>Evolution made this by accident
Why is it so difficult for people to accept the fact that our bodies are the result of intelligence creation?
>Evolution made this by accident
Why is it so difficult for people to accept the fact that our bodies are the result of intelligence creation?
Because it wasn't an accident. It was a shitload of accidents over a very long time
Kind of like your posts
Can't evolution and the big kek in the sky go hand in hand? The Big G created systems that can adapt. That's pretty simple.
>by accident
Evolution is the fucking opposite of accident. If your new evolved bits don't work and function well, you fucking die.
Time is hard to understand with your 80 or so years on this planet
If you have a single "accident", then it's not going to work at all and you end up with a dead organism. And the chances of something so complex forming by accident anyway are so astronomically small that it's literally zero.
Everything needs to work correctly the first time and in complete synchronicity. You can't have one operational organ and a hundred parts still "in progress".
Why are evolutionists so stupid about this?
This and a shitton of mutations are made. only the most fitting to the environment survive.
you don't see "bad" evolutions because they all died out.
Google Augustine of Hippo and theistic evolution.
Also how are creationists even a thing. The bible has literally two different creation stories that contradict each other. Augustine realizef 1500 years ago the bible is not meant to be taken literal, how are modern Americans dumber than a priest from 1500 years ago
>fucking opposite of accident.
So... intentional? How does evolution know what it wants and where does the blueprints come from to create anything?
the bible itself proves god failed basic physics
so no he wouldnt be able to build something like this
Are you really this fucking stupid. Evolution does not work only by it self it, there is natural selection at work here too. Evolution happens in all directions look for example bacteria they can have meny different mutations but most of those mutated bacteria are killed, they are simply unfit to survive, if you would now follow this chain of surviving mutations over time you will get what you see in picture, comples mutation.
I mean ita really simple idea how cant you idiots underatand it its not fucking quantum mechanics.
Why are blacks still here then.
The idiocy in this thread is amazing
Mate, are you baiting or are you really so fucking ignorant and stupid you think the ear evolved readily like that instead of starting out as a simple sensory organ that detects vibrations?
>How does evolution know what it wants and where does the blueprints come from to create anything?
Mutations occur relatively at random, but the mutations that stick and are passed on are those that passed natural selection. Mutations that benefit the creature having them.
Come back when you understand the concept of selective pressure
>Why are evolutionists so stupid about this?
Why are you?
You undergo mutations everyday. When you get a sunburn, that's your DNA breaking down and reforming - that's why it causes cancer. Your body has billions of cells constantly reproducing, there's over 7 billion people on the planet and countless other life forms.
Nature is essentially brute forcing evolution. That's why you're not supposed to use anti-bacterial soap for everything.
Yeah! You tell um'!
You and me kid, we're the two sane ones left in this crazy world
Like I read somewhere. There are tons of monkeys, and tons of humans, but where are the Neanderthals, and other species between monkey and humans? How come they just disappeared? That is enough proof that we were are part of an intelligent creation.
>natural selection at work here too
Natural selection REMOVES things from the process, it doesn't create new information. You can't naturally select the letter "A" until you get the word "Xylophone".
What happened to all the missing links
>Omg you are so stupid they died out and we killed them, though completely undocumented, also abos count!
Why isn't there like, a single one somewhere?
natural selection only results in bigger, shorter, fatter, thinner variants of the same species
a slug with a slightly longer rear end can't result in the ear canal of a human. i don't care how many times you say "but millions of years, bruh"
>it doesn't create new information
Jesus Christ, mate. Did you pass primary school at all?
They had external help from superior civilizations
>Why is it so difficult for people to accept the fact that our bodies are the result of intelligence creation?
Then why you are a fag, OP?
explain the design of the laryngeal nerve
No, but a slug might evolve to a giant armoured slug with ears of its own in the matter of a million years.
I never said that natural selection creates information, i agree it removes it. Evolution creates information. In your example with words evolutiom will create many posible letter combiantions but natural selection will say what remains.
All in all i think we agree.
Yes and genetic mutation ADDS a shit load of different stuff that might or might not work, then natural selection comes in and sweeps away the mutations that aren't fit.
I'm going to use another example here:
Imagine you're playing the world's largest game of telephone. Now over time whatever you said will be completely lost and transformed into something new and different.
The gibberish are evolutionary dead ends, but every once in a while an actual phrase turns out that makes sense. That's evolution.
Mutation and sexual reproduction creates new information, natural selection statistically selects organisms containing said genetic information thriving in a given environment. More successful organisms more likely to reproduce, thus gene coding benefical changes likely to propagate within population.
Funny how we evolved enough skin and DNA repair mechanisms to protect us from the Sun's rays when the Sun should have killed whatever was "evolving" from the start.
