Why did the United Auto Workers endorse Hillary? Wouldn't a President Trump be a lot better for auto workers?
Why did the United Auto Workers endorse Hillary? Wouldn't a President Trump be a lot better for auto workers?
If you're a retard of course he would be
Union leadership has been corrupt for decades.
The people that run the unions endorsed her. Big difference to actual workers endorsing her. They get to endorse their candidate on the 8th.
Not enough opportunity for graft....
Stfu retard
But not for the CEOs. All the plants are going to Mexico buddy. Sad! Not good folks, not good.
>says the assravaged "socialist" queefleaf
Unions are Democrat playthings and always have been. Union bosses don't give two shits about their constituents, the bottom line is how many union dues they can funnel into slush funds. Way back in the days of the IWW some of them were at least in it for the Commie angle, but now it's 100% for the money and connections
she's obviously the Chosen One for the elites and the corporations. She's controlled by the damn Rothschilds. There's a whole timeline out there on how they've swayed most world events for their own benefit.
All because the union endorses her, (and they only endorse Democrats because of corruption and benefits) doesnt mean the actual union members will all vote for her.
The first post in this thread is the best post in this thread.
Why did they get bailed out and why are they such shit manufacturers goy.
Big Unions are incredibly corrupt and have even less oversight than political parties. The upper ranks are full of self-serving careerist thugs who have their eyes on political seats - they exploit the working membership by spending their dues to further their own goals and intimidate non-union members into leaving the sector, or becoming a unionist.
Unions are run like a gang. They willvote Hillary because they are told to.
Of course Trump would be better for the American auto industry. But people love their unions. No matter how much they are paid off.
Because they offer stability you morons what would you do if some entity provided you with a stable work GUARANTEED insurance etc etc then some tough guy from washington threatens that entity? I swear this is bullshit i want out of this cycle of pinning AMERICANS against each other I WANT OUT MAAAAAAAN
>t. person who has never been in a trade
Welder here under the AWS. Nobody in any trade likes the faggots in charge because generally they know jack fuck about the trade in question and are just there to be kikes off your paycheck and make sure you don't get fired immediately if you fuck up.
Ford hates Trump I guess.
The Union bosses endorsed Hillary, a lot of workers endorsed Trump though
If unions support democrats, why do workers wages and bargaining power still suffer a lot under their policies?
They want to move factory's to Mexico for cheap labor and trump said he would slap a 30% tariff on the if they move the jobs out of the USA when they try and import the cars back to the USA. This is their response for him supporting American workers vs their corporate interests
This was Ford motor company btw
>Unions are Democrat playthings and always have been. Union bosses don't give two shits about their constituents, the bottom line is how many union dues they can funnel into slush funds. Way back in the days of the IWW some of them were at least in it for the Commie angle, but now it's 100% for the money and connections
Union leaders are scumbags.
Follow the money.
They don't care about the workers