Guys, I have no idea how to use Sup Forums but I'm gonna try my best. I think I might have figured out how the Clintons traffic kids out of Haiti. I need help finding more info and your opinion on whether or not this is something
Clinton Haiti sex trafficking
Other urls found in this thread:
tell us more user
we need something to work with
You cracked the case. Stand by for your Nobel Peace Prize.
wtf i hate hillary now
Everything I wrote won't fit in the comment box so I screenshotted it and posted pics. Sorry if I'm fucking this up.
>screenshots his posts
>puts the links in
>you can't click them
Good job.
I have the links saved it won't let me paste them fuck what am I doing wrong lol?
So you think the Embassy functions as child abductors for the Clinton Foundation?
And you cite the property with the housing complex.
I think it's connected. Why do they have such a huge embassy there? I could be wrong but r/The_Donald told me to post here and see what you guys thought.
>US Embassy House Gated Community finished shortly after the earthquake, as it appeared on 3/27/2012, while Haitians remain homeless.
WEW lad. They swept in after a disaster, built a luxurious community, and started abducting children for sex.
Newfag is trying.
yeah this is a good lead OP, keep following it
It's all here:
Make sure to check the comments as well.
THIS IS IT. forget pizzagate for a second and follow this and only this. fbianon said go with the foundation this HAS to be it. good luck user. could we do anymore digging? or do we just need this trending ?
Lurk moar. Post archived links. Last thing we need is more disinfo shitting up the board and sending a bunch of autists on a wild goose chase.
If you can cross reference with wikileaks emails that might open it up a bit. I was just a reddit lurker until now so I'm trying but I'm limited lol.
bump 4 the kids
shut up canadian don't think i'll take your advice when it comes to MY election
It could be nothing but it seems awfully fucking weird. I can't figure out how to paste fucking links in the comments or I'd post all of the links here
Good work. It's not necessarily damning on its on but it's a good story worth digging and may tie in to something else that someone else finds.
Get names of all the people that visited the sex compound. That's the golden goose that will complete the story.
Definitely. It doesn't implicate Clinton in anything, but it could be how she made it happen if someone can prove she's involved.
It's not nothing. We need to look into who owns the property for Le Parc Canne a Sucre.
Jesus christ... This fucking rabbit hole is horrifying.
The clinton syndicate was DEFINITELY trafficking kids from hati under guise of being "missionaries". There was a similar thing with the CIA posing as catholics at one point in south america to kidnap a bunch of children too
They go into a ravaged country, pick up as many undocumented children as possible and then vanish them all
I think you're definitely on to something...
Sorry m8 but we hate The_Donald.
Their memes? Yeah they steal them from here.
That whole "centipede" cringefest? They stole an underground joke from here.
I understand that T_D circlejerks about Sup Forums a lot and thinks we're some super duper Internet sleuths who'll be their personal army (no offense, newfie), but honestly Sup Forums as a whole is more into sensationalism than actually crunching through numbers.
Whatever you found is not going to sink Clinton. Clinton will get away with her crimes, even if she loses, that's just the way the world works. She would have been in jail two decades ago if it was any different.
The most important thing to do is to mass-concentrate our collective autism towards voting, getting others to vote, and swaying undecideds.
Clintonians who intend to vote are not changing their minds, neither are we Trump supporters.
Just focus on turnout and we'll win this thing.
Hopefully you'll begin to visit us more than T_D.
Regards, a first 500 member of T_D.
Doesn't Hillary's brother run a mine in haiti also, could that be linked?
Ayy I'm in the under 300 club as well my nigga
We FBI now
Laura Silsby a convicted smuggler got a get of of haitian jail free card from hilary clinton.
Click on the numbers and a box will pop up on the right for text. Just copy paste. The "Choose File" is for pictures, webm, and gifs.
>have the links saved it won't let me paste them
Did you copy first?
Nobody would kidnap niggers for sex trafficking. Who'd want em?
