What do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
What do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
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Stop bald-shaming shitlord. All hair growth configurations are beautiful.
Don't know nigga my hair is thinning at the scalp help me out.
stop masturbating so much.
Get ride of porn I guess and give to the men livefilling activities.
Dutasteride. 0.5mg daily
lmao @ this balding men meme
Because of this i was convinced that i was balding and when i went to the hair dresser she laughed her fucking ass off when i said "it might a little thin and my hairline is all fucked up, i am balding if you can't give me a good cut just shave it" wtf the fuck you talking about she said and laughed
Thanks Sup Forums for convincing me that i was balding
Own it.
Universal Basic Income and Free Blow Jobs for all.
Thats a wig idiot
plagues pajeets too
>t. balding pajeet
I thought it was an normal part of being white male...
same here man. it doesn't get any better so take my advice, buzz it down real short so you're just a guy with real short hair instead of balding sad man
you lost the lottery senpai
Stop "rocking" a top knot you numale fuggin fag8s
Seriously though, this.
What's your daily Brain Force intake?
Stop porn, fap, massage scalp, mix black tea or coffee with vodka apply to hair, wash hair with tea/eggs and exercise.
Visit /fa/. Thats like the second issue they always talk about. The first one being height. You start taking pills, I guess. "Fin..." something. I heard there can be some side effects though. Basically its the same shit actors and models also take to prevent hair (and employment) loss.
that looks like a widow's peak
not worried, I still have the same volume of hair I had on my head, it's just migrated to my back.
Buy the fucking filters seriously.
Bald = low test.
It's the fluoride in the water; makes us bald and makes our sperm lazy.
Gonna enjoy a full head of hair up until i die m80s like all my grandparents did
Shave it. Grow a beard. Get swole and shredded. Do jui jitsu.
Follow ^ and I grantee you will not give two fucks about your pattern baldness.
>tfw ive had a widows peak my whole life
You can't stop genetics until eugenics becomes a thing.
Own up to it, there's hairstyles for every stage of balding or just go whole ham.
If you're really that insecure get implants.
Fund stem cell research. In the mean time, there's hair transplant therapy and [].
Grow your hair long and gel it, then work out in 300x gravity so you can be Vegeta.
I'm losing my hair at 23
I take Propecia and Minoxidil, I've seen improvements but it's not perfect. Not sure if this will stop it or just slow it enough for me to keep my hair long enough to get married.
Other anons in this thread are full of shit, it's 100% genetics. You can't "stop" it, and 4 out of 5 men will go bald at some point so the people laughing at you will have to deal with it too eventually. I don't really care about my hair too much, I'm just pissed it's happening so early. Just enjoy your hair while you have it and don't stress to much.
Actually feed them male hormones instead of subtly feeding them estrogen.
water supply is just full of estrogen
This. I went to a dermatologist convinced I was balding last year. She looked at me like I was crazy and told me I have a great head of hair.
Balding = bad test
Not balding = good test or low test
>bald = low test
Exactly. That's why all women are bald.
>right side of hairline is absolutely fucked
>left side is doing just fine
explain this
reminder that this greedy jew has invested hundreds of millions in private pharma labs that untimately found the cure and he won't release it
I thought it was due to excess testosterone
No it is egg yolk, mashed with rice. Put on a paste of this and place a cheesecloth overtop. Then take grapeseed oil and slowly apply it on the neck while Hard Swallowing to exercise the muscles. Then wake from this nightmare and realize there is nothing wrong with how God made you. Wash off and start your life with confidence.
Get a proper barber you fucking sissy faggots.
Are you me?
It's amazing how people who aren't balding jump to testosterone as some kind of indicator. It literally has absolutely nothing to do with testosterone.
>tfw i go in halloween as dracula
It's due to how your follicles process test.
It's part of having a high testosteron level. Deal with it.
how long have you been using minoxidil?
and did you notice any improvement from it?
Hair loss will be a thing of the past in the next few decades.
Transplants are available to anyone with money, mate.
Why do you think every actor's hairline actually crawls forward once they start becoming more successful?
