anyone else here a legit schizophrenic? Sup Forums has been so bad for me recently but this kind of stuff makes me convinced it's not schizophrenia and that i was right all along. ever since i was a fucking child i KNEW and i could sense that governments all over the world were trafficking and stealing children. not to mention the obvious govt corruption but that small pahtaytahs compared to this.
Weaponized schizophrenia
Govt is corrupt.
Powerful people do bad shit
You're still schizophrenic.
Take your fucken meds.
Does war and deaths/misery due to unethical behavior count as metaphorically sacrificing the innocent?
what kind of question is that?
Psychotic depression and it's starting up again because of shit going on in personal life.
I may actually end up killing someone.
i don't take any. i refuse to.
wait until the next revival of christendom. unless ur an atheist cuck. all shall kneel before christ.
Don't do it.
yes and no. hundreds of years ago we either fought wars in the name of god or we pretended to and made prisoners sign up for an automatic 20 years in the army. but now we're lied to and the innocent are just tricked into fighting jew wars.
Live near any jews?
Philosophy is better than any meds.
>wake up
>lurk pol
>wake up again
>still lurking pol
it never ends
I got anxiety and autism. I'm also a doctor.
yeah i would rather be paranoid all the damn time and too afraid to leave my house and have delusions/seizures than take prescription medicine.
>hear a laughing voice materializing near me
>wake up to my own spooked scream
Is this schizophrenia? I also tend to think that people are laughing at me whenever I hear people laughing in the public and I maintain a very careful online persona in order not to draw the ire of intelligence services who may possibly be monitoring me.
I can't put my finger on it, but there is something wrong with that kitten.
you know i had a witty response to this but you don't deserve it
>Canadian doctorlectuals
don't think I ever had trust of the government because I've known my whole life they pander to women and minorities. I was always intimidated by them until I found out they are more retarded than myself.
Fully schizophrenic here. I opened invisible portals to heaven and hell and let the angels and demons duke it out.
Thank god for meds.
I'm aetheist, but respect Christianity as England's only redemption, as it supports everthing we need to do as a people to take back our country. Or something
TFW half of your friends are religious and you learn to accept it as possibly but not a definite truth.
Typical schizo. Kys before you kill some else.
>i believe anything the science jew is selling
i think that qualifies as anxiety and general paranoia? it depends on how obsessive and serious your delusions are and how often and the subject matter of them. i've accepted that i have "schizophrenia" but at the same time i think it's a made up disease. i mean it doesn't make any sense people see schizophrenia as being paranoid and hearing voices and le tin foil but hearing voices happens to everyone is just eneralized anxiety and everyone has the fucking right the believe that they're being watched and the tinfoil stuff is just used to discredit people.
anyways if it'd make you feel better you can see a doctor for it. i just drink salt water and eat a balanced diet with lots of annmoxidants because i don't want cancer. but be careful on how many you because eating too many can actually cause cancer
I think someone is giving themselves too much credit
>implying i'm suicidal
>implying i have any homicidal thoughts
what is up with schizos and interjecting themselves in to the middle of everything and thinking the world revolves around them? are they really that selfish and egocentric?
also why are they scared so shitless of dying that they let their lives get completely miserable because of it?
Sounds like the most entertaining UFC match of all time.
you are crazy, but i was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and understand the feeling. my recommendation is dont believe anything, its all a joke
Yeah thing is you don't matter to anyone, at all. Post away.
I've had schizophrenia. In terms of supposed knowledge of things I wasn't personally made aware of I've had points where I basically blank out, have a vision, lose part of the memory of that vision, vision turns out to be correct. That's it. If you are hearing voices don't pay a retention to them or else you help to normalize it further in your mindset and further production for the amount of triggers for your voices. Ignoring your voices is a basic thing I've been instructed to do from my doctors I had before who while they had some good advice gave me meds that where fucking me up.
yes. im a huge egocentrist can't tell ya why but i don't like thinking about it because it makes me doubt myself and my love for other people who i really truly love and care about. as for the dying thing idk life is precious, my life isn't that miserable i have lots of fun on a day to day basis but i'm not every schizo
It was I almost stabbed my room mate by accident. I eventually decided to close the portal to heaven and fight the demons for some reason.
I was literally in a knife fight with what I thought were demons. Navigating only by feel because I couldn't see anything. Got my soul ripped apart at one point and healed by God.
I have lived.
Some level of delusion normally comes from schizophrenia. I've no knowledge on the dying part, I've not seen a normalized condition on fear of death. If anything I've seen apathy for death or desire for it depending on the case.
u may not realize it. but you just accepted christ as your savior. you're a christian now whether you deny it or not.
