Why is the White Aryan race so diverse?
Whites can have literally all the hair and eye colors.
>tfw: My race only has black hair and eyes and brown skin
Why is the White Aryan race so diverse?
Whites can have literally all the hair and eye colors.
>tfw: My race only has black hair and eyes and brown skin
I want to fuck white girls
My sperm comes in different colours
Because white male cucked their women.
And now Women are flocking to BBC as revenge.
For the record, if it has the colour of blood, then something is wrong with you.
im sry but this is the most superficial racist shit ive ever laid eyes on.
Hard to argue with OP
Genetic drift.
Plus, most fucking white male linages have a common ancestor from 45-60 thousand years ago. Taller, on the robust side, innovative, and most of the low IQ genes died out on the journey. But white female linages originated all over Eurasia/Africa. H is the most common hg among white women, and its got a lot of different branches. That wasn't the origional "Cro-Magnon" female linage, but it made it through a few ice ages. After the last major ice age, these diverse phenotypical changes really start to be the norm. The mesolithic/copper age was brutal, and in that time period we were truely formed as a definable race. We use to be different before that. Different looking men and women, not as "blended" and not as much genetic drift.
A lot of our male ancestors were at least part time Chads and not stupid out of necessity. Most of our female ancestors were very beautiful, treacherous and not stupid out of necessity.
tl,dr: genetic drift, brutal survival history and K/ selection.
Because they are mestizos. In the the Europa the south there are people who have much African blood / Arabic and northern people who have Mongol blood
"Muh defective recessive genes"
Wow the white race is so good
>Anything but blonde/red hair and blue/green/amber eyes
Nice try Juarez
Because Mongols
"muh dead end genes that stopped our asian civilization from advancing 1000 years ago and only started being relevant again thanks to the white man"
wow, asians are subhuman
Could you at least make the fucking distinction of their shitty middle eastern and (NORTH) African influences?
A lot of the influence in southern Italians and Spaniards come from that, but its not as common anywhere else in Europe, including southern Europe. And so much Kebab was removed in the periods after their colonization, that legit middle eastern and N. African lineages are very few % wise.
I'm Nordic but this shit is infuriating REEEEEEE
The "white race" is a composite ethnicity of caucasians subgroups who have their own respective qualities. Due to the fact that "white" includes a variety of different peoples there is a greater degree of variability.
The obvious white genes are also recessive, which means that they are more noticeable. Non-white races have dominant genes such as those responsible for dark hair or brown eyes. As a result, those qualities are much more common outside of the narrowly defined and insular white populations.
My mother is a brunette with brown eyes, my dad has black hair and brown eyes.
My sister was born blonde blue eyes and I with dark hair and black eyes (it's true)
People here will say that I am less white than her? lol
It's possible ( but rare ) for people with those qualities to have children with different qualities. Occasionally things like eye color will skip a generation or two. I don't think anyone knows why exactly at this point.
On first impression? Definitely.
>user, look at our genes they are so dominant everyone has them
>so exciting and diverse, r-right?
>but user we didn't survive the ice ages
Kek. No. You blew it.
They are only dominant genes because they lack our aesthetic genetic ability and about 40,000 yeas of auroch/mammoth hunter blood coursing through their veins. It feels good user.
What are multiple genes influencing a phenotype?
>White males and females do not share the same ancestors
Blue eyes are only about 6,000-10,000 years old and possibly originates from the northwest part of the black sea region.
Those fucking Romanians were blue-eyed 'n shiet/
Kek, they aren't comparable to modern day Romanians.
I broke it up in terms of linage (haplogroups) to explain why the genetic drift is so high. Most white men have a common ancestor 45-60 thousand years ago, according to what's in our y-DNA.
White women however, tend to be from all over the place in Eurasia and Africa. And we weren't really a race until the copper age. We used to have different skull morphology and Prominent, unmixed phenotypical differences.
your mom cucked your dad
Are grey eyes considered blue? They look blue in certain lighting.
I'm aware.
I think they may have been a little older than that, but I have no proof. At least until we can find older remains with the feature.
They were certain white skin and blonde and red hair were newer, iike, the last 8,000 years was the usual argument. But we've since found older specimens with R haplogroups (not Cro-Magnon/European hunter gatherer) that were 12,000 years old who had the genes for all of it, except the blue eyes.
How fucking STUPID are you my god KILL yourself
This guy is beautiful, I wanted to be him.
But I look like this actor, with dark eyes. Currently I am with the same amount of beard, that it grows in size about 1 or 2 weeks. Everyone says I look like him.
And I'll leave this photo
>brown eyes
What exactly are you trying to prove?
It means fucking nothing.
Which site is this?
this girl is black?
So you're Jewish?
One theory is that Europe’s cold weather and dark skies played a part. Fair skin is better at making Vitamin D from the 8 per cent of the world’s population have blue eyes weak sunlight found in northern latitudes.
