why the fuck is he dropping?
Why the fuck is he dropping?
Because the motto of CTR is "if we post lies repeatedly people will think they are true"
He's redpilled
Because he is running out of time.
The polls have never been true
He never stood a chance. Polls are irrelevant. Look at the gambling sites that employ professional statisticians specifically to make money. If they got the presidential election odds wrong, they're fired. These people actually know their shit, and they've always backed Clinton 2 to 1
well those are not the polls. those are the betting odds, betting odds always predict the election
What were the brexit betting odds before the vote?
Yeah a bunch of greasy no-neck goombahs know better than the weasley jew pollsters
Slightly less worse than these, I think.
It's the same dynamic at work with polling organizations, user. Which is why all the alt-right's shit talking of polls is stupid.
>those are the betting odds, betting odds always predict the election
like they predicted brexit?
rare flag :'(
illigal to own that flag now :(((
He's dropping due to voter non-response in the wake of Comey scandal, which is now dissipating.
Except to see him down in Monday polls.
Let me explain it to you in a graph
He isn't.
>le brexit meme xD
You might want to look at this
52% for remain
not an argument
European Union.
I'm from the Netherlands, but my flag isn't displayed properly, for some reason, when I'm on a mobile device.
>NC going red!!!
>Pennsylvani going red!!!
At least let me say this Trumpmen. May we be lucky enough to live in interesting times. You think this was going to be solved by slipping a piece of paper in a slot or pressing a button a screen? We are more lucky than you can imagine.
And then Portugal wins the fucking Euros hahahahahahahahahhah
Come on, that site has been nothing but garbage.
Those were the polls, not the betting odds.
Betting odds were 3 to 1.
Nope, it was 85% for remain, see
Looks like he is going to lose Nevada due to early voting.
Losing one of the key swing states means he now has to flip Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan or Virginia. If New Hampshire goes blue expect it to be a landslide against trump
From all reports hispanic voting is at record numbers.
gg USA you have irreversibly changed your demographics for ever and have lost.
He's actually not hes really rising an he will win its already done its over, it's time to Make America Great Again. So stop whinning like a little baby
Basic betting manipulation 101.
The lower the chances, the higher the payout. Have someone who is likely to win's chances go down, while having the other, less likely to son's go up. People put money on the one who has better "chances" while a few ((pure coincidences)) put money on the one who is doing "worse".
Suddenly, the one who has low chance wins and the one who has high chance loses. Betting site goes "oopsie, we were wrong :^)" and suddenly the very few who bet on the "losing" horse become rich
Yep that's also one thing people don't understand.
The betting site can actually make more money if people bet on Hillary and lose.
By all signs he's winning. It would take a miracle for Hillary to pull it off.
>tfw voted the other day in Nevada
it's fucking romney all over again
People are watching Obama go ape on Trump. My parents after the last couple days of Obamas obsession with stopping Trump are starting to get worried that he might rig it in Hillary's favor. Anyone that has a brain can see Obama and his donors will not let go off their power. If there are reports of mass voter fraud, who will prosecute the felons? Loretta Lynch? This election is clearly going to be rigged at this point.
Leicster was 5000-1, and pulled it off.
Trump has come in from 40-1 from when he first announced to 3-1 currently.
These staticians odds are more based on how much money is being placed on each side then actual studies/stats. Go and try and put a large bet ($1000+) on some weird, novelty market outsider, and watch them decline it and recalculate the odds.
Hes not. Early voting has Hillary 11,000 votes up. Reported record hispanic turnout.
It could go red with a big surge on election day but if you were to bet on it right now Nevada will be blue. Too many spics
>the only people capably of prosecuting hillary for crime as well as prosecuting election fraud are those we know support hillary
The USA is a joke
Lol 11,000 votes? That's nothing.
He will win Nevada easily, stop paying attention to shill articles
>>not an argument
Betting odds are based on the polls dipshit
i wonder how many people got fired on breakfast
Rockefellers and Soros are pushing out fake polls to skew the numbers more in their favor. Don't worry about this shit, just make sure you go vote.
fuck i meant brexit
The Hispanic vote isn't quite to 2012 levels, yet.
Even if it does reach that level NV has a very high percentage of whites without a college degree, Trump's core group, which are not reflected in early voting but could turnout in force on Tuesday.
Polls also consistently show Trump winning the plurality of Independents in the state.
So it isn't over until it's over, don't let Jon Ralston's shilling scare you.
>Looks like he is going to lose Nevada due to early voting.
You need to stop getting your news from Clinton supporters on Twitter.
you mean like how Brexit was 10/1 to win.... at 10pm AFTER the voting had just finished?
13 to 1 day of
>why the fuck is he dropping?
It's what turds do. They drop.
fbi effect is wearing off.
But if they set the odds against Trump there will be a bigger payout if he wins... Why the fuck not rig it especially when the media is already rigging their polls
can't wait for the all the Sup Forums tears on Tuesday
because this election is TOTALLY comparable to brexit
of course i jest, aside from some idealogical similarities american politics couldn't have less to do with it
>can't wait for the all the Sup Forums tears on Tuesday
My dick's hard already.
>yes, we're totally going to lose
He is not, read between the lines
>Clinton gets a favorable rating from just 40 percent while 57 percent have unfavorable views of her.
