Cloning of Extinct animals
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they do it with chinese people, why not with mammoths?
They better not bring back niggers and spics after we extinguish them.
> Thoughts
Good. I bet mammoth is tasty.
Literally nothing wrong with this.
I want a pet dodo, so yeah
Top greg...
What about saber toothed tigers in an effort to restore the European environment?
They've been talking about this shit since early 00s. Why does it get delayed?
>when you nutted but she still suckin'
It is worth a try at least.
Maybe they'll clone a faithful woman.
Then again science can only go so far.
>we clone mammoths
>get really good at it
>mammoth meat and other extinct/ previously endangered animals become availible to eat
>MFW mammoth burger
Stop playing God. Whatever retarded elephant species that was deserves to be extinct.
Yeah why not?
Seems cool senpai
he said extinct
not make believe
Weren't we playing God when we killed them off? Did he not give us dominion over all animals?
its a mammoth guys, stop embarrassing yourselves
>cooking delicious mammoth ribs on fourth of july...
Fuck yeah.
why have a mammoth burger when you can have a t-rex
can someone explain this meme to me?
I want fried dodo wings, so yeah indeed.
Passenger pigeons were a worldwide species that we killed off. I'm sure that greatly affected the environment. It'd be better to bring them back.
Fuuuuck that shit, dude.
Smart, calculating, and agile (not to mention strong as shit), these cats were ambush hunters, meaning they hid in the grass, snuck close to their prey, then lunched out at them at close range, trading the speed and endurance of modern Cheetahs and shit for the sort of hardcore ultra-jacked muscle tone an 8-foot-long gigantic cat would need to have in order to QB sack a fucking horse and bite out its jugular.
A couple books suggested that these fuckers even actually climbed goddamned trees in the forest and DIVE BOMBED YOUR ASS LIKE BATMAN, and if you can think of anything more pants-crappingly terrifying than an 8-foot-long, 600-pound, 'roided-out Lion with 7-inch serrated teeth Death From Above-ing your face from 10 feet up I'll happily submit a 1,000-word essay on why you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Slippery slope.
Clone animals one day...
Tomorrow we got clone bodies to replace ours when they get damaged.
Then what is murder? What is rape? What is anything when we are immortal?
It's unnatural i say
They went extinct with a reason so don't bring them back.
Sorry im not an expert in what extinct animal species look like
Dominion over animals, not over life and death.
I fucking love Sup Forums
i can think of something more terrifyting
ur mums farting
I think a while ago some smart guy figured out that after like 100,000 years or something the DNA goes to shit.
The future is safe because we will never clone a Canadian
It doesn't get 'delayed', it's the fact that "Oh, let's clone ancient animals" is not a simple project and takes a lot of painstaking work
>Cloning of Extinct animals
Maybe this is the only way to preserve the elusive "White American".
Maybe in the future the surviving chinks can do the same with white people.
Goddammit dude
>when you ejaculate but she continues performing fellatio
Australia bringing the bantz to Canada as always
Pretty funny.
Yes please, pet dodo when???
They should clone Neanderthals.
Aint that a pair
there should never be ethics or regulations in science it only slows progress.
Muslim refugees and liberals
It hasn't. When we first started cloning animals, the animals only lived for days or hours. Now, we literally clone animals by the dozens. You've probably eaten a cloned cow. They clone prize horses and cows.
But another problem is the legal issues around cloning (which is somewhat a grey area). There's little to no funding, and it's an unsustainable market. If, for example, one were to clone mammoths, they'd have to find a way to make profit off of it (Jurassic park comes to mind).
Another problem is actually getting the sample. it's not easy to get samples. We have samples, but a lot of work has to be done to map the genome.
But the legal issue and funding are the main issues.
That's where I draw the line. There's a bit of a blurred line as we keep going further into things. Cloning people can be equatable to killing babies in some case; it's ironic, because we've actually legalized the killing of babies in some countries, countries that don't yet allow cloning.
