Bernie was a plant, was never going to win. New emails show this. Spread it like the bubonic plague.
inb4 leddit plz go
Bernie was a plant, was never going to win. New emails show this. Spread it like the bubonic plague.
inb4 leddit plz go
>their "contrast" fake candidate was actually popular but they're so baked into the clinton plan they can't think to change it
That old cuck jew would have beat her.
Literally couldn't control their own rigged bullshit.
Bump for kek
Get thus shit spread boys!
why do I have to read about these things on Sup Forums
Imagine if America still had proper investigative journalists like during watergate.
I'm convinced they don't even have a single intern at most MSM outlets charged with reading through these.
Why would they. It'd work against hillary who at this point I'm convinced has paid off everyone. Might as well call her Shillary Rotten Fisk.
The PDF attachment in the first email = agenda for primaries.
Here they are explaining how their plants would behave during opposition rallies.
inb4 CTR
Agreement, as in: Bernie you agreed not to use the wealth card against us?
Does this constitute Bernie as a plant?
>we've known this since day one
>all our "conspiracies" have been proven correct
Are bernouts just low IQ or insane?
He was not a plant. They just thought of him as a useful but harmless opponent and then it got out of hand because he became to popular. It didn't take a premeditated conspiracy for them to know that after his loss he would fall in line with the party.
Same with Trump. In the beginning they have their media friends hype less mainstream candidates for the Republican nomination (Trump, Cruz, Carson) because they thought they wouldn't be viable candidates anyway and it would be easy for Hillary to run against one of them.
>he literally had to agree not to attack her on anything
>implying this is a bad thing
We NEED someone with this much experience in the White House dipshits. This is the kind of stuff you pull on foreign enemies to get SHIT DONE! But no go vote for that loudmouth retard Drumpf instead you'll be doing us all a great favor running this great nation into the ground with your memecandidate.
>rigging elections isn't a bad thing
>don't look at the man behind the curtain
Fuck right off you useful idiot and inept human being.
It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Why would they let bernie run and bash her on corruption split the democratic party only so that he agrees to lose in the end? What a brilliant fucking plan.
Be a tad critical.
Does this actually confirm in any way that Bernie was a plant, or that the DNC, was so sure and confident that HRC would win that they could assume that Sanders would be the loser.
If he was a plant... they wouldn't need to rig a fucking election surely?
Also, he didn't do the event that they suggested, here and has otherwise been rather lukewarm in his campaigning for Hillary, which doesn't seem like he's a plant, or if one a rather disloyal plant.
Also at the bottom of the attachment
>Special team of reliable GOP opposition surrogates this may be a good project for DWS who birddog GOP candidates, especially likely nominee, at their events (need special staff team atHQ that does this)Íž reinforce basic contrast message and try to push them further to the right.
Literally the fuck. You dumb cunts care if Bernie is a plant or not, when this is in there.
This is a tangible link, proving that Podesda had knowledge of the actions taken by those found in the Vertias video's.
Makes sense he didn't go after her on emails, that was the one issue he could have really nailed her on.
>tfw fell for this backstabbing traitorous cunt
>This is the kind of stuff you pull on foreign enemies to get SHIT DONE!
Fuck off CTR.
Your candidate has been opening her wallet for foreign enemies.
wtf did I say last year...."the Dems have had Hillary picked to run since she lost to Obama and became secretary of state"
>hurrr durrrr a criminal track record is better than no track record hurrr durrr, it's ok that she want's to go to war with Iran hurrr durrr, picking a fight with Russia but muh experience hurrr durrr.....
Die in a fucking fire plz
Read the goddamn thread you asshat.
At the time it was only speculation what she did with the emails. The media would of torn bernie apart if he hammered her on it anyways so it wasn't a good strategy to begin with. Since comey coming out to say shes innocent I think it was a good move. But drump still can't beat her with wikileaks dropping bombs all over her is fucking retarded. I think drump is the real plant here. Everytime wikileaks drops something donald says something stupid and the media shits all over him.
It's cause they both are of the same party they have certain civilities, Trump is the only one who seriously broke that.
They are just being civil.
I'm sure Bernie contacted HRCs office when she said something that was too much.
>Normie things
What/who is DWS?
>why do I have to read about these things on Sup Forums
i ask myself this every morning.
Okay, it's Debbie Wasserman Schulz. And shameless selfchekkk.
Read the fucking source you moron.
Also is the OP. Nice thread reading skills.
