Join in Sup Forumss laughter at Hollywoods newest Power Womyn Propaganda
Join in Sup Forumss laughter at Hollywoods newest Power Womyn Propaganda
Jesus christ why can't DC make a decent movie?
looks pretty cool
I'm still boycotting hollywood tho
Is this capeshit?
what is this?
You're just mad because she's killing Germans. Kaiser had his chance
Good goy
buffy the vampire slayer
That's one of the most fucking retarded things I've ever seen.
Why is she mad at Spock?
It looks like absolute shit
The "V" doesn't really mean Vulcan
That webm is beyond capeshit-tier retarded
They can, when it's Nolan
They've gone full keel and are trying to copy Marvel because they want that level of schekles though
We will never get Nolan levels of DC ever again
because most of the powers of their superheroes and their suits look retarted in real actors they only work well in comics and animated shows and if they want to adapt them to look better in screen their fan base would flip shit
and even tho their characters personality and story are miles ahead from marvel they have to numb all that shit down since most of the people that are atracted to comic book movies are libtards and cant handle the redpill unless you put a big "hipster" sign on it like in watchmen
good thing she swung directly into the path of that bullet. It almost missed her.
they can't find a director like Nolan
She literally watches the bullet zoom past her...
Clearly nobody has an excuse to dying from gunshots anymore.
Reminds me of this.
Which was, funny enough, a much better Wonder Woman portrayal.
I don't even get what just happened. One minute it's slow-mo bullettime, and the next frame they're hitting the floor?
Them special effects. Is that the new GoT season?
New Xena?
Why are WW1 Germans the bad guys?
Because COLONIALISM but we can't call Brits shitters even though they did 75% of the shit and the Belgians did most of the rest.
So we'll set it in ninteen ten times and make Germans the bad guys because hey it's history and Germans are the bad guys in history. Didn't you watch Saving Private Ryan?
100 year stereotypes never die it seams :__;
If they had Nolan, they would
What is the show? Can't view webm
Speaking of capeshit Deadpool, Daredevil, Agent Carter and Nolan's Batman are god-tier works of art
We dindu nuffin wrong.
Why the fuck would Wonder Woman get involved in WWI? Or any of mans wars? They strictly pride themselves on NOT getting involved, they don't like men because of all the conflicts that man starts.
Stupid Hollywood, get it right. Also Wonder Woman is a faggot.
Wow. They're remaking Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with White people and brown people?
Fuck, that's Bollywood-tier.
At least Lucy (F)Lawless is actually athletic/powerful, unlike that anorexic jewess
What exactly happened? Did the bullet hit the she-tarzan? Why did the other two fell to the ground?
0.00001 shmeckels have been deposited to your account
Why do people still watch this garbage?
>falling at the same speed of a high powered rifle bullet
>At least Lucy (F)Lawless is actually athletic/powerful, unlike that anorexic jewess
Good point. Human terminal velocity is around 50m/s, muzzle velocity of a rifle round is like 700m/s. Bitch is gonna hit whatever she swings into hard.
>she end up a wet red gory paste on the wall
that's what they are looking at in the end
Dont forget the other cunts turning and looking at the bullet :>)
can we have films like Gladiator again please?
Trips of thruth and wisdom.
I rly liked her as a kid.
>tfw strong female characters will never be like xena ever again
I even think she's responsible for my mom-son fetish
>tfw you will never have a strong female lead to lead your dick to victory
When you fight Jews, you either win, or you lose.
DC really can't into capeshit. I can't explain why, maybe because everything they have is either super edgy to the point it feels uncomfortable to watch or super gay to the point of becoming a real life aquaman.
Another superhero movie
Cos they're trying to kill the love interest. Of course she then fights against Central powers
Isn't the setting of wonder woman an island filled with super powered women? So the entire movie is going to be strong independent women who beat up those nasty nasty men.
>following a bullet with your eyes
Xena was hot as fuck, and so was the blonde chick following her.
I remember being a kid in the 90's, where I unfortunately was exposed by accident to the horrible series back then, but at least you could see some overly styled chicks in half-bikinis saying indifferent stuff. I am genuinely scared that some people actually would watch the series of the 90's and be affected by them.
The J.A.G series was for me the ultimate brain cancer of all time. Overstyled indifferent proud military men in suits suing overstyled indifferent proud military men, putting overdecorated men in suits with colgate smiles on the top of society's hierarchy. The thought of someone being capable of producing this kind of shit made - and still does make me - depressed. And to this day, it still makes me afraid of the American mentally, because _maybe_ there are someone out there, who genuinely adopted the series.
The only thing that kept spectators watching Jag was Catherine Bell's tits.
Thats why NCIS took over.
I sincerely hope for mankind, that they adopted Catherine Bell's tits - and only that.
but that JAG lady was qt as fuck
Cute, uniform, short hair. Damn!
That sidekick was Clarissa in Clarissa explains it all. Pretty sure I had a wet dream about her last millennium
Bullets don't travel that slow
this. whatever the fuck happened to strength and honour.
Hey, at least you will be in the movie, almost sure we aren't just like in BF1.
But you are still the bad guys in WW1.
Fuck you nerd it was great. I bet you hated MASH and Cheers too.
I was more of a Hercules guy desu senpai. But I liked those crossovers.
That was good too.
It's better to not be in BF1 than to be a squad of "German" and "British" niggers.
Anime > Hollywood.
I'm no fan of DC but these "power womyn" movies are far more few and far between than standard male action hero movies
nope it was not her...
Just wait until they get Nolan
>I bet you hated MASH and Cheers too.
Sorry, bro. Nintendo and Commodore made the 90's survivable, not the TV series.
oh fuck me, it is. can not unsee.
Darude - Sandstorm
And holy fuck that is some Tamil movie level shit
>tfw still watch old eps of MST3K to cheer myself up
lol best screen of all time
I use to beat off to Xena warrior princess
Gabriel was my bae
Came out in 2000
Never seen the like since
You can thank Australia for JAG. They cancelled it. But because it was so popular here They brought it back
>a woman hero
according to Sup Forums thats propaganda because its so abstract to those people that woman can be successful. sad!
Isn't that WonderWoman?
Isn't she supposed to be a mary sue?
I don't see the problem with this.
Dis she just go full Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear?
God damn I love these movies.
Do you have any comedic recommendations that I can play when my friends are over so we can drink cheap beer and laugh our asses off to?
Well, the original wonder woman WAS propaganda. The creator was supposedly into male submissive bdsm type stuff and the comic was trying to push that iirc.
not like u did anything worth mentioning
wtf i love feminism now
Capeshit has been allied propaganda from the start m88.
such a good film, made better by russ's recent antics involving a certain nigress
this is CUHRAZY-tier shit and I love it
ooooh god lolololol
no, fuck you, we need more power womyn movies
sorry m8. maybe someone else ITT or perhaps
As a physicist/engineer im so triggered right now
Oh damn what the hell did I just watch?
how is this worse than cuck porn in most capeshit. this doesn't look half bad.
Yeah but then she became a worthless slut when she lost her virginity.
It's like the future of Steven Seagal movies.
>that cliff swing angle and her still being able to maintain her body position perpendicular to the ground
What is physics
that shit looks like bollywood
nolan was a hack and made boring as fuck movies with shitty writing. Only retards who thought puddle depth was 2deep4u liked them.
>Female archers
>Archers with weak upper body strength in general
Always triggers me hard
cool buzzwords bro