It's something we are familiar with, FBIanon thread described it. I guess we'd want to start finding specific organizations accused of this, their members and looking for ties.
It was easy to come up with a link that could provide some leads:
There are lot of accusations of various NGO abusing Haitians, so CF would probably also have been in on it.
Expected this earlier. Pretty sure this thread is /reddit/ atm.
Yeah I'm on mobile they're on my clipboard. It won't even bring up the option for that. Is it because I'm on mobile? Sorry I realize I look like an idiot right now hahaha
Cultists who use children's virginities for Spirit Cooking
I believe the Clinton's have connections in Africa and Saudi Arabia. Unofficially the Saudi's still practice slavery. So getting them trough on a plane to Africa or Saudi Arabia should be no problem.
If they were to use ships then the Navy might board the ship and blow the whistle. So flight logs, perhaps, during the Haiti incident would be indicative.
Also check Qatar flights.
What device?
Bump for the kids
I don't know mate. What kind of link connects her to the saudis? Sounds like you're grasping at straws here.
STOP fucking acting like every b8 troll is CTR, and STOP fucking pretending every larp roleplayer in a thread on an ANONYMOUS FORUM is from the fucking FBI just because they say so.
>3:31 AM
>check flight logs from nearly a decade ago
>for pedophilia
>qatar flights
>haiti flights
>saudi flights
>africa flights
>produce something newsworthy
>3 days before election
>change election results
>you save the day
>clintons are arrested
>liberals blow their brains out
>you earn a pulitzer prize
This is naive. Honestly guys just get everyone to vote, discourage Hillary supporters online, and produce pro-Trump propaganda.
plebbit needs to lurk more
Lol. Thanks for that. Galaxy 7
I found some shit earlier u might like. So it appears Chelsea is oblivious to her parents nature. She went to Haiti to check up and was enraged.
>UN is useless
>Doesn't even leave compounds to help
>has tons of trucks
>drives trucks around
>Chelsea worried tens of thousands of kids will die
>no one helping
>Haitians hate everyone being paid to "help"
oh boy chelsea cares about children damn hillary is done really activated my synapses
oh boy a wikipedia page damn hillary is done really made my neurons fire
I appreciate you!
>don't worry though, at least vaccines are being given efficiently
Haitians literally don't have tshirts, which they want simply to protect ppl using the toilet (1 per 1000 ppl) or walking around, but vaccines are being given
>and of course CFG is being paid.
>NGOs and UN just burning money & fucking around
>globalist heaven
But wait there's more....
> Thinking that a burger knows anything besides mart-sharting
Listen m8, the Clintons are too deeply entrenched in the halls of power to NOT be involved with fucking kids somehow. The issue is one of time. If you think you can find definitive proof that has somehow remained undiscovered for the past yearlong investigation by the FBI, have at it.
Probably would be better served by actually talking to your neighbours and real-life friends though. Most people have no idea what Hillary has been linked to, nevermind the speculative (but probably true stuff)
And now, like a Pavlovian sex-slave, you'll accuse me of being a shill, because your tiny burger brain cannot comprehend the idea that spouting memes about Hillary literally being the incarnation of Baphomet from the Qth dimension is not an effective persuasion strategy.
I was just googling trying to find out about the embassy after reading the first link that said a lot of Americans don't know about it. It's all pretty general info though no one article or website exposes any conspiracy.
>I'm on your side, totally!
>But give up, trust me
You'll get your turn on the day of the rope.
dang dog hillary's gonna lose now thx guess my florida vote isnt as important anymore wew i can sleep in
>what is meming
>what are (You)s
thanks for the donation pal
i guess im a #hillshill now!
>sends email to HRC on missing Hatian children
>notifying her it's running on AP - news wire
>as predicted
>what did they mean by this?
Lol. I started on reddit, but I'm not the shill police or your enemy from t_d. Just figured you guys could tell me if I'm on to something or full of shit.