The investigative journalists in watergate simply reported a leak an FBI agent fed them. Not much piecing together just regurgitation.
Ya know what user. I'll apologize. It's not the time to get heated at people here just trying to help regardless of the language they use.
To be frank I'm pissed off because I donated to this asshat 3 times when I very much so could have used the money for better things.
I'm taking frustrations out in a misguided fashion.
somebody submit this to r/WayOfTheBern
I'm banned from Reddit
Disgusting. Every degenerate who masturbates to this needs to be gassed!
In my opinion, yes I believe he was a plant due to his nature in speeches vs his nature during debates. Simply put there were times during the debates where he could have drilled her on obvious faults and decided to hold back. Yes, he shares the party with them but compare what people are willing to say during GOP debates compared to the DNC debates and you'll see one thing was not quite like the other.
I posted that second picture because that's the other thing that obviously caught my eye. It seems to be saying they've got busses of people going to opposition rallies and feeding them lines to talk to or simply yell out at the opposition candidate to shake them up as they see fit. You know, that one thing everyone has been accusing them of doing since primaries on onwards.
The laughable part in all of this at least is how Bernie actually would have won against Hilllary and by all rights probably would have been a landslide over Trump. My guess is the DNC figured by then they might not be able to control him if his message reached the people enough and he went rogue once he was established.
Hell, he might have even been half heartedly hoping for the chance of that but they made sure it wouldn't happen at the rally to begin with. They even teased a possible secondary vote during the event just to keep bernie supporters from burning the place down since DNC leaks came out a day prior.
So basically the whole goddamn thing has been smoke and mirrors from the get go. It's corrupt as it could possibly fucking be at this point.
This is what I've been thinking since that email was released.
So what if people like the Koch brothers and Rothschild and Soros sat down together long ago, months or even years before the election, and created a similar gameplan for both parties? What if all the candidates are just their "plants" and the entire election is just a big show and the 0.1% will win either way? What if democracy worldwide is an illusion for the plebs and the only thing real is the global capital system?
>Thinks HRC will behave this way towards her foreign donors.
>uses insults derived from a television comedian who isn't funny.
My zigga
Your literally re-posting something which on the face of it, might be valuable from reddit. Nothing wro-... well... err... I mean reposting from reddit is not the worst thing in the world.
But I don't think this is sufficient to prove that Bernie was a plant or colluded with the DNC, but reinforces the fact that the DNC considered Hillary the winner already at this time. There isn't anything in here that suggests they had a particular hold or agreement with him. The proposed Unity, which involved him explicitly happened at the Convention and not as they suggested.
Also you can check what Bernie has been doing in contrast to what they would have wanted him for and, oh dear, nothing at all like they planned. Even recently, Bernie's answer is: Vote Hillary, but after the election, whoever wins, don't stop, keep involved, and always let those in power know what you want from them.
I can understand where he's coming from, though I voted Brexit, and COMPLETELY approve of the Molotov Cocktail attitude to politics at the moment. Hope Trump wins, as Hillary winning will just show that even if they rig the primary election and don't do anything the party wants... they'll still get power.
Right now the only hope of Trump winning is to throw so much shit at Hillary in the form of these leaks that she loses support...
and... Podesta knew of the bird dogging as an agency facility. Damn... that'd actually work.
Pokemon porn is fucked up
No sufficient to prove it no, but it will get people talking and digging to see if there's more viable evidence.
Bernie is likely keeping the lines he was running prior to the convention in order to keep those that follow him and vote blue to keep voting blue hoping he'll have some sort of authority afterwards when he likely won't.
Agreed on the molotov cocktail too.
Agreed also on the podesta link to bird dogging. That's 'huuuuge'.
Wake the FUCK up fellow Americans. Look no further for proof that our government does NOT represent us. We have now been proven to be patsy's and sheep. Our government has taken control away from us and given it to itself.
Please, I implore you to convince me how this email and attachment are not what they say. Please, tell me that the date of the email doesn't matter. Please, PLEASE convince me that my government isn't beyond saving.
First time I learned about Bernie was in 2010 (I'm 22), and he was shitting on the koch brothers. It is within his character to not attack others in a negative way unless he has the evidence to hand to throw at them.