>Voters have a 61 percent to 36 percent unfavorable-favorable rating of Trump
Yup the only people who can do anything about it being rigged are pro Hillary. She can literally rig Alabama's electoral votes and nobody can prosecute her. Our country has lost it's sovereignty.
Also NV will be red, it has spics but it is Trump land over there. There is a chance it goes blue but I truly don't think it will, unless there is massive voter fraud since most of the spics there are illegal. Voter fraud that will go untouched by Loretta Lynch. If they rig it, which they can without any real issue, then it'll be blue.
Now I'm saying we all need to fucking vote. If we outvote them, and they cheat, we have full moral authority to revolt. We tried a peaceful revolution with Trump, if they refuse us that then guns out.
fuck im hungry
nice trips btw
I think there's something psychological to it.
Most of the american populace knows Hillary is (by some measure) the more rational choice. But they also do want/like to entertain the notion of a Trump presidency.
I think thats why the American election cycle is so long. It gives us the chance to actually *sort of* live under (in this case) a Clinton AND a Trump Presidency, while the lame duck incumbent (in this case Obama) coasts through their final year.
Trumps last spike is almost like spiteful denial of the (what seems to be) inevitable Clinton presidency.
inb4 shill, inb4 fucking whatever
Accept my truth you fucking retards
Nigger what the fuck are you actually talking about
How does it feel to already have lost your country Ahmed?
If they rig it who will prosecute? Obama and Loretta Lynch?
>How does it feel to already have lost your country Ahmed?
You tell me.
How are they going to rig it. I saw an article today about southern states shutting down 800+ polling stations, which will disproportionately affect Blacks and other minorities.
Is voter suppression not rigging? Are these actions really neutral if they are applied with prejudice?
You are probably too stupid to understand this
>no good answer
Le plebbit retarded shit
>being this delusional
Obama is sweating like a nigger doing 3 rallies a day yelling and screaming, the tv being extra anti trump, constant cases of voter fraud, KKK claims from Hillary and Obama, Jay z. But yea the American people definitely want her
have you stepped outside the Sup Forums echo chamber lately?
Nah I just don't care if black people don't have their polling place in their neighborhood. I have to drive 20 minutes to my polling spot but these niggers just get bussed 2 blocks free to vote early for Clinton. Also, if black people werent 95% for one political party maybe the other party wouldn't try to suppress their vote.
>Trumps last spike is almost like spiteful denial of the (what seems to be) inevitable Clinton presidency.
This is the most delusional thing I have seen all election, love it!
Its just an idea. Im not saying its correct, just a suspicion I have. My goal is to actually have meaningful discussion in this hellhole
>if black people werent democrats maybe republicans wouldnt try and fuck them over
What exactly are you trying to say?
I brought up the CF scandal to 5 coworkers today and 3 of them had no fucking clue what I was talking about.
Most voters don't give a fuck about the emails and don't have any concept of the gravity of this situation.
Last minute people reacting to shitty polls, the house always wins because of this.
I could give less of a fuck that Jamal has to drive to his polling booth and wait in line like I do, instead of getting bussed by scott foval to his nearby polling spot.
You don't fucking get it.
The situations are such that many won't be able to vote at all, and those who will probably will have to wait in hours long lines because an entire country is relying on a two-booth polling station.
Obviously I shouldn't expect people here to actually give a fuck, as most people here are children.
>EU flag close to the Confederate Navy Jack
>UK secedes from the European Union
>The UK secedes from the Union
Jesus fucking Christ
You sound like a leftist trying to bluepill people on here. Not going to happen, just go back to r/politics you can probably blue pill more people there. You're welcome to stay here but you should know that's nobody here cares about hours long lines in democrat neighborhoods. I waited at least an hour in 2012 to vote so I especially can really not care less. In the same way that leftists don't care about voter ID because bussing in ineligible voters only helps them.
Sup Forums is not a Trump board. You'll see what I mean on November 9th.
Because we got you retards posting about Spooky Pizza instead of the FBI investigation
25% wow that much?
This. Hillary is absolutely awful but I still would rather see her win the election than roll the dice with someone as volatile as Trump. Hopefully she'll be as ineffectual as I think she will be and things will stay exactly as they currently are for four years (she isn't getting reelected.) Watching her get impeached would be an absolute dream scenario, but I just don't think that our Justice department has the balls.
You're right, I might actually cry tears of joy.
Casinos and betting sites set 'good' odds on favorites to encourage bets on the long shots.
>CA blue
Boy do I have news for you.
Maybe its worth betting 10 euroshekels or so on Trump
>vs someone that's already has a track record of destroying nations and done far worse things than 99% of the people on this planet
Cool story bro
Are you a brown Draenei?
Have you looked at some of our OTHER presidents??
t. someone who knows nothing about how odds work
you think they have some gambling jew sat at a desk somewhere individually adjusting the odds for each bet?
no, you idiots - they have automated software, and before the internet just a simple bookkeeping formula, to balance it so they end up even depending on what they have to pay out, factoring in their rake
all betting odds mean is that people have slapped down more money on clinton to win, so the bookies can afford to increase the payoff for betting on trump, so that in the event of a clinton win what they have to pay out is balanced by what they were given for trump, and vice versa
Sorry I'd rather you guys vote for the guy who isn't going to destabilize countries near me
Because they have money on trump