This is it. The smoking gun...

This is it. The smoking gun. Forget about the pizza and voodoo shit that the CTR shills are pushing as a distraction tactic.

This will decide the outcome of the election if it gets out, we need to spread it to every media outlet in the Western world, and we need to do it fast.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless bump

See, what you should do is go to that website yourself, get whatever it is you think we should see, then post it here in your thread. That's how this works.

Check em.

Say what you will about dem Reddit boys but that boy there put in some work

Can u just tell me what it says or offer a screenshot
I hate reddit so much.


Soooooo ... what about this massive shit that is going to be taken? where do we get the play by play before it get wiped up?


Op do this

yes, good OP requires good content. or, a quality shitpost

Hillary Clinton knew something was a crime, asked how bad is it if we get caught, then said let's do it. Evidence shows she did it.


be more specific

We are getting there, guys.

thanks bro

Wall of autism. TLDR

And to think it came from reddit.

highlight the important parts ffs you need to boil it down so it can be shown on twitter and the news etc

They bust themselves in those emails. Admission of Clinton Foundation being a money laundering operation. Hillary herself telling them to break the law. It's incredible and we need to get it to every journalist right now.

CTR faggots ITT are downvoting the thread en masse to get it off the subreddit frontpage, and they are here too trying to dissuade newcomers to this thread from reading it with tl;dr bullshit comments.

It's long winded, I know, but seriously, read the whole thing. It's all there. They are finished.

When did the guillotine pic get more popular than the gallows?

A noose is way simpler and more recognizable, not to mention more widely used than a guillotine.

Just use the fucking gallows pic you fucking cunt

I felt like doing something useful

Fuck Twitter. This has to go on Fox and Breitbart

Has someone sent this to Breitbart yet? At least you know they'll run this for sure.

I've never seen the gallows pic before. Care to share it?

It's too intricate to really do that.

This does appear to be a legitimate smoking gun though

>Forget about the pizza and voodoo shit that the CTR shills are pushing as a distraction tactic.
Wouldnt be so sure about that

no normie is going to read it let alone understand it, you need to summarize/narrate it to get the reader's attention and help them understand it



Msm present their shit as if they were talking to a 12 year old (literally true).

Compare it to stuff on here like walls of autistic drivel or those barely readable png of hundreds of posts and emails with lines and arrows all over it, it's no wonder it gets no where.

I admire the work people are putting into this but if you want it to get noticed it HAS to be presented properly.

Formatting and making it accessible to the masses is the journalists' job, you fool. We just spread it to the media.

This is great work. Seriously. Can't fucking deny it. Libs using charity to avoid paying taxes. Paying fair share indeed. The hypocricy is mind blowing.

No. Stop concern trolling about the formatting, that's not our job. The information is right there and Breitbart, Fox, Drudge, Washington Times will do the rest.

Not to mention the corrupt foreign influence and conflicts of interest. God. It's totally indefensible. Supremely disgusting.

>This will decide the outcome of the election
the outcome of the election has always been decided. the powers that be want Clinton as president, and "news" of her being a criminal is not going to change that.

Bump of solidarity. This is the good shit










Le bump


Link is dead.

>This will decide the outcome of the election
you think hillary-voting spics and niggers will read a wall of autism from fucking reddit?

The powers that be have no power without the people's consent. Even if she wins, this is the kind of shit that starts coups and revolutions.

hhahahah true dat

get this to the FBI

Desktop version:

I actually disagree with you. I really think this redditor helped save the day (with the power of Kek and pol providing the metaphysical fuel needed, of course). Shit is blatant and prime for news sources. It's got her bloody pedo fingerprints all over it. Bravo.


Years from now they will write about how this person busted his ass and helped change history.

Exactly this.

The scope shills in this thread need to chill the fuck out.

>let's focus on this thing that no one gives a shit about


Bring it all to light. You focus on that shit if you want, but the general public is going to give a shit about the Satanic rituals and occult shit.

how to tell if something isn't a smoking gun in 2 easy steps
>1. a post on Sup Forums says it's the smoking gun
>2. step 1

I agree that mainstream audiences need it dumbed down. But the audience in this case is the media. Journalist. They can condense it and explain to the masses if they want any shred of dignity in the Donald years. This person did THEY'RE FUCKING JOB!! For free I'm sure. Fucking Nobel Prize right here.


This is too complicated.

kekkeroni pizza is the antidote to cheese pizza


I'm just awe struck and the disgustingness and sheer willful stupidity of her supporters. Associating your name with hers on a ballot is equal to sucking the devil's dick.