>bad test
How? I thought the only bad test was test you took?
fucking this
Balding manlet with low test detected.
Women both go bald and have testosterone
>having bravo nolan hariline
> t. cargo shorts and goatee
>What do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
Should we send them to the camps?
same man
i was having my balls busted at 14 for having a "receding hairline" and the jokes haven't let up, even though my hairline hasn't moved an inch
i don't deserve this
> advertise bald=sexy
> make some baldies sexy again
>not having a gorilla hairline
>Why do you think every actor's hairline actually crawls forward once they start becoming more successful?
Their hairs become alive and tries to eat their faces?
I've spent more time researching this than you, come back with a single shred of proof it's related to testosterone and I'll be amazed.
Subban, please.
Weber is better than you.
stay jelly jello
>tfw 26 and thinning like
Just feel like ending it all, my hair game was the thing that made me remotely attractive.
It's testosterone AND shitty baldness genes.
How long have you been taking that stuff? I started two months ago and nearly all of my hairline which receded now has little thick new hairs, which I'm pretty happy about. Finasteride (Propecia) pills are pretty cheap here too
Stop eating like shit, living like shit, thinking like shit, all your problems solved.
Finasteride, avodart and minoxidil. That is what I do.
His jaw looks better too. Mewing?
as easy as pic related
I've gotten some positive feedback since using it, but haven't noticed much change myself. Honestly my hair loss is only noticeable from a bird's eye view thankfully, it's the Propecia that keeps me from losing more hair so that's the one I'd recommend. Better to keep what you have.
balding actually correlates with high testosterone so it might not be the estrogens this time
hahaha its good to know i am not the only one. This has to be some troll having a lot of fun
Why don't you just do hairplant?
It will cost less in the long term, it will look better, and it will be far less harmfull than pills that give you gyno.
Lightning angle, aging and weight loss.
christ his hairline is like the edge of a CD
to be fair, if this is balding, then everyone is balding.
You still have to take fin if you get a transplant.
See, you say that, but looking at old pictures it seems like dudes had worse hairlines at younger ages back in the day.
what bout Bruce Willis huh?
FUE transplants are about $20k US. And the progression continues. U have to take dut or fin regardless. Until histogen hsc drops. Also look at Dr Truji and kyocera
>literally mistaking CIA for Bravo Nolan
what a hothead
>Tfw having glorious long hair that will never fade because of good genes.
No matter how hard I thrash it never falls out.
Only about 3 months, I think Propecia is the way to go.
>Why don't you just do hairplant?
You realize that's not something you can just "go get" right? It's crazy expensive, time-consuming, and looks like ass for a while. That's the nuclear option for hair loss.
Alopecia is caused by a combination of dihydrotestosterone imbalance and more hormonal receptors atop one's head.
It's genetic but it has nothing to do with anything you're doing and it is purely cosmetic. A trait like this had no significance in our evolution.
It has nothing to do with estrogen, it is not exclusive to low testosterone.
Dr Tsuji
salt doesn't cause high blood pressure in all
testostrone doesn't kill off hair in all
both mechanisms are common, though.
As an example, you're taking test if you eat genetically modified meat filled with chemicals ie testosterone
Go look at photos of men from the 1800's
It was no different to now
It's normal for most people to bald with age
I got a hair transplant after waiting too long to take finasteride and I never want to go through that unpleasant procedure again
>yeah lemme just spend 40K on surgery
Kek what kind of insecure faggot does that?
Fuck off, hipster.
They are trying to fast track this with japan's new stem cell laws
Transplanted hairs are susceptible to hairfall too user. I don't need it anyway because I took finasteride in time (my follicles weren't destroyed); also 15 finasteride pills, half a months supply, costs little more than a 1.5 litre bottle of pepsi. And I've always had gyno anyway
I didn't know that.. Thanks, bacon strip. You're ok.
>that's basically my natural hairline
It's from fapping
More like $10k, which isn't really that much for such a boost in your appearance..
>Bring back great fucking giant hats
This isn't Chad Thundercock testorone
people who spent their time in the basement without going outside getting in contact with the sun => balding