their resources
When you leave them with nothing they have two choices either lay down and die or join you white devils in your blood soaked country
kek blows them the fuck out yet again
This. White people suck
So you're saying only white people have the logistical ability to wage a Big war
White people are the real niggers
The founder of the Mongol Empire, but I don't really see how that question relates to his question?
Benjamin Fischbein
What about all the ancient wars around the rest of the fucking planet?
Even today there are shitskin on shitskin conflicts.
You're just basing your argument on jewish wars.
No shit, we are savages but we also built the world and so we are entitled to what we made
You need to have a highly organized society to start big wars.
every single one except 3 of the 5 biggest ones in history according to death toll:
-no.2 mongol conquest (40.000.000-70.000.000 dead)
-no.3 teiping rebellion (20.000.000-100.000.000 dead)
-no.4 three kingdoms war (36.000.000-40.000.000 dead)
you also have the sino-japanese wars, qing-ming war, an lushan rebbelion, dungan revolt, islamic conquests etc. etc., war is universal
That's because nig war involves chucking spears at each other, its over in a matter of minutes.
>every single big war in human history was started by white males.
Do they teach you nothing about Asia and the middle east in history books in your country?
What is Persia?
What is Romance of the Three Kingdoms?
Any war not started by white males consisted of a few dozen savages throwing stones at eachother. Basically a playground brawl.
Only successful large, full genocide in history is the Iroquois Confederacy voting to erase the Erie from the world. Every last one was slaughtered except for maybe a few for war wives.
> It has been calculated that approximately 5% of the world's population[1] were killed during Turco-Mongol invasions or in their immediate aftermath. If these calculations are accurate, this would make the events the hitherto deadliest acts of mass killings in human history.
There are also wars started by China and Russia, like the second Sino-Soviet War or the Russo-Japanese War.
none of these wars involved white people.
>He hasn't read up on Genghis Khan, the LOLumads, the Mohammedan or any other shitskin wars.
Please Turk, fuck off. And you are a Turk because you've said nothing about the Seljuk/Ottomans causing shit.
Stinky muslim fuck, go suck allahs cock in hell.
Only white people are capable of making war, other races are not advanced enough to organize a campaign.
Don't forget a huge chunk of Japan's history as well, islanders in the Philipenes and such slaughtering one another and genociding the abbos until they only existed in Australia, ectera.
what is china?
jews aren't White.