Except the redcoats managed to fuck your shit up by actually using their muskets to put a fucking bullet in you.
The liberal shit sack uses words. So no, not the same faggot, pussy.
Officials in Haiti mad about stolen children by evangelical ministers.
>now, if someone links back donations to CFG than u have a very dark timeline.
>even without direct link it's kinda obvious it's a total clusterfuck situation where HRC is neck deep while she sends her daughter to clean up the image of whatever shady shit they are doing - and it's shady simply by the fact nothing good is being done
>oh I forgot they vaccinated ...
>wonder if those were the tainted ones?
desu m80 you're probably onto something but honestly it's too late to affect anything. The witch will get away with her crimes, but in return we will get to MAGA hopefully.
The most important thing is to keep her from a presidential pardon or from getting elected. So don't waste the good stuff yet. We still have until January.
We have professional investigators in the government looking through this stuff, and they know a lot more than us.
>Implying every redcoat fought.
The USA was a British colony. Most rebels had neighbors telling them to stop. You didn't think about the social pressures from sideliners because you only think about yourself.
That's why she chose him instead.
*Appreciate it
Only southern dindus use "you"
I'd keep digging op, definitely seem to have something here.
Just lurk. Archive things you find interesting to make sure they don't get deleted. Downloaded copies on your own computer are best. Use a VPN, and a browser like Tor, or Tails if you're going to go much farther than Sup Forums.
The fact that the US built such a large embassy in Haiti prior to the earthquake is certainly interesting, and the implications of the embassy being used as a place to abduct kids is spicy, especially considering the links to Laura Silsby. But it's not proof, it's just another whisper amongst many whispers which surround the Clintons.
>That's why she chose him instead.
Are u a fucking retard? It was a 4 part post and the point was that Hillary is using her daughter as a front to cover her shady bullshit.
>literally declared by Chelsea NOTHING was being done in Haiti. How much did they UN, CFG, etc get in funding for it?
Then u have the missing children which they "predicted"
>who's the shill again? Quit fucking up threads when ppl post researched material. Mobile isn't easy to format.
Here, have some random ppl for sale:
>pic related
m8 it's l8 and I don't want to read an email, I've read hundreds. It's not changing a thing.
Just vote.
And maybe I am retarded, would be a shame if I pressed the wrong button in Florida tomorrow morning :^)
Im digging into Hillary's brothers
Tony Rodham was/is on the board of the gold mine in Haiti.
In the late 90's he and other brother also had a hazelnut-processing business in the Republic of Georgia
This whole family is corrupt to the core.
so much hits on google for scandals and scandals involving those around the clintons.
yeah, we've been sidetracked LONG ENOUGH. GO GO GO
you know something? yes, yes, they did. they needed more eyes on the emails. they couldn't possibly pay enough agents enough overtime to go through the emails in an exigent amount of time. That election is coming up fast. More eyes.
But here.../pol? /pol lives for that shit. and yes, you hairy dingo-balled butt crack, some of what /pol and The_Donald found, surprisingly made it BACK into wikileaks. You didn't know that- The only route that it could have cycled back into wikileaks, was through FBI observation.
You're guessing wrong, you hairy dingo-balled buttcrack, because you aren't paying attention. YOU missed knowing about that upcycled info, because you didn't lurk enough.
There's people doing all those other things--encouraging voters, producing memes, spouting off CTR. working the twitter in spite of getting censored. But those who live for that thrill they get when they connect dots? Those that CAN do that, MUST do that.
Do you fucking stupid do you know how many emails there are? By the way there 600,000 emails in the public is going to have to go through there is honestly. So yeah fuck off
I'll show you what I've found, a direct connection to Podesta parties and a foundation ran in Haiti called the EKTA foundation ran by a Mr.Mahbubani and wife Amrita.
"So glad that we got to see both of you after quite a while.
It was great to be with Tony so close to his 72nd..
