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But dems still win a majority of the districts and vote because population density
>Be New York
>State looks red
>Buffalo and NYC fags turn state blue
>Is there any reason to go on?
That was the only good rob zombie song
Can we please nuke NYC and Bufferlo off the map
Literally nothing of value would be lost
if the election followed any logic at all they would split electoral votes so that no individual city has that much power over everything else. Something like:
NYC: 9 votes
NYS: 20 votes
that would also fix the problem with california since it's mainly red, save LA
source on these maps?
This is who made Clinton our Senator in 2000 and why NY even with most counties being red are dictated by NYC.
NYC should be its own district honestly. the fact that a single city can dictate how a state votes is unbelievable
>the fact that a single city can dictate how a state votes is uneblievable
chicagofag here. please just fucking nuke us off the map.
>Be Buffalofag
>My and 10 other counties out of 62 are cucking the rest of the state from going red
Forgive me Sup Forums, I'm gonna do my part at least
Rochesterfag here, we feel your pain
Central NY bro here we should team up and throw those buffalo cunts back into Canada where they can enjoy trudeau.
The positive is that I at least have been seeing a lot more trump signs around here so perhaps maybe Erie County would go red
White Zombies only good song was Thunderkiss 65
We're not much better off here sadly.
Your city is why our state sucks :(
Where's my money, Denny?
It's not even the entire city. It's just the you-know-whos.
Such is life in a state with one giant city.
I live in Brooklyn man.
I'm voting Trump nigga don't nuke my ass
you see that little blob at the bottom? that determines the entire state
> since it's mainly red, save LA
LA/SoCal is fucking Arizona compared to San Fran.
Jet Set Radio thread?
Think I might need to move to Staten Island.
I went to the Baseball Hall of Fame last weekend. Tons of Trump signs on the way there
nigger, nyc is almost half the population of the state. if it followed logic it would be worth almost half the votes not less than 1/3. lrn2math.
Comparing this to 2016.. is it possible Trump could flip it?
538 gives trump a .2% chance of taking the state. good luck.
Yes. Blacks are what give NYC the blue vote.
They're giving up on her en masse after the new O'keefe video and spiritcooking reveal. Black voting is 38% down.
It's possible with the high republican turnout and low democrat turnout.
538 also gave him less than 2% chance of winning the primary, said the cubs would never win, and said it wouldn't even be close.
I genuinely wanted to know where he's pulling the map from. can't find it.
they also predicted the last few elections fairly well.
really not sure what their views on baseball have to do with polls but hey any chance to take a shot at someone that says something you dont like. amirite?
>Be me
>Be from New York City
>Specifically, from the borough of Staten Island
>"The rogue is strong in this one"
>Staten Island is RED as Nebraska
>Rest of NYC hates us
Chautauqua resident fag here, Erie County has been cucked for way too long. Might see a change this time. Though too bad the downstate leaches ruin everything, everytime.
the 2000 senate election, if I understood the post correctly.
>CTR Defense method 5
>refer to 538
I'm not sure. I can say a lot of the poor niggers from NYC are moving upstate because the cost of living is lower, and the gibs are the same.
That shift may make everything a little more blue, but NYC less so. If the niggers got spooked by spirit cooking voodoo, they don't matter anyway.
All it takes is for Hillary to win 67% of the vote in the five boroughs of New York City to win NY State. When that percentage is reached, it doesn't matter how the rest of the state votes. It fucking sucks.
2000 senate vote numbers for clinton all votes not just red and blue per every county
Post yfw thats the 2012 map
And yes, Obama won it of course. NY is never going red
it's not the 2012 map though.
but that small blue area is where a lot of people live, fuck that state
in his scenario he is giving NYC 45%, lrn2 comprehension
>9 out of 29
seems legit.
opps burger education
was thinking 9/20
Seriously, upstate New York is just completely fucked. They can never win.
9/11 part 2 when?
New York shitty and Chicago are good examples to push for city-states. I honestly don't think it's fair that NYC fucks over upstate every election.
Just take a look at the "minority" population and gimmies, we're fucked.
Why not just boot NYC out of NYS and make it into a free city or something?
because it also supplies all our funding for our nice stuff.
There is a movement called New Amsterdam newamsterdamny.org