The emails thing when I first heard it sounded consistent as there wasn't any public knowledge about what was contained within them at the time, and it would be a matter of finding out later. Later FBI: Yeah she basically did everything wrong we could think of other than purposefully giving them to the Russians, so we have decided not to prosecute O.o
Now, we have lots of stuff(and Bernie is literally just being quiet), which would amount to something worthy of attacking her for, had he had any of that information to hand. Simply put I don't think the comparison is fair due to the circumstances being different.
The only time that really gave me pause was in the debate where Bernie claimed that Hillary had changed her vote for money, Hillary said she didn't, the crowd booed, and Bernie left it at that. That's a moment where I thought he pulled a punch and should have finished her off for good but he didn't. However, if he was a plant... why would that be something he would be allowed to say in the first place? It just doesn't add up.
In a fair fight, O'Malley could have probably beaten Clinton, and probably even beaten Trump, but the radical former independent, turned Democrat, who wants to upend the system, thinks it corrupt and that Hillary is massively corrupt... is the DNC's idea of a fucking plant?
If the claim was that O'Malley was a plant, fucking sure. I'd easily believe that, as it seems plausible. But Sanders seems like a fucking risk. If they thought Sanders was a good idea for a plant, then they really are fucking morons, as its Bernie's softening up of Hillary on corruption which is where Trump got his whole idea of "your in the pockets of the donors", and likewise has led to many Bernie or Bust people.
Looking at the Email it seems to align with the DNC's attitude of: We're going to make Hillary win, so lets plan in advance of that.
I think he shit on Hillary too much with certain voter bases to be a plant.
Why's it always with the urgency?
Shit wasn't burning down when we had a president, he seemed pretty relaxed.
Suddenly election time and all hell is about to break loose?
I believe the messages in the emails amounted to this.
"Here are talking points we want you to say. When you say them we'll end up agreeing with you in the end of all of this so that when we welcome you back with open arms you won't feel out of place and it will be a natural transition"
Fast forward a bit to after a few rallies of his.
He's now said what the american public want to hear and not out of Clinton's mouth of whom you'd have to assume the Bernie supporters were skeptical of in the first place at least a little bit.
Rather than sticking to the script he puts the ole Bernie funk on it and ends up whipping them into a frenzy and gains a larger following than Hillary not according to plan.
DNC contacts him after this happens and meanwhile things like black lives matter and whatnot are going on as well and having an impact on the news networks greater than what they'd have expected so certain topics have become even more inflammatory than they would have been before in terms of corruption and poverty. He's now set himself up to be the poster boy against both of those most likely to the dismay of DNC and Hillary.
They sit him down prior to a debate and say "This has to stop somehow so go easy on her tonight" meanwhile they also feed her the questions ahead of time (other podesta emails confirm this and he's likely aware of it at this point as well).
So now you have Hillary who is generally viewed as unlikeable and a guy who is charged with somehow handing her the key but has a group of people riled up and only willing to be on his side. It's still fixable if cards are played right but then a bombshell drops. The DNC leaks.
This happens days before the convention and during the convention Bernie supporters are rabid both on the streets and in the convention itself with no end in sight. So they shuffle him out on stage and shamefully he says "You must vote for hillary, donald is way way way worse".
Then he did so.
Your first election year user?
every Bernie bro on reddit should be chimping the fuck out right now
If plant seems like a dirty word to you then you can at least agree on useful idiot in the long run. Which frankly might be even worse considering what could have been and what is.
They're the ones posting MADAME PRASIDENT memes.
Only a Bernout could be that autistically salty.
>Trusting carrer politicians
Controlled opposition. Text book commie tactics.
bumpity bump let muh digits help Trump
Just go back you fucking child.
KEK, where them "match me" plebbits at?
Mods do your fucking job.
this is why they want to shut down "hate speech". not to protect vagina carriers or nigger's feelings, but to protect their ass from the wrath of autism
I would slap your bitch ass if I heard you say some shit like this.baka
>he still believes the presidents weren't picked out years or even decades in advance
>he still thinks democracy is real
>What if democracy worldwide is an illusion for the plebs and the only thing real is the global capital system?
there it is
This is why I don't respect vets because they fought for the kikes, not for the country. if they fought for the people they would form a coup.
He could have attacked him on everything, from her ties the banks, to Lybia, to her past position on gay marriage, etc...
Bernie could have destroyed her, his supporter just waited that he steps up his game all the time.
If he wasn't such a pussy he could have won the primaries, noone like HRC aside of a bunch of middle aged women with no knowledge not he intellectual capacity to understand how corrupt she is.
