How do we take the vote away from women?
How do we take the vote away from women?
Pass around a petition to "end women's suffrage". Most of them will assume that suffrage has something to do with suffering and will vote to remove their own voting rights.
>Go on comedy show that talks pussy
>play along like literally everyone
>It's now bad, but only for him
Please kill these desperate tards.
People are definitely that stupid.
Tie the vote to net tax contributions.
There's a Jimmy Kimmel sketch back when he was on the Man Show with woman signing it too.
Well he's the only one among them who is running for president.
this is the most cringiest picture ever
KEK wtf is this gay edgy animu shit
The only reason you see it as that is because of cuck memes and racial hatred. To normies this is the cliche "I'm in a relationship but I still love my ex" scenario.
>this is actually how altcucks look at it
Ethically you can't.
Socially it would take a concerted effort in social engineering to tie in voting to be sexually unattractive. Women are for the most part predisposed to trends that would offer great genetic viability when it comes to reproduction.
Take early gaming, most women didn't participate because the genetic pool to choose from was socially unattractive. Soon gaming evolved and as more chad bros became involved women eventually followed.
except none of those scenarios include a man with elf ears and stupid claw mark tattoos on his face.
And that changes anything how?
actually i think theirs is a better way, just make women not want to vote through social media tumblr and ellen, remember were dealing with people with a thirst for herd mentality, just put out a press release that lena duhnam wont vote because it makes you fat
Nigga it's stylized.
fuck off kike
why don't we just put all the rapefugees into the sjw neighbourhoods?
>all the fags and trannies get thrown from buildings
>retarded feminists get raped and beaten until they cry for help
>send in the military to clean out all the shitskins
>feminists (maybe) get red pilled
3 birds with one stone
If that were true, half of Sweden would be 14/88 fashy. Women can't learn that way.
The answer is to only allow land owners, tax payers, and military personnel to vote.
don't the immigrants move into and fuck up low class areas though?
the sjws don't learn because they're tucked away in their ivory towers, never encountering the beasts they want to open their borders for
Stop letting women vote.
We're bigger and stronger than they are and they suck shit at confrontation, just literally don't physically let them vote.
>inb4 cuck beta virgin males white knighting about how exerting physical dominance over women is wrong because they haven't yet figured out this is the on switch for pussy
Go to
Trump truly can have it all
Check em
>only allow land owners, tax payers, and military personnel to vote.
add in a clause barring anyone from running for/holding a political position AND voting within the same year and you'd have my vote to take away my vote
Howard Stern. The man who starred as himself in his own movie about himself.