Please end the the 60% meme

It's actually 72,4%, which is not so bad for a truly multicultural society.

>not white

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe it means 60% are of voting age?

Sure thing Pablo

>le 56% faec

No, it means America has 60% of Non-Hispanic whites, which means Mexicans and other Hispanics are seen as non-white. That is some pure Eternal Anglo bs.

this guy gets it
basically people from Spain and Portugal are not viewed as white
I unironically check myself off as a minority despite being pale, green eyed and have blonde hair because my mom is Portuguese.

what makes someone white?

>settlers from the UK

>settlers from Spain
>not white

Hmm yeah I wonder why this is happening

>72% ""hispanic"" """"""white""""""

>south africans

This, stop this 60% meme. It's actually 56% and going down.

True, if we treat Spaniards, Portugese, Southern Frenchies, Italians, Balkans and even Greeks as white, fucking Hispanics are white too.

Race is not the problem, religion is. Hispanics aren't Muslims, so they are alright.

This. Also, Greeks and Italians are usually considered "other."

>>not white
But that's true you dumb faggot.

someone from north-western Europe according to the founders

>Hispanics aren't Muslims, so they are alright.
Hispanics want to turn the USA into just another shitty Latin American country. They'll get their wish too. All this 60% bullshit is a distraction from the real demographic shift:

>It’s official: Minority babies are the majority among the nation’s infants

IF spaniards arent white then why are their halfbreeds?

Mexicans, Hispanics are Mestizos.
They are not European.


according to Sup Forumss definition, I am not white even though I have white skin, blue eyes, but dark hair.

but according to the government, even niggers are white, so who knows what being white even means anymore.

the american census also counts middle easterners as white so if anything its actually lower than 60%



You are a savage mud race.

I would consider settlers from Spain white. However, that isn't what "Hispanic" means in the U.S. anymore. Now, any time some tubby four foot tall taco-goblin with skin the shade of shit marks "Hispanic" on a form, he's considered white because 25% of his DNA comes from some Spaniard that raped his great great savage aztec granny.

Undocumented then how the fuck down they know if they got them all... o they don't because you made that in paint

in america they include hispanic whites under white. what you need to look for is non-hispanic white (people with actual western european ancestry like german etc)

That's racist you fucking faggot. I guarantee pu our children will date one w/o you knowing. Kek