Even the batshit crazy feminists supported Bernie, they supported and old white guy instead of their "strong white woman".
it was either a bad bad strategy that backfired.. or its fake. i mean sanders only alienated the youth from the democratic party. also hillary privately dissed sanders, so why would she do it if he was a plant?
It was the former. They've already proven themselves to be inept in the fact we have these emails in the first place.
Does it really show he was a plant though? Doesn't it just show their plan for how the primary was gonna process?
Right here, Bernie sent me an email today asking for more but I don't get more overtime until next week.
>why do I have to read about these things on Sup Forums
The only investigative journalists left are autists working for free.
>Imagine if America still had proper investigative journalists like during watergate.
Tbh even that was more a fluke than rule. Look at the shit they got away with during the Vietnam war era.
The US has had the press be a propaganda arm for a long time.
>I'm convinced they don't even have a single intern at most MSM outlets charged with reading through these.
Probably not, no. But even more tellingly, even after the internet investigates and finds the information, lays it out in a neat format, with sources..
..the press still doesn't write about it. They don't dig in the story that's presented to them. All they have to do is confirm it for themselves (or deny it if they want). They don't touch these big government critical stories.
Because they're all little corporate puppets.
>Bernie could have destroyed her
mais non, pierre. ecoute!
if bernie had gone rogue and won the primaries one day he would have been found in his bedroom dead in an apparent suicide with 2 gunshot wounds to the back of the head.
yes bernie was part of the conspiracy and he went a bit over board and he got a taste of winning.
but bernie after all knows what killary is capable of and the pussy that he is he fell back in line
but the dnc wanted to punish bernie for stepping over the line. so they allowed him to be more aggressive at his rallies, giving his supporters the illusion that he had a chance of winning and thus tricking them into donating millions of dollars which will later all go to hillary's war chest
bernie did what his kind does best. he played the happy merchant and shlomo'ed them in their numale indebted boipuccies
why isn't wikileaks tweeting this?
Why the fuck isn't this on the front of Sup Forums
I wonder if Bernie Sanders has said anything about this
Found the useful idiot
That's the most likely scenario.
Good question. Why'd the #RememberWhenTrump hashtag on twitter disappear from auto complete and trending no. 2 spot 15 seconds after it was posted to it?
I'd guess some fuckery is going down.
/r/the_donald fags are such unbelievable fucking retards sometimes.
all that shows is that they were strategizing their pivot to the general election well in advance.
which is smart.
Another useful idiot.
Did you even read the fucking email and the attachment? He endorsed Clinton 8 MONTHS after this was written. He is obviously a plant.
Its become increasingly apperent to me that Hillary is incredibly smart, but socially retarded. I think it doesn't help that liberals tend to be divorced from reality.
She seems to always under estimate everyone and just assumed everyone would be good little plebs and follow her
Jesus Christ, this is actually pretty fucked. I hated Bernie's policies, but I did originally think he was genuine and at least symbolized a change. I knew he sold out when he endorsed Hillary, but I honestly didn't think he was a plant the whole time. Shit.
bump, this needs to be fronted
That was clear right ? , i am not with her uhhhhh oh i am with her
>Have to cheat your own plant out of the primary
Holy fucking shit she sucks
Bump. Also fyi bernie didn't betray her, remember the "damn emails", and his endorsment?
Yeah, I don't think anyone says he did.
Most likely the scenario that played out was basically Bernie talking with the DNC, who essentially said "You can run against Hillary as long as you don't mention x, y, and z." He ran with those terms, and yet they realized that he was winning with a handicap so they still needed to rig it against him like they originally wanted to. Then for playing by their rules they gave him a big payout at the end.
You would be right if nobody ever found out. But here we are staring her incompetence in the face.
>they needed an inside source to understand how bernie "pay me you stupid fucks" sanders was a communist plant for hillary
It doesn't make sense that Bernie Sanders would be a plant, since he's never affiliated with Democrats in the first place.
He most definitely was convinced to run, got talked to by the DNC not to fuck with her, and started kicking her ass so they rigged him out of it.
Just because they knew he didn't have a chance, doesn't mean Bernie knew.
spread it.
The "agreement" implies he did.
god fucking damit.
these are the people who "elevated" Donald Trump
Argentina es negro
this thread need some srsly bumps!
shameless self bump.
>tfw socialism is a new vacation house to socialize with friends
I knew that guy was a shill when he said at one of the debates: "People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!".
Bernie Sanders popularity was "Its just a prank bro!"
Compelling and rich.