>Don't pay attention to them
Phone posting
the main reason schizo's lifes are miserable is because of the meds
>Aus shitposter talks sense for once
no-one listens
Damn, that's intense. Why do you namefag as Satan though
It's a tribute to a psychosis I had. I tried to start a cult because I convinced myself I was actually his mortal incarnation. I think 3 people were just playing along as I ranted about what my edict would be and I wanted them to be my three apostles. It got pretty weird.
A paranoid person may see false threats more often, but I'd imagine they'd notice real threats more easily as well.
Sounds fun
I've done worse so don't feel ashamed.
This. Always put six locks on your door. Make 5 unpickable one sided locks. No one will ever break in when you're home.
Lol that's funny actually that must have been super awkward for everyone involved.
In the worst part of my life I used to smoke meth with schizophrenics in this YMCA place (they had housing there) and it was an interesting experience. Lots of mood swings from these guys, paranoia, they could suddenly get really angry and throw a fit and it was weird. I found schizophrenics on their meds would be non responsive and completely out of it unlike normal people during conversations.
Phase 1: weaponized depression
A massive group of anons is amalgamated - they have been shunned by, rejected by or withdrawn from society. With all kinds of mental illness, together they are bonded initially under the united banner of "feels".
Phase 2: weaponized autism
This army uncovers the truth of the world, the truth of the enemy, and the truth of Kek and begins to shift the course of global politics so as to tilt the scales of the upcoming conflict in their favor.
Phase 3: weaponized schizophrenia
Although we haven't quite reached this phase, the time of conflict is imminent. With the truths revealed, the greatest mental and spiritual warriors now have to give us the final victory against enemies that have never suffered defeat.
Before it was turned into a disease, "schizophrenics" used to be shamans.
Im an essential schizophrenic, trying to heal myself to become like a shaman.
Stay of the meds, especially if youre a paranoid schizophrenic.
that's a cute possum. I always liked possums.
much better than leprosy carrying armadillos.
Literally every pedo thread is CTR and Schizos.
It's really hard to be calm when off meds. You have stuff that's in your head that's bothering you. Voices and other hallucinations are annoying as fuck and it's hard to sleep. I can see how they would have a short fuse when it comes to anger.
Take your meds, Brian.
How does living in bed feel like?
You learn to enjoy peace and quiet anyway. Compared to hearing stuff and reacting to it all the time with meds it's like it's too slow. Like everything is relaxed.
After all that over-stimulation it's kind of nice to just sit and relax and not say anything. Watch a wall maybe. I get bored sometimes but it beats having to curl up into a ball because invisible stuff is shouting at you.
Also, what is the deal with schizophrenics and being obsessed with drinking Pepsi Max?
I see heaps of em carrying around that shit in like 2L bottles just swigging from it all day.
how do you know if you have it?
I was yelling at myself earlier in the mirror today like a retard, and for some reason it pumped blood into my muscles and I looked dam good so I kept yelling at myself then mirin. I might just be retarded, but I need confirmation
Not schizophrenia
what if you talk to yourself daily, as if it's another person and you have multiple personalities you talk to for advice
Oh, damn. Theres a thing called Multiple Personality Disorder, maybe that?
Schizophrenics are seers.
You were cursed with a pretty terrible gift. But it is a gift.
thats the autism taking over - depending on what you are actually doing, it might count as disorganized behaviour but you don't have any of the main criteria for SCZ.
Hmmm good question
but if you don't have distinct identities you're probably just a weirdo
Actually it's been returned to dissasociative personality disorder iirc.
schizoaffective here. like sucks, you're still insane.
nah that can't be because they only come out when I'm alone, I act normally around people besides always feeling like I'm being watched 24/7, but it's always scared me because I actually carry on conversations with myself and sometimes even reach conclusions to problems I have. It's both a curse and a utility.
I don't know OP, there were a few times recently when I see things I can't really explain, hearing a voice in my head telling me to do interesting, seemingly brilliant but illegal things.
One example would be to gather a few hundred dollars, pay a nigger from a nearby ghetto to go to a Trump Rally and shoot/stab a few while yelling "Hillary for President!".
Don't know why, but maybe that'd do something to normies. I mean, I love Trump and all he stands for, his policies, his ideas, but I just want to do that idea to throw something back into their faces.
i talk to myself in public without realizing, ask questions to myself and discuss them with myself. i haven't lost an argument with myself yet though.
i also believe everyone is out to get everyone. does that count as paranoia or am i just being jaded?
the meds make you thirsty for that kind of shit
t. total schizophrenic
Paranoia. I've dealt with that recently. Everyone is out for themselves or what they believe in. I talk to myself, though haven't really argued with myself either.
Delusional Disorder
You are alone too much for too long, after awhile the brain cannot deal
it's not schizophrenia, it's just stupidity and gayness
ah. had a feeling. good thing i live about an hour from a really high gorge with a bridge over it
I'm the same way, I just have control over it in public
haha that might be why, I never feel alone though and I don't need friends. My closest friends are me, myself, and I.