Same with water, air, etc. How nice that whatever can kill us gave us enough time to evolve the means to protect ourselves from them.
leave achmed
Stop projecting
> intelligence creation
tHESE FAGGOTS RE DISINFO TO DISCREDIT POL. Not You, I just want to make the anti science retards clear.
No, it's not. Even the phrase that makes sense doesn't make sense until there's something that can translate the information. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" doesn't mean anything unless there's intelligence there to understand it.
the stapes bone evolved from the mandible to enable reptiles to communicate over a distance, it was a long proccess where only the strongest survived and many species had to go extinct... learn some basic biology you limey cuck.
>Sun rays
>Doing shit under the sea
because its obviously a result of billions of years of randomness, or did God get lazy and just copy and paste the same design slightly differently in every different animal in a way to suggest they developed from each other and then when he got to the bit where you start to go deaf when you get old and live your life in suffering cut off from the people you love he just went fuck it this is too complicated?
>Even the phrase that makes sense doesn't make sense until there's something that can translate the information
It's just an example. Don't overthink it you nerd.
Prove it.
It didnt give us enough time to evolve. It was just trial and error. It had to pass enoug timw for cambriam explosion to happen, that is life on this planet had been a failliure until around 500 mil years
Oh, you're one of these morons that believes we evolved underwater, when basic chemistry will tell you that water breaks everything down over time.
Now say you're sorry.
It's a common misconception that humans evolved from Monkeys or Neanderthals because of that dumb "evolution of man" picture
The truth is we had a common ancestor like cats and dogs once had a common ancestor. Yet nobody would say cats evolved from dogs. We just evolved differently. We evolved into humans, Monkeys evolved into monkeys.
If Neanderthals didnt die out they would've evolved into a completely different kind of human.
user, if you want to convince the good folks that you're not baiting, watch this video.
You clearly lack a proper understanding of the evolutionary theory and how evolution itself functions.
Some Neanderthals did evolve further via breeding with Homo Sapiens though.
>by accident
Wrong. It's natural selection.
It's the process of inheritance which determines which traits continue.
There is nothing accidental about it. In fact we have taken advantage of this process in order to create modern farm animals, a wide variety of dog and cat breeds and many new variations of plants.
The fact that we can manipulate development in this way is proof of evolution.
So does oxygen.
Please explain to me how anything about this image shows intelligence in the design
>bit where you start to go deaf when you get old and live your life in suffering cut off from the people you love he just went fuck it this is too complicated?
Nice appeal to emotion.
Why haven't we evolved so we don't grow old and deaf?
>wikipedia link
>Romanian intellectuals
You literally have one as your president right now.
This is a bait thread
Well, the fact that it works at all. But please, if you can design a better giraffe and put God to shame, go right ahead.
Well, God thought it would be funny if he created tall trees and tall creatures to eat out of those trees, because why not? The guy is a sadistic prick with a genocidal sense of humour and questioning him will land you in hell.
It's much easier to appreciate evolution once you've seen it in action.
Here's something you can do if you're any good at programming:
>make a "creature" which can perform actions, and has numerous (possibly even hundreds) of parameters affecting its behaviour
>measure something that creature does, for example in the case of youtube.com
>every generation, generate hundreds of variants of a creature, measure which performs best, and let it go on to produce the next generation
>very quickly, the creatures go from being useless at the task you've set them to very adept
I made a program which evolved variants of Conway's Game of Life, and gave it the task of producing rulesets which would turn random noise into discrete forms.
Once the program was complete, it was able to create rulesets which would turn random noise into large rectangles.
>Giraffes evolved because their necks were too short to reach food
>Implying they went millions of fucking years without eating before finally having necks long enough to reach food
You're a moron who doesn't know biology. Human retinas are shit. That's just ONE among many, many examples. Why is the creature with the most immaculate vision a god damned shrimp with basically zero social skills who just smacks crabs over the head all day? Real great creator you got there.
First post, blown the fuck out post.
5 billion years is a very, very long time
Lol. Are you implying fish shouldn't exist?
>Irreducible complexity fallacy
Let's talk about wings. The first organisms to develop the nubs that would eventually begin to function as wings were put into situations that they were better served with 10% of a wing than no wing at all. Further members of the species were served even better by 20% of a wing, and so were able to pass those traits down to their offspring as well. Over time, those with larger and larger rudimentary "wings" came to hold an advantage over those so confined to the ground, and selection pressure presented in the form of predators and egg snatchers, as mentioned by this user brings those wingless and eventually those possessing less developed wings to extinction.
Basically, nothing came to be by accident, it came as a result of individuals choosing to mate with those who present the greatest chances of rearing strong, beneficial offspring.
Yeah our DNA is partially (very small fraction) Neanderthal, but it's mostly Sapiens. Most Neanderthal DNA just died out.
A shame though. Neanderthal had bigger brains than Sapiens and learned to use tools earlier and might've actually be the smarter of the two species. Ironically Sapiens survived because he was not smart enough to realize that going on a big ocean where you can't see the end will probably kill you but this is what helped him spread across the entire world.
