Is Mike the best looking VP ever?

Is Mike the best looking VP ever?

That Anderson Cooper haircut sets off my gaydar.

He is part of the master race in the future

He literally has brown skin and bleached hair. Looks like a spic in denial

He's pretty damn good looking not going to lie. He looks like the ultimate form of what a white American would look like


He looks like a good guy from a (((Hollywood))) movie.

He looks potatoed.

But he always makes these weird expressions that makes him look as if he is taking a shit






I'm so proud of you all.

Anglosphere best sphere.

No, Mike Pence looks like some weird 3d cgi version of wojak



He looks like a pile of Silly Putty

India for fucks sake stop making it easy.

Is that a CGI person? I can't tell sometimes.



it's a digital painting but it could be over a frame from the movie.


palin was milf hot over the age hot

He's so white you could make superstitious people think he's a ghost. He's Wojak-white next to the orange pepe.

He's the fuckin' ice man and he's reason enough to vote Trump.

And I suppose that makes it ok that he flipped on gay marriage, took a little heat then flipped on gay marriage again the very next day? The guy is a empty suit.

Your opinions are as valuable and as interesting as a woman's. And to consider that you'd probably be the first to jump into a misogyny thread.



its ok to flip on gay marriage. its a matter with little consequences :^)

Who cares if he used to (still) hates faggots?