continued from last thread
Orthodox hymns
Christian General
This so much
>tfw the greatest evil on this earth is our own selfishness and stupidity
You would be surprised Mormonism is a deeply spiritual religion and one that places a very large role prayer and family spirituality
Forogot to add
I don't get it.
Because women raise children?
They have great (albeit excessive when it comes to caffeine) morals, but their theology is not spiritual at all.
>great morals
>multiple wives
pick one
Christianity is so beautiful. I come from a French Catholic family I was baptised but never confirmed. I'm over my edgy atheist phase and deeply respect the church again. Should I attend mass tomorrow?
I mean the monogamous ones. The polygamous ones are monsters.
Yeah. Try an Orthodox parish too, if there's one in your area.
Women are extremely influential in not only the raising of children but also in how men treat other women.
They have great (albeit excessive when it comes to caffeine) morals, but their theology is not spiritual at all.
How so? individual + family prayer - which is something Mormons do very well- is a very serious part of the faith and there is a very strong emphasis on experience and testimony.
Even if they might not have the most spiritual sub groups over all spirituality amoungst the laity is very high
Christian spirituality is about abject contrition.
Do you even prostrate, bro?
I was raised Catholic, but am atheist now, how could you possibly believe a christian god exists -- not saying another religion's god exist's -- just saying how could you ever specify a god that you believe in as being real? it blows my mind
For the Orthodox, it's about direct experience of God. Christ's Death allows us to directly participate in God.
Are you being dead serious? Can you please expand on that thought for me? No worries if you're not in the mood, I get it, just if you are I would love to hear... Thanks and I hope you're having a great night man
Yeah, I'm being serious. We believe you can literally "see" God firsthand, that's what Saint Gregory Palamas defended.
Orthodox is 'mystic' Christianity and can only be know through experience and not explanation.
>there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path
>Do you even prostrate, bro?
Different horses for different courses I suppose, we show our contrition by following Gods teachings and loving + forgiving others as he has loved and forgiven us.
I'm sorry that is bat shit crazy to me. I wish I could understand the way you do, but it absolutely blows my mind that you could believe that and I could have been raised full blown catholic and not even come close to understanding where you stand with this. It literally sounds mentally insane to me
>there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path
Not for the Orthodox. To know the path is to walk the path, and to walk the path is to know the path. You can't really know the path without walking it.
For 9/10 religious its about experiencing the divine and then gaining faith in teachings based upon that.
Hello my Jewish brothers! I hate my white heritage and I'm looking to join a middle eastern faith, is Christianity the best one?
i get that, i literally don't understand how an orthodox christian could exist -- same with ortho jew or extreme islam btw -- I'm not being biased against Christian -- I just don't get how you think it's so intensely true when I was raised full blown Catholic and see it as so obviously fake and fabricated
What I mean is, someone could explain to you the tenets of the faith until they are blue in the face, but you would never really know what the faith is like until you experience it first hand.
Look up Christian identity that group should be right up your ally
Do you hope and pray for tears of contrition in prayer?
Without the highest contrition in prayer, it is not really possible to love others as God loves you.
Yes, the Orthodox who raised an objection to it (and lost in a council), ended up converting to Catholicism. But it's very integral to our faith.
From Saint Diadochos of Photiki's "Definitions"
>Faith: dispassionate understanding of God.
You can literally, physically, see God in the Holy Mass. All the mystic mumbo jumbo is irrelevant if you don't have Faith though, and it seems obvious that you don't have it.
Oh thats just because you haven't had the same experiences they have had. If you had an experience that you thought was divine and not of the body you would be simmilar to them.
What the Orthodox talk about isn't just in mass. We don't just see God's flesh and blood, it's about seeing his activities as visible.
I respect you all so much for this, I'm sorry I just can't see it myself... to be honest I wish I could, but thank you for entertaining the conversation with me. I wish I was on that plain of enlightenment that you all are on with this... I was raised Catholic and truly for the life of me can't fathom it believing in a Christian God now. I am Buddhist.
