The Assange video is up, grab them snacks and get comfy

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Thanks user. Looking like the footage actually does seem to be recent. I guess he's alive. Or it's CGI.




bump that mf :joy: :joy:

its buffering slow

its like its being jammed!!!!!!!

works fine for me

H-haha, yeah.. D-drumpf h-has n-n-no chance! I-im sure its n-nothing

L-losers.. hheehehehehehe!

Y-you guys a-are still #ImWithHer, r-right



jewtube link for anyone thats interested

remember when assange was dead and everyone claiming otherwise had to be a CTR shill?

fucking retards

Rt website must be getting ddosed so people can't watch it


Bump, also bought two shirts on wikileaks website, what are the odds the package blows into my face when I receive it ?

I'm watching it right now



CTR here.
this one is actually big.




worth the watch do far

This should populate the news up to the election time

>Blows in my face when I receive it
Its from Russia not from Sweden

>wikileaks reveals the Qatari government finances ISIS by leaking an email from John Podesta and Hillary Clinton
>Qatari government also finances Hillary Clinton and her foundation, one of the biggest donors btw
>Al Jazera and their progressive cuck american news branch AJ+ is funded by the Qatari government
>AJ+ continues to shill the america is racist, trump is a fascist scumbag, Islam is peace.

really makes you think.

what is their end goal?

He looks CGI for some reason

I apologize for voting Clinton guys. I voted for her right before the FBI reopened the case. Now I'm wishing I voted for Trump to make sure that he would actually charge Hillary with a crime. Now it seems that with the implications to his presidency, Obama might go as far as to pardon Hillary abs even let her become president of any charges are brought up.

>what is their end goal?
It's pretty obvious they want to destroy America and take Russia along so Islam has a clear path to world domination

>case. Now I'm wishing I voted for Trump to make sure that he would actually charge Hillary with a crime. Now it seems that with the

Do you live in one of these states?

Shill, here. Can confirm, it is fucking nothing.

>>Al Jazera and their progressive cuck american news branch AJ+ is funded by the Qatari government

And al jazeera also funds the Young Turks. Explains why they suddenly went 110% pro-Hillary.

Nope early voted in Florida.

Technically it is "fucking nothing" that we haven't already uncovered ourselves in the emails. Assange going over some of the emails, specifically Qatar and Saudi Arabia paying the Foundation a lot of money and Hillary during her time as Secretary exporting a fuckton of weapons to them.

Only thing that stood out as new is Assange's perspective of Trump, in that he seems to have taken the blue pill that Trump's supporters are white trash low class "Deplorables". While Trump may have those folks on account of taking the Republican GOP, Assange like everyone else overlooks that Trump's real driving force are the silent majority, disgruntled working class who have been getting shit on for the past few decades because of shit foreign policies and have probably sat out of politics for decades, or are voting for the first time.

Hillary got rid of Ghadaffi and fucked Libya 'the cops of the mediterranean' (aka /ourguys/).

now all those mudslimes and africans migrate to europe like rats freely

thanks a FUCKING LOT clinton you cunt

Guys how do we make normies get it?

>USA (and the west) is pwned
>govt doesn't care or are too stupid to realise that it's not just third world countries that get fucked over by pay to play, our own security gets destroyed coz there is an agenda to bring USA and the west down
>Happily take money from Saudi Arabia when they know they did 9/11 and want to destroy the west
>USA take bribes and sell weapons to Saudi Arabia
>Saudi uses those weapons to arm terrorists
>Libya keeps shit corked and Saudi Arabia ultimately wants the west invaded
>Saudi pushes for Libya to fall
>USA says okay cools my muzzie bros
>Libya falls
>Door is flung open
>Squillioms of refugees now free to invade Europe
>progressive stack ensures reffo rights mean more than native Europeans
>2 sets of rules and laws
>social ostricisation for speaking out
>can't put the cork back anyway.
>let's embrace her and fuck up everywhere else too until sharia for all or we nuke each other

Help me get this simple to make idiots understand this. They need to see the bigger picture that she caused the European refugee crisis.

It's ok burguer, if you know in your heart you did something wrong there's no need to explain to anybody else, you already made peace with yourself if you admit that to your own self.
No need to apologize or open yourself to criticism in such manner, the guilt you felt is punishment enough, the worry would come only towards someone that act/think he acted wrong and yet still kept his cool, or otherwise would act like people would need to praise him for it.

>Only thing that stood out as new is Assange's perspective of Trump, in that he seems to have taken the blue pill that Trump's supporters are white trash low class "Deplorables"
Assange has always been a liberal m8, he's just the kind of liberal that ends up disgruntling the shit out of the corrupt liberals, just like Jacob Applebaum or Aaron Swartz

LOL he called Trump supporters uneducated white trash



No he said the agenda was to lower their social status for standing up to the establishment, and being an outcast from the middle class is what normies fear the most.

How can you pass thourgh the ring of silence made by the media ?
The only instances where "normies" as you put it, go and take a look at some information it's when shit is beyond repair, otherwise is pretty much living fo pleasure and let the rain fall where it may.
You speak loud enough, nobody would understand, show proof, the only answer is that it is so unbelievable and stays so... Open up a group of study and live like some sort of recluse, that is what most people around getting any kind of information live through anyways.
Only to be called out a "Conspiracy theorist" when most facts are pretty clear for all to see.
There's is also a lot of people just trying to push some of the three forms of global ideology or whatever suits their preference on the current moment. People trying to bring others to their little piece of darkness since they can't see any light.