That is actually a really simplistic diagram of the vestibuloacoustic apparatus.
The physiology and function is also astounding, something we don't fully understand.
I worked in the area for some time and I believe in intelligent design, the real gut punch is when
you have a good grasp of ophthalmic anatomy and physiology
and then research evolutionary divergence and reconvergence. I'm "looking" at you cephalopods :)
I'm obviously saying fish were designed to live underwater.
Are you being stupid on purpose?
"The evolution of the stapes (from the hyomandibula) was an earlier and distinct event."
As a PhD in evolutionary biology I witnessed firsthand the transitory fossils and had to examine over 300 bones where I could clearly see the similar morphology between the mandibles and the stapes, very exciting stuff... still learning about it, but that was the nail in the coffin for me... creationism or intelligent design is a massive hoax aimed at low IQ cucks like yourself.
>nerve which attaches to the brain decides to take a massive fucking loop-the-loop around an artery 2 metres away for absolutely no reason instead just going there straight away
>""""""""intelligent design""""""""
>10% of a wing
How does the organism even know what a wing is and why is the body just fucking around until it develops it? "Yeah, this stump is going to grow something called feathers one day, and I don't even know what feathers are!"
So the nerve does nothing in the heart? Doesn't control (para)sympathetic reactions or anything? Internal temperature?
>ear gets clogged with earwax
>tympanic membrane gets completely coated in earwax
>now you can't hear shit
>buy earwax removal products and spend hours trying to unclog ear, nothing works
>only way to hear clearly again is with expensive earwax removal surgery
>repeat every year or two
real intelligent design there. the human body has more bugs than a Bethesda game.
>giraffes with longer necks could reach taller branches
>manlet giraffes starved while looking on at alpha giraffes getting all the females
How was the creator created?
Why not just branch then?
>transitory fossils and had to examine over 300 bones where I could clearly see the similar morphology
So you basically sat around playing the "this looks like this, so it must be related" game.
>This skull looks similar to this skull, but is smaller, so it probably came first.
Oh really faggot? And where did the intelligent creater come from? From another intelligent creator? And where did the creator of the intelligent creator s creator come from? Because following your logic intelligent life can only come from intelligent life, evolution suggests complexity can emerge from simple things over time
You are a fucking retard
You asked for proof, I gave you proof.
Since you're obviously uneducated and low IQ I gave you a wikipedia link, if you want to pretend you're not an illiterate limey cuck then find the scientific papers on the bottom of the page, also I'm not a gypsy, I'm just staying here for research now apologize ahmed.
Oh shit! #ImWithHerNow
>Humans "evolving" into being lactose intolerant
>The human ear couldn't evolve some antifucking earwax mechanism
The appendix
So were the things we evolved from.
Kek, under8ted post.
It controls the muscles that make up the larynx and does absolutely nothing else
I love when atheists think this is the ultimate "gotcha" question, because it just proves their own stupidity.
God has no creator because if He did, he wouldn't be God.
In 1 year. Think how much stuff happens in ONE YEAR.
Now think about how much Humankind has advanced in 100 years.
Now think about 3.500.000.000 years ago thats the estimate of the earliest forms of water based life.
It took life 2.900.000.000 years to get from WATER TO LAND.
Thats the earliest plant based life we found around 400.000.000 years ago.
Then it took around 120.000.000 years for the first amphibians to get to land.
Then after that it took some 100.000.000 years for the first "large"(todays dog size)animals to appear.
Then it tooks some 250.000.000 years after that for Dinosaurs to appear.
And from the 65.000.000 ago there was a mass extinction of Dinosaurs and the rise of the Mammal as the primary spiecies on the planet.
Homo Habilis the first tool welding ape was 2.000.000 years ago.
You religious people simply don't have the brains to comprehend these time immense time differences.
The organism doesn't have to know what a wing is, the organism only has to use the attributes it possesses to survive and so it serves to forward the process of natural selection. If it lives, it's genes are passed on. If it dies, it's genes die there. It isn't tough to understand, but then again, you're just trolling.
How long would one last without cerumen cucklord? Mastoid abscesses and death by streptococcus meningitis seem like a nice fate?
Explain why I have hair surrounding the hole which I shit from then. Seems like a pretty stupid design to me.
Not as simple as that, but if that interpretation (wrong as it is) makes you more comfortable in a complex world, go with it.
>clip a nerve in the elbow
>the entire arm goes apeshit
yep, yep, really polished stuff.
>God has no creator because if He did, he wouldn't be God.
So God fucked himself, got pregnant with himself and gave birth to himself? Seems legit
So it has a purpose.
Soon you will go extinct ahmed... you're failing to adapt.
How much genetic drift happens in a year?
It's actually untraceable.
How much genetic drift happens in 400,000 years? Still untraceable.