"Total paranoia is just total awareness"
Autists are about to be obsolete. We schizophrenia now
I've been mostly stable since my first major episode 5 years ago. On my meds, I feel like a useless sack of meat with no personality. Off them, I feel like the long lost monarch of some distant planet exiled to Earth and my mind wiped. I get visions of my old empire and what the old life was like, but it just seems so surreal. Occam's razor seems to indicate the doctors are right. I'm content with being a good little earthling either way. Also, governments are totally corrupt. There's proof of it. People will be people no matter the position.
Just schizoid.
Phase 3 is hermetics and fringe type shit. People are already starting to become more socially aware. Soon people will be able to read minds and stuff. It will only get crazier. Or maybe not idk tbhfam
I got ability prescribed for delusions and paranoia. Technically diagnosed as schizo-affective. Personally I just think I have reached a higher understanding of consciousness and the universe than normies.
Government is full of unenlightened fools. I doubt any of them even know that we can commune with the alien hivemind that fills our galaxy. They are simply waiting for our species generally reach a state of Christ consciousness before they will consider us to join them while keeping our individuality. They use some kind of super advanced technology to all themselves to take form in the conscious grid, perhaps a few humans have been able to join, but I doubt it. People who take dmt can more easily see their conscious unit in the consciousness grid, and therefore are able to interact with the hivemind somewhat. It's ok they don't accept us though, when we die we re-join the all and will return to ourselves.
Shit like that is why people think I am crazy. I don't even rant like that normally, I try to explain myself more fully. The ideas themselves are too crazy for some I guess.
>Jewing out the jew religions for the goyim, calling those who do not support or agree 'le x jew maymay XDDDD"
You seem to know your shit, I wouldn't sweat it. I got a Schizo-affective diagonsis and I use that shit for autismbux
That's the definition of insanity, ya? Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?
No that's the meme definition of some pseudo philosophical bullshit Far cry 3 writers made and that you autsitic retards keep fucking repeating everytime a cycle occurs.
Getting tired of your cancerous shit. You're the cake is a lie of far cry 3
People have been saying that forever now youngfag
>FBI raid may come today to seize evidence related to the Clinton Foundation investigation. FBIanon may have died a hero in service to his or her country.
>Anonymous stepped up to take over the sacred duty of exposing truth and justice where there is corruption.
>Wikileaks is praised for its cooperation with law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the criminal investigation of Hillary and Bill Clinton, members of the DNC and Clinton Foundation for;
>Treason, obstruction of justice, election fraud, and bribery.
>Deal with press org Wikileaks was all that necessary information be given to the public, and sources would be given time to shelter for personal safety.
>Upcoming evidence is Bill and some other elected government officials in sexual acts with minors. Evidence kept for corruption of said elected government officials.
>Bribery and blackmail were used to cover up the crimes by Hillary and her staff.
>Identity of source was made known and source was murdered before being able to leave country. His identity will come, and be authenticated, in the next set of leaks to honor his sacrifice.
>Documents, FBI, CIA, NYPD will publicly verify their authenticity once their safety is assured.
>The hack was not by Russia, it was by members of the US government elected and otherwise with no safe means to blow the whistle on widespread corruption.
>Help the said agencies, FBI, CIA, NYPD and others in their duty to expose and blow the whistle on government corruption and criminal behavior of some within it.
>Democracy will be restored to America.
>Remember remember, the 5th of November.
>"The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion." Proverbs 27:23-24
like typing "praise kek" on every thread, but getting different digits each time? how is that insane?
>take your meds and forget about the alternate perspective schizophrenia gives you
Thanks (((Bruce)))
I used to take mine and they fucking dull your mind and make you not be able to think.
Those are just hypnagogic hallucinations. They're very common and most people have heard them some time in their life. In terms of thinking people are laughing at you, that's common too. I had that back when I used to be super anxious/low self esteem. You're fine, Finn-bro :)
Try some mindfulness meditation, it really helps with stress, anxiety, depression, self esteem if you do it regularly and correctly.
>trafficking and stealing children.
[citation needed]
I have really bad avolition and it seems like only schizophrenics can get that, so I think I have it.
Although I've taken plenty of LSD and other psychedelics and never had any fucked up experience so then again maybe I don't.
I'd like to say it's not schizophrenia but it seems risky to even say that. Just look after yourself mate.
if you know it´s starting again , haul yourself into a treatment center or str8 up into the looney bin.
i´ve had a psychotic episode myself but that´s not the whole truth , i´ve dabbled in the occult and attached a demon to myself willingly.
that was 10 years ago , and it never left my side but if you know you´re losing control , seek help.
alternatively pray to jesus.
I have never heard voices. The vast majority of the world's population never hears voices. What are you on about?