Another suggestion is that the strange skin, eye and hair colours seen in Europe are down to ancient interbreeding with the Neanderthals, who died out about 25,000 years ago.
Maybe the Neanderthals were blonde or red-haired and it is their genes which we have inherited. The trouble with this theory is that there is no evidence, from the scraps of Neanderthal DNA that have been recovered from bones, that there was any substantial interbreeding between them and Homo sapiens at all.
Perhaps the most plausible theory is that blonde hair and blue eyes arose because of a mechanism called sex selection.
This is where males and females choose as their mates those who have one unusual physical characteristic, not necessarily associated with “fitness” per se but simply something unusual.
The gigantic (and otherwise useless) tail of the peacock is the best example.
Sex selection comes to the fore when there is a lot of competition for mates of one sex or the other. The theory is that in Europe, where men had to spend weeks at a time out on the hunt, males were in very short supply.
In such societies, women who had flaxen locks stood a better chance of standing out and attracting the attention of the few men that would have been available for mating.
Even back then, the blue-eyed blonde was not only in demand, but also definitely would have had more fun.
Now you're implying that Anglos are white
Just GTFO with this bullshit insanity user.
You certainly aren't white.
You're changing the basis of your entire argument now you stupid fuck.
are you really doing this or are you just trying to win the argument no matter cost?
He's a jew
The genes are relatively young so they don't have a dominant allele yet.
Girl in the middle has dyed blonde hair. Fucking gross
>it is their genes which we have inherited
We did get some of their genes, but our mutations (like theirs) developed over tens of thousands of years in Europe and =Asia independently. We didn't get any of those phenotypical features from neanderthals, according to genetic testing.
As said, things like blue eyes are young. And Neanderthals died out completely 20,000+ years ago.
According to a team of researchers from Copenhagen University, a single mutation which arose as recently as 6-10,000 years ago was responsible for all the blue-eyed people alive on Earth today.
The team, whose research is published in the journal Human Genetics, identified a single mutation in a gene called OCA2, which arose by chance somewhere around the northwest coasts of the Black Sea in one single individual, about 8,000 years ago.
The gene does not “make” blue in the iris; rather, it turns off the mechanism which produces brown melanin pigment. “Originally, we all had brown eyes,” says Dr Hans Eiberg, who led the team.
And most people still do. The finding that a rare mutation, probably dispersed in the rapid wave of colonisation that followed the end of the last ice age, highlights one of the great mysteries of human evolution: the oddness of Europeans.
Those from Europe and the Near-East have many characteristics that set them apart from the rest of the human race.
Not only are Europeans far more likely to have blue eyes (95 per cent in some Scandinavian countries), they also have a far greater range of skin tones and hair colour than any other ethnic grouping.It is only in Europe that you will find large numbers of blondes and redheads, brunettes, pale skins and olive skins, blue-eyed and green-eyed people living together in the same communities. Across the rest of the world people are almost uniformly dark-haired and dark-eyed.
Why this should be remains unknown, and in particular how such mutations can have arisen so quickly since Europe was colonised by Africans just a few tens of thousands of years ago.
White "people" aren't white.
The only true whites are black people.
Exactly why I think the term "white" is inherently racist and I use that point to wreck liberals all the time. There is no "white race." Also they should stop culturally appropriating my Anglo-Saxon language.
Are you having a stroke user?
The superficial high degree of differentiation is matched by deeper characteristics as well. Go to any mostly white secondary school: among the students you'll see jocks, chads, emos, hipsters, rednecks, punks, goths, nerds, etc.
whites do have the most beautiful women
I mean I agree with you but she's not my type.
I like white girls the best. im technically caucasian, and white girls should want me because of pyramid history.
Anglos are anglos.
White is an American meme.
I'll second that m8
oohh FUCKOFF youuu TWATyou!
If you haven't noticed : those are the colors of Germany's flag.
white girls also have the most degenerate women. they want piercing and tattooes,addiction. you cant have everything in life.
>they want
That implies they are capable of parsing the propaganda spilled into their brains everyday, at this point in time, since coming out of the womb.
They need to be treated much like children pass the time you'd do the same with a boy because they think in far more group minded ways and therefore will default to the group when they lack success in pairing, career, or otherwise.
Seems like you aren't around white women all that much there camel boi
Of course a muslim would say you can't have everything in life, only allah may have that pleasure
me too
>My race only has black hair and eyes and brown skin
What race? are you an amerindian or some crap like that?
Frightening thing here-- imagine Germany in 100 years (if it even exists). There is a shortage of females, the Jewish media does their best to inject spiritual poison 24/7 to make sure every gets the message that White male= bad and mixed race=good.
Has anyone here seen the HBO series "Generation Kill?" It's funny, in the program they make him a Jew, who is certainly not a "racist" and who is also very urbane and talks insults others as White trash.