That's beyond the point. We need to spam the tips inbox at Breitbart, Drudge, Fox, NY Post and Washington Times with this shit multiple times to make sure they take notice. Time is running out.

Yes yes yes

Thins is some good autism, but I agree we need to have a nice condensed and easy to read post for the MSM normies.

Maybe get a general thread going?


It doesn't matter. Most likely they won't report anything this convoluted and even if they did, people would just tune out.

If you're sending this to media outlets, don't just go for low-hanging fruit like Breitbart. Try for CNN, ABC, Politico, The Hill, wire services, major newspapers, basically anything that isn't fully pozzed like MSNBC or Buzzfeed. Hell, maybe even try those too. If it's a good enough story, one of them will bite.

I think MSNBC has a bigger chance to report on this than CNN nowadays

Justngot back from reading it. Thisbis fucking huge. Thisbis literally them being criminals on paper.

What if we formulate some easy to read headlines to bait the normies in?

Something like:
BREAKING: Secretary Hillary Clinton Gives OK to Money Laundering Scheme

Agreed. Here's what the OP on reddit summarized:

>*Clinton was using influence to make money via Clinton Global Initiative

>*Chelsea was brought onto the foundation and started to get concerned about all the allegations of foul play

>*Chelsea found evidence of corruption, starts getting scared

>*Her concerns, and a few gossip posts, scares the Clinton's

*They hire a law firm to look through everything and see if they are exposed

*Cheryl Mills, a different Clinton's lawyer, and State Department employee at the time devised up a strategy to reorganize Clinton Foundation to prevent accusations of foul play

*Long-time Clinton staff member Douglas Band and Hillary appointed Secretary of State member Declan Kelly make company called Teneo

*The money previously acquired through CGI is now being funneled through Teneo and the Clinton's look squeaky clean

it doesn't really implicate hillary herself though now does it

Here's a crosspost cap from one of the FOIA threads that begins to show Clinton's ties to domestic terrorism and the fate of Vince Foster.


BREAKING: Clinton Foundation Establishes Shell Corporation as Money Laundering Front


Also, now that Reuters confirmed the Qatar thing first seen in the podesta emails, this means all of them are real.

>thomas Jefferson didnt fuck slaves, his brother did

a small redpill is still a redpill

Thanks reddshitters

Yes, there is proof she deliberately ordered breaking Federal Law.

it's hard enough as it is to get people to believe hillary took part in rigging the democratic election even when you shove the evidence in their face

this is way too long and complicated to sway any voter

Another tip: instead of firing off into the gaping maw of a faceless media institution, locate individual journalists who seem likely to pick up the story and contact them.

Check their Twitter feed to make sure they're not a card-carrying member of the anti-Trump brigade. A good example would be @jonathanvswan, national political reporter for The Hill, who's stayed relatively neutral on the race.
The Intercept is another reliable hub of writers who are critical of Hillary (but by no means pro-Trump).

Don't contact them through Twitter, though, because they'll see your anime MAGA hat avatar and block you on sight.


I'm not reading all of that, summarise it in one word

Is this story actually going to break the day before the election?

A thousand gilded authors could not have scripted this election. We need to petition to have Kek formally recognized as an actual religion because I'm honestly ready to convert.

It really isn't. It takes less than five minutes to read and correlate. Just don't be autistic.


I like it. But I think it needs more shock and directness.

Breaking: Clintons Establish Multi-Million Dollar Money Laundering Scheme

bump this shit

Hillary for president.




I'm working on a normie TL;DR.

I'm thinking we get a good general thread going for this.

Guys this may help with the trafficking part:


Bumping. Godspeed, lads.

"Clinton Caught Ordering Federal Tax Evasion Through Elaborate Charity Maze"

Hmmm I agree. We'll get it eventually.

Breaking: Clintons Earn Millions in Covert Money Laundering Crime



Bump because I'm tired of legit stuff being drowned in a sea of shit. This is actually important, even if normies might balk at the raw info before it's condensed into Babby's First Infographic.

>inb4 "shill"

I like the tax evasion aspect. There's also the covert trading of influence for capital.

*Millions Funneled Through Private Company to Buy Clintons' Favor"

Shillary clitton

"Emails Prove Clinton Corruption: Pattern of Federal Tax Evasion, Conflicts of Intrests, and Selling of Influence Using Elaborate Maze of Charitable Foundations"

Exactly. Fuck the pizza and spirit cooking shit. Hillary's numbers dropped because she's crooked, not because pedo allegations. Look at the new USC/LA Times poll, pic related. We're going to win if this momentum keeps up.

NEW RULE: Any headline proposal to be refined by the swarm must be ten words max

Agreed. Normies have no attention span. We need maximum impact.