When a girl is giving a blowjob and you cum, but she continues to suck you off after you've came.
He's saying that is what's happening to the elephant on the table. He's all dried out cause he nutted but she's still sucking.
No thanks, we already have enough democrats
This whole thread has what I call the white savior gene. Those animals died because they were weak and couldn't survive. They deserve to be dead. You people have the same mind set as white liberal woman except they care about dirty immigrants who cant survive on there own. You people need to be gassed.
being in the middle of a dinosaur-ridden ocean sounds much scarier
Top kek muhammed
Playing God, this isn't going to go well
>be me
>2030 is the year
>walking my pet Triceratops down the street
>John the neighbour recently bought a baby T-rex
>Cloning extinct animals is great
>Animals were better than people after all
Those German Shepard bomb / drug sniffing dogs are all clones
By cloning humans that have passed away we can study whether or not a regenerated brain with genetic memory can recall or be stimulated into recalling past life events. essentially immortality.
which anarchy ball would have a cloned dinosaur army?
they died bc theyre stupid let them live; in the after life.
That's some leap there, Evel Knievel.
So meat is murder all that hippy bs despite meat eating and all that jazz in the bible including animal sacrifice?
Or is that somehow a different kind of life or death?
they should at least clone dodo birds. i heard theyre really yummy
If the animal went extinct because we are retards, and it could be beneficial to us then yes.
Anything past 'things we extincted' is bordering on a Crichton territory though.
Clone a Neanderthal
T-rex are nigger tier pets desu.
Yea this has been the most of the thread.
Fucking let them die if they can survive .
>All these Americans talking about cloning dinosaurs
>American education
Dinosaurs have been dead for millions and millions of years. There's no possibly way to extract Dinosaur dna from any fossil (even frozen). And we haven't created aritificial wombs (or eggs) to house the dinosaur babies.
The only way to get dinosaurs today is to turn on some dormant genes in birds which express teeth, scales, tails, etc. Maybe Quantum computing will give us a dinosaur somehow.
what are you a fucking nigger?!? Raptors are the pitbulls of dinosaurs
Top mengele
Apparently it tasted like shit.
>What's the matter, John?
>Trixie ate another burglar.
>That's what, four so far this year?
>Yea. They must think the "Beware T-rex"sign's a joke.
Bring back the Falkland Island fox.
did he not do great things? i don't know much about him but I'll guess that some of his finding are being used today in secrecy.
Yet they lived in the same environment (and were likely driven extinct by) people with stone technology.
In one aspect I'm all for it for creatures that have been eradicated due to human intervention.
But then again isn't introducing them to ecosystems which have adapted and changed during the absence also human intervention and potentially detrimental?
I'd prefer us to focus on using cloning technology on honey bees and fish currently.
Move onto extinct animals once those situations have been rectified.
Maybe we can clone the real egyptians too.
It's really not freind-o. Let the weak die. This is the same mindset liberals have with ogga boogas. White savior gene needs to die off.
>Maybe this is the only way to preserve the elusive "German man".
>Everyone's still talking about cloning dinosaurs and random shit-tier animals...
I'm talking about cloning extinct animals that could fill an ecological niche that we killed off.
Why did you post this in Sup Forums?
they are literally not around anymore because modern cats are better hunters
No we must experiment with mammals or else human evolution will be forever suspended by a red tape.
Just because they couldn't survive in the wild doesn't mean they can't be useful to us.
Who would get to fuck it first?
You mean the Malvinas fox, right?
'Recently' extinct species might be okay. Nothing ancient though.
I love it... clone a fucking Wooly Mamoth already ffs
is your entire life based on beach lifestyle there or is there parts where you cant see the ocean
I'd like a guard Rex.
Sudaniggers broke into my car a few days ago.
You really don't think Argies wouldn't commit fox genocide too?
Anyway, apparently the scientific name means foolish dog of the south.
>posts pic of wooly mammoth
>gets assblasted the discussion is about mammoths and other interesting shit instead of bullfuck he never specified