The, I read the book. The main character ("Iceman") is NOT a Jew, he IS a racist (he calls Spanish "Dirty Spic Talk"), and he is NOT a "militant atheist." All that is to fit with the Jewish worldview.
Since they HAD to mama show about "tough"white men in the military, they may as well do their best to fuck them in every other way. Really, after the election, everyone could torrent the HBO program "Generation Kill' (all 7 episodes) and then the read the book. Pretty amazing what the Jews are getting over on you.
OH, and if you only saw the TV show, no, there is no mixed race Mexican mongrel who gives eloquent speeches to expose the evil "white Racist" as being White trash.If anything, they all are trash.
I get your point, but the truth is that they THINK they want all this shit because some celebrities have it.
Women are childlike and a herd of sheep. There are no independent thoughts.
They only do what the others do, and such accumulating a well of degeneracy.
Women should be leashed somehow. By men. To their own best.
Though, women are incapable of knowing what is for their own goo (in the long run).
Because we're the master race
>in the program they make him a Jew
by "him" I mean Sgt Colbert, who is the "alpha" character on the show that all others look up to...so, of course they have to make him a Jew (he isn't) and the ultimate font of wisdom ad settler of any al all PC debates...
But this would be race defilement and you would be strung up*
*in an ideal society
I have have blondes, whites, red, asian, indigenous, black, mestiza, mulatta, all races here. A huge variety. Deal with it
all I see is pizza and hot dogs
I want to fuck black girls.
Is there something wrong with me?
I fucked a white girl today
eish...trigger me when people quote this wrong or only in part. It's: If, with the help of the marxist fighting creed creed, the Jews is victorious in war to subjugate the rest of humanity, his laurel will be the funeral wreath of humanity and the earth will gin spin through the ether devoid of any higher life." -(I think that's the Murphy Translation. I threw out the Manheim as soon as I realized who "Abe Foxman" was when I was 13...Murphy's imagery is just much better IMO).
Where DO women belong?
Brazil has always been international breeding grounds
lefties bringing immigrants here makes Brasil lose all its' purpose smfh
Whites are more diverse because they didn't spend thousands of years in one place doing absolutely nothing
oh good, here come the Jews with their divide and conquer nonsense
yea thats not how that works, most of the phenotypes associated with white people (height, body proportions, hair, eye, and skin colour) are due to polygenetic genotypes, this recessive stuff tends to only become a game changer in monogetic traits, such as whether or not you have a cleft chin, you take a white and black person and breed them, the child will be darker than the white parent but lighter than the dark parent, depending on who that child is breed with, will determine whether or not that family will get fairer or darker over the generations, they may not BE white, but after about 5, they will be able to pass like Jews do. For instance, you can still have blue eyes even if you have a working HERC2 and OCA2 allele, its just less likely as there is something like 16 other genes that will begin to factor in and you can end up with anything from lacquered black to pale blue.
Red hair likely originated in Neanderthals, blonde hair most definitely did not, its only about 12000 years old, the last anatomically hybrid homosapien-neanderthals died out nearly 20-25000 years ago - and thats the hybrids
again, not how that works exactly
>If, with the help of the marxist fighting creed, c, the Jew is victorious in hiswar to subjugate the earth, his laurel will be the funeral wreath of all humanity and the earth will once again spin throughout the ether devoid of any higher life." ]]
==(there, that one is perfect)==
Diverse in physical appearance, not necessarily the rest of the genome. Colder weather and less sun allows more variation in hair color.
he is clearly brown skinned. How the fuck did his kid turn out to blonde hair and white?
and yet they are committing white suicide
what's your point? Phenotypic changes at some point always come back to the genotype. There is lay was one or two fucking Indians on here trying to argue...I don't know what, in all honesty I don't know why you are here since you can go and 99.9999% of the internet will massage your rectum for having skin as black as coal and tell you how how wonderful you are...
I would only stroke my bull to prep him for my wife.
a. he got cucked
b. recessive genes, under rights conditions and with with a large enough sample size, will do weird things. Look at some of the Yazidi or even people from the more remote areas of Afghanistan. You can still see pockets of Aryan bloodline.
Hey, Sven, aren't you scared that the Swedish Feminist Surveillance Unit will see what you are writing about women on the internet?
Are you okay with character murder and being rejected in social situations?
Nvm just do some research, neymar is half white half black. Most 3/4 whites turn out to be white. Have some white friends who have a half black father and I never know that the black guys are their biological fathers.
The yazidis only marry their people. That's why they keep the white skin and blonde hair bloodline going strong. Too bad all the ISIS sandniggers are killing the men and raping the women. Plus they specifically target those with blonde hair traits because they deem it to be "western infidelity" and western pigs must be killed.
One of you succeeded with my mom, and now here I am.
I'm voting for Trump.