What you fail to realize that aside from acquiring a majority vote for Trump in order to stabilize things for a time, most normalfags don't matter quite yet. To effect a lasting change on the world only takes a fairly small but willing and dedicate group.

Certainly we should continue to do what we can to convince them and show them the truth, but the fact remains that most don't want to hear it. Most people will not care until the comfort of their ordinary lives is affected. Most people cannot understand a hard life and often if they do, their reaction is selfish and not empathetic, they'll think only of what this means for them.

Some people, particularly in Europe where the situation is seen and experienced every day, are waking up. America as well, but more slowly because the issues we face here, although certainly dangerous and urgent, do not immediately affect the lives of the citizenry. They don't care about threats to their security or freedom so long as they have the perception of both.

You must make people feel the heat before they will be able see the fire. They must must be convinced of the urgency of our situation. How that could be accomplished, I don't know.

We must continue to educate and do it in a gentle manner. They will not be convinced initially by fervency, I believe. Remember, we are attempting to break years of actual brainwashing, not be dramatic. I myself have times where my thoughts and reactions conflict despite knowing what I know.

Above all we must never stop.

I missed the voter registration deadline so Crooked's Cabal probably shadow voted for Clinton in my name. She and her minions are still fucked either way. They can only rig it so far without even dumb people noticing so Trump will still win. They can't rig it hard enough to outmatch him.

You foolish slut.

I will forgive you, on the condition that you fight in the coming revolution.

>a few anonymous posters on a Qatari FBI-allied Bane forum

I was there, ya cunt. Nobody really thought he was dead.

Yeah, if Assange can't make everyone understand it then I'm not going to have a chance any time soon. I'd just be relegated to pants on head crazy territory for spouting conspiracy theories. Try giving proof and they get bogged down in political crap and their eyes glaze over. They just want the smoking gun. It all has to be explained in 140chars or they won't pay attention. It's all too complicated to keep them engaged.

European leaders were in on it too so it's not all USA. Europeans will hopefully slowly understand they were betrayed. It's not just simply get rid of Hillary or even the entire US govt and everything will be okay. The whole system is broken. Problem with a broken system is it's too big to fix. Too hard to face. Just switch off and go read entertainment news and worry about perfecting a kardashian makeup technique.

Until the average person can't buy their crispy kale or cucumber water, and can't get all the likes on Instagram for their yoga pose that day to feel good about their shit lives, then nothing will wake them up. Their mobile service provider has an outage for 2 hours and they are out for blood. World getting destroyed? Opportunity to virtue signal for third wave feminism. Turns out that voting for her and the establishment will end up giving them more opportunity to gain social points for caring about all the stuff that goes wrong subsequently. It suits them. Atrocities feed even a liberal nobody's personal agenda. Saving victims suits those who get off on playing the PC game so perhaps it is about making others see the hypocrisy and call them on their bullshit? Maybe Liberals need to be ostracised as deplorable for getting off on destruction. Change happens socially right?

youtube closed captions continue to deliver

It's literally nothing. Another 5 min video.

>FBI raid may come today to seize evidence related to the Clinton Foundation investigation. FBIanon may have died a hero in service to his or her country.
>Anonymous stepped up to take over the sacred duty of exposing truth and justice where there is corruption.
>Wikileaks is praised for its cooperation with law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the criminal investigation of Hillary and Bill Clinton, members of the DNC and Clinton Foundation for;
>Treason, obstruction of justice, election fraud, and bribery.
>Deal with press org Wikileaks was all that necessary information be given to the public, and sources would be given time to shelter for personal safety.
>Upcoming evidence is Bill and some other elected government officials in sexual acts with minors. Evidence kept for corruption of said elected government officials.
>Bribery and blackmail were used to cover up the crimes by Hillary and her staff.
>Identity of source was made known and source was murdered before being able to leave country. His identity will come, and be authenticated, in the next set of leaks to honor his sacrifice.
>Documents, FBI, CIA, NYPD will publicly verify their authenticity once their safety is assured.
>The hack was not by Russia, it was by members of the US government elected and otherwise with no safe means to blow the whistle on widespread corruption.
>Help the said agencies, FBI, CIA, NYPD and others in their duty to expose and blow the whistle on government corruption and criminal behavior of some within it.
>Democracy will be restored to America.
>Remember remember, the 5th of November.
>"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion." Proverbs 27:23-24

You can still fight for the right in the civil war. But you'll have to wear a blue "H" on the front of your jacket and a yellow "SHILL" across your back

Fuck. I only opened the link for a split second.

Do I wipe my PC with a cloth now?

what is it

This was discussed on here a few days ago if I recall correctly.

plz tell


its youlube

It is critical that Assange does not publicly endorse Trump at this time. He is throwing fuel on the deplorable-meme. Pretty good desu.

Someone make sure he isn't blinking in Morse. He could be coding some kind of message in facial expressions aswell.

Direct link


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-and upvote it and do your part to destroy the Clinton Regime!

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