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update grandhotel.
>A swedish party called Sverige Demokraterna which is an anti imegration party hosted their own nobel price yesterday.
>They hosted this event at Grandhotel and invited 400 people across europe with simlar views, including nigel farage.
>the winner of the price was nigel
>But ofc the leftist coulden't let an event like this just pass by undisturbed and tried to tarnish the hotels reputation by down voting it on facebook.
>they manged to get it down to 2.5
but now we have put it to 3.1. Help this great hotel by giving it 5 stars. It's a small help to Sweden.
kikebook: face
come in and båta upp.
come on this is important we are winning in Sweden agenst the leftist this is a great steep. It shows we can rally more support then them.
oh boy, the facebook comment section is hilarious, I havent seen that much butthurt since brexit
hahahaha yeah. The leftist cuck thouget they could dominate this finally we are on the winning side. These fuckers will start to lose in evry turn now.
How the fuck do I vote? I don't speak Swede and your google link only works for android browsers.
I guess you don't need my vote after all.
you should also look it up in tripadvisor, its another place you can do a review as soon as you register and you do not need to prove you have been there
use the face
book link. It's censord on so you need to copy and paste it in your browser
>reading the comments
>the vast majority of downvotes are from women
these gals deserve every single rapefugee they clamor for
Search for some help on other chans too, (kraut, 8)
here is the link to tripadviser.
it got nearly a solid 5 so i guess the leftist hasen't reached this pearl yet.
swedish /int has also helped. what other boards could i write in ?
not boards, chans
det är vidrigt hur det altid är samma människor på öppna hjärtat/gränser sidan, de tillhör inte direkt societetet så att säga.
like what, 8..chan? I have never posted there you are free to copy my text and post there if you want.
I dont realy give a flying fuck about Sweden, you need it, you do it
yes my european friend. Think of that when sweden cast the vote in eu for open borders in all of eu.
also try posting here again later, its like 4am in usa, americans will (probably) help you
yeah i will Litauen