We Catholic believe in theosis and everything aswell, I'm just saying that he doesn't have Faith per his own words. Seeing God isn't even such a big deal if he was actually a believer in his Faith.
It's your choice, mate.
>I'm sorry I just can't see it myself
You generally can't unless you walk the path. God's activities are visually represented as halos, showing God literally coming out of someone. If you cultivate the way, you will literally be able to see holy people this way, you will see their halos.
>Do you hope and pray for tears of contrition in prayer?
Nope, we dont flagellate ourselves emotionally- although many are moved to tears when giving sermons- we just thank God for his mercy, reflect on the grave sacrifice and ask for his help to be better people.
>Without the highest contrition in prayer, it is not really possible to love others as God loves you.
Well we try our best and I think that spreading the gospel, helping the poor and being a good child,parent and brother/sister to our fellow man does far more to show God our love for him and others than praying to cry.
Buddhists, Hindus and people of other faiths have that experiance as well, its not just limited to christians
That's retarded.
I'm sorry but I feel like you are joking right now that sounds like it cannot be fathomably serious... I am a very enlightened person and we do not see halos over people. I see little miracles and moments of what I can imagine to be god in people and scenarios over my life, but no, we do not see halos and I do not believe you do either I wish you would be honest here with me.
Yes I absolutely have holy moments, but it is not to a Christian/Islamic/Namable god... It is to my own brain and happiness and maybe nature
Faith it an option and an act of will. Yes, yes, it's a gift that comes from God first. But it's a given that you have it being baptized. Now, for you is just a choise. You can chose to have Faith in Christ, or you can chose to not have it. It's your CHOICE.
Tears are not really appropriate in sermons, since those sorts of years are generally of the passions. Tears are appropriate in prayer, and the truly spiritual feel are mournful for their sins on a deep level; this mournfulness, this sorrow, is what perfects them
"For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death."
-2 Corinthians 7:10
"Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better."
-Ecclesiastes 7:3
I don't see you as spreading the Gospel, since you don't believe in One God.
sorts of *tears
Fuck my English I just woke up, I need a coffee.
I am baptized. I have believed before, but I am sorry I cannot believe that humans are saying they see halos over people's heads and think that they are being honest. I have been more faithful and full of belief in my life as most people could ever be, but that is not part of it. That is fake and I think it should be pointed out that people shouldn't say it's real.
Its a toughy as the line between nature/mental illness and the divine is a fine one. For instance take a look at the medical condition in pic related and see just how many religious figures it could be applied to
>I am a very enlightened person
Not spiritually.
>and I do not believe you do either
No, but I strive to, which is why I am becoming a monastic next year. I intend to devote myself to the ascetic life.
I don't accept advices from muslims.
The Orthodox do not claim who will be sent to Gehenna, this is a very Latinist way of thinking.
armenian here lemme join in
YOu are an absolute worthless piece of shit faggot who deserves the absolute worst in life. Do us all a favor and kill yourself right now, faggot.
It's retarded but hey, visual mystical experiences do exist. It's just not the standar expectation.There are miracles way bigger than that though, like the Transubstantiation in the Holy Mass.
Again, whether you believe or not, it's a choice, not a matter of being "able to".
we're orthodox christians
google it
>The Lords Prayer is actually an old Jewish prayer that has no theological relevance to Christianity.
Yeah dude im a Calvinist. Youre as dumb as you are worthless.
>always lacking in faith
>haven't gone to church regularly in years
>death constantly making me destitute
>always end up reading something about how the origins of judaism were a scam or that the abrahamic religions were just a means of control
>come to a christian discussion thread like here
>faith is restored whenever I do
Once I'm able to start driving, I'm going to start going back to church every sunday. Even if its all a lie, I love Catholicism and I love the church. I just wish my faith wasn't a constant struggle.
Christianity is a continuation of ancient Judaism, buddy.
You're one of the only people in this threat that I feel like is respecting and understanding where I'm coming from. Thank you. I think that there are massive, inexplicable miracles in our world that I believe most people should attribute to religion whether I do or not, but I do not think that you or anyone else here has seen a literal halo in respect to the word or context over someone's head and I think that it's okay for us all to recognize that.
>Christian indenting group
>White people who think Christianity a foreign faith, founded by a Jewish man who professed his newly created faith to everyone and never said anything concerning race. Nevermind the billions of people of all backgrounds and races who follow it. It really is a white faith after all. Also the same faith which demonizes those who kept their native white religions and killed plenty who refused to convert.
Christian's even jerked off to destroying white heritage, see pic.
If having been part of the USSR makes us Slavs, then so be it I suppose. Genetically speaking, it's a different story.
Shut up you moronic bug. Calling for death in a Christian thread, you must be severely retarded. UK shitposter 3EBGoNS5 : filter or REPORT
>forgive us our sins
>as we forgive those who sin against us
pretty sure judaism is about bearing grudges to death
>24 idiotic posts by this ID: 3EBGoNS5
>Tears are not really appropriate in sermons, since those sorts of years are generally of the passions. Tears are appropriate in prayer, and the truly spiritual feel are mournful for their sins on a deep level; this mournfulness, this sorrow, is what perfects them
Those tears in prayer are just as passionate even if its misguided.
>Ecclesiastes 7:3
We don't believe in treating the world as a big joke either nor do we belive that sorrow is the best thing.
>I don't see you as spreading the Gospel, since you don't believe in One God.
Even if you personally dont feel we are certainly helping the poor and being a good child,parents and brothers/sisters to our fellow man. If you think that praying for yourself and for sadness shows more love for others then I cant really agree with you nor you with I.
>being unironically religious
You know how it says that God created Adam and Eve in his own image but when he sent them away from heaven he gave them "garments of skin". Do you think it's literally clothes or maybe try mean our skin, like our current body?
I honestly can't decide between Orthodox and Catholic, I'm going to visit both a latin mass and an orthodox one, any ideas for what to expect?
>Going to a Christian thread to post that useless statement
No, in fact judaism appeared after Christianity. You're mistaking it with the hebrew religion, I think.
Quick question mate, how do you feel about Protestants? Because those of us trying to have a civil conversation here haven't picked up on your point yet. Wew. You're absolutely doing so well pat yourself on the back lad
perhaps it is akin to the "curse of flesh" like in WoW
Probably slaughtered an animal for its hide
Kick off the age of suffering with a bang
God bears grudges in the OT, there's a lot of times where the Hebrews or a Prophet begs God not to punish transgressors and God does it anyway.
>Those tears in prayer are just as passionate even if its misguided.
Blameless passion, though. Blameless passion does not compromise most of the passions people indulge in, blameless passions are akin to the sort Christ had (with the exception of contrition, since he never sinned).
I don't think sorrow of itself shows more love for others, I think rather is cultivates love for others. The more contrite you are before God, the more loving you will be toward others.
Kill all the protestant
Protestants will die
you don't have to identify as either honestly
just google the differences and choose which one you want to be
Isn't Judaism over 3000 years old or something? Or is that some kinda lie
I want to
Kill aurisrix peotestant
Kill all Protestants
Kill every protestant
Garments of skin means clothing made from animal skin.
Proddies are niggers
>in fact judaism appeared after Christianity
How we use the term today, yeah. I'm talking about the religion of the ancient Jews (John 4:22).
None can stop me
I used to think this kind of thing is horseshit, but it's true.
It's very subtle. If you watch and listen closely, you can see everything moving in tandem. You understand the depth and riches of Gods work, right before your eyes.
It's not easy to define or explain. But once it happens to you, you never forget
I want all Protestants to die
Protestants are losers they hate the cjurch fathers
I want all the proddies to die
That's not gonna do anything. He stopped posting for a minute then started again, so obviously he was banned and then he restarted his router or something. We're just gonna have to wait it out.
Can't stop me
Coward loser protestant
Protestants are so stupid
You can never stop me
I am God