Attached are pictures that capture some of the spirit of the evening - at a couple of different levels.
Warm Regards - and hope we see you again soon."
Ok kind of creepy right? Look at the attachments to the email.
The first picture is of an older gentleman serving cake to everyone at the party, second pic is of Mr Mahbubani himself with...a catholic priest looking exactly like the Pope.
The ekta foundation was only in Haiti from the looks of it one time in 2011, was this a scouting mission? In the pics on their website you clearly see him and his wife, both in the pictures in the email
on the ground in haiti for some fake ass photo shoot.
Deeper digging has found that Mr Mahbubani was busted for money laundering and drug trafficking (cocaine), also having made big donations to the CF receives plea bargain.
Maybe someone else can find out more but this seemed to stand out the most of the creepy cheese pasta emails.
Welcome to Sup Forums my good user
First thing you should know is there is no "i" there is only "we"
So while your research efforts are appreciated, "we" are going to do this together. You are a true user and you were brought here for a reason. I do surely hope you stay. You have found a magical place.
Good work. One thing though. Now that you're here, you ARE a Chinese cartoon message board autistic 400 lb NEET virgin. You don't have a choice. :^)
Organ trafficking has to come into play also with the human trafficking. It has a massive underground market already.
What are these screen shots of?
Haha! I heard you guys were funny! I knew this would be cool. Rolf.
I'm from Reddit too. How do we upvote OP's post? We need to get this to the front page here 4chanbros!
FBIanon did say to check Indians right? This is something pol seems to have forgotten but FBIanon made it a point and mentioned it more than once.
Good work!
You don't want the quick dismissal of being called a shill. Why?
Is it that you want someone to waste time spelling out for you the obvious fact that you are interfering with people who will definitely go out and vote. People who do talk to others and try to convince them. People who feel so strongly that an injustice needs righting that they'll spend their free time on a Peruvian candiru catching forum investigating whatever they can find.
You waste time and you believe you should get to direct other people on how they spend their own freely-offered effort.
This makes you a disgustingly self-absorbed, conceited person for thinking you have any right to do this. This pattern of thinking you're better than anyone else and your thoughts deserve everyone else's attention and action is similar to the very wretches who we will see burned.
In summary, GTFO shill.
>Welcome to Sup Forums
That's not how you spell "go the fuck back to your shithole you cancerous baboon".
You guys are all cancer, enabling the cunts at plebbit to feel welcome.
>Muh pol colony
>muh allies
Get fucked
Get out while you still can. Read a different thread out of curiosity and you're done. Once you're here, you're here forever.
Hillary is racist, she wouldn't choose kids from Haiti. But that being said, bill has a black kid.
Have there been any recent threads about looking into the Kosovo shit and organ trafficking?
Some of them belong here they just need training
>lurk more
There is no training here.
Reading your caps reminded me of things I read here:
Verrryyyy looong but it may give you additional pieces.
The reference to US Senators doesn't ring a bell but coincidentally, (D) Governor of PA Ed Rendell got wind an aspiring (R) Congresswoman was organizing a mission and Rendell scooped her with inside info from White House and other agencies. Rendell's wife is also a Federal Judge. And yes, the Rendell's do have ties to the Clinton's.
Lots of good nuggets in there me thinks.
Hope this helps.
No fuck off, they only training they need is a kick in the face and a slap on the ass.
You guys are ruining every thread that's not on the elections by "hurrr durr slide thread" despite having half the thread about the current happening.
Nobody belongs here, that's the point. We already have enough cancerous generals (trumpgen,britpol) which purpose can be achieved in regular thread, but reddit fucktard such as yourselves need clean, well constructed OP (that serves as upboats) so you can wank about how you're doing something with your tripfag attentionwhore cunt.
You're a disgrace ,a moron and a mouth breathing daft cunt and I cannot wait until the election is over so you can fuck right off to your cringy immature subreddit with